Monday, March 31, 2008

Horny Vegetarian Update

Beach dinosaur a horny vegetarian with frills - 26 Mar 2008 - NZ Herald: Science News from New Zealand and around the World: "Scientists have discovered a new species of plant-eating dinosaur in Mexico whose large neck frill and three giant horns helped it attract mates and fight predators on a jungly beach 72 million years ago.

Mexico's Coahuila desert - now rocky and cactus-filled - was once covered by ocean where dinosaurs of all kinds thrived along the coast and hid from a giant relative of the fierce predator tyrannosaurus rex.

Palaeontologists say they have found evidence of a new species here related to the triceratops, known to have the largest head of any animal ever to have walked the earth."


Doc Quatermass said...

This story was on the same page as the dinosaur story:

When I was a kid they were called "nigger toes" until this bratty little kid named Gwen Partridge moved into the neighborhood and made us clean up our act. :-)

mybillcrider said...

My mother loved Brazil nuts. I prefer almonds, though.

Doc Quatermass said...

I'm a walnut man myself, but buy almonds (wifey's favorite) and try to eat a handful every few days since both nuts have great health benefits. I went out and ate three small Brazil nuts from a mix I bought at Sam's Club before Christmas and has been languishing in a bowl on the kitchen counter. Seemed a bit stale but the squirrels won't be as fussy. I'll buy fresh.