Saturday, March 26, 2011
Does Anyone Know Where Ernie Was?
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Diana Wynne Jones, R. I. P.
It's Showtime
Friday, March 25, 2011
Texas and Taylor, Together Again
HDNet Movies remembers the legendary Elizabeth Taylor with a special showing of the 1956 critically acclaimed classic film “Giant” starring Taylor alongside Rock Hudson and James Dean.
HDNet Movies will present this matinee airing of “Giant” in full high definition and without commercial interruption this afternoon Saturday, March 26 at 1:00 p.m. ET/10:00 am PT.
“Giant” is the sweeping drama covering the life of Texas rancher Bick Benedict, his family, and the story of their rivalry with cowboy turned oil tycoon Jett Rink as it unfolds across two generations. “Giant” won the Academy Award for Best Picture and was nominated for an additional three nine awards in 1957. The beloved film also won the Directors Guild Award and was nominated for multiple Golden Globes and a Writers Guild Award.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Lakita Evans, 23, opened the restaurant earlier this week, and customers are reportedly flocking to it to order pimped-out dishes like 'Sloppy Ho Brisket' and the 'Supa Dupa Fly Ho With Chz.'"
Delaware Cracks Down
Last fall, DelDOT sent letters to at least eight residents in the Radnor Green and Ashbourne Hills subdivisions saying their street-side basketball hoops violated the state’s Clear Zone law, which prohibits hoops, trees, shrubs and other objects from being within seven feet of the pavement's edge in subdivisions."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The study finds that hot dogs are nearly free of chemical compounds called HCA's, which have been linked to increased risk of cancers."
Archaeology Update
Such large teeth are more often the mark of a meat-eating animal, used to capture and kill prey.
The enormous canines were likely used by the plant-eating animals to fight each other or protect against predators, said research leader Juan Carlos Cisneros of the University of Piaui in northeastern Brazil."
Devil Red -- Joe R. Lansdale

Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Drs. Bud Frazier and Billy Cohn took out the dead heart of 55-year-old Craig A. Lewis on March 10 at the Texas Heart Institute.
After harmful proteins built up in his heart to the point it could no longer work, Lewis lived only with the aid of external breathing, dialysis and heart support machines.
The Houston man had maybe a day to live when Frazier and Cohn were given the opportunity to test their device — a pair of turbines cobbled together to mimic the function of the heart's left and right ventricles — that had been implanted only in 37 calves.
So far Lewis is recovering well, doctors say."
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
Leonard I. Weinglass, R. I. P.
Lanford Wilson, R. I. P.
Texas Has Always Led the Way
The unprecedented haul of artifacts from as far back as 15,500 years ago brings archaeologists much closer to answering the mysteries of who the first Americans were, where they came from and how they got here."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
A bill by Rep. Todd Hunter of Corpus Christi would amend the Texas Open Meetings Act. The proposal says an official would be committing an offense if he or she transmits an electronic message during a public meeting."
Forgotten Books: The Executioner: War Against the Mafia -- Don Pendleton

Thursday, March 24, 2011
In Texas This Would Take Six Years
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
Once the sole preserve of tacky tourist T-shirts, the heart symbol – as in I ‘heart’ New York – has become the first graphical entry in the Oxford English Dictionary in its 127-year history."
This Is Why Sheriff Rhodes Doesn't Have a Secretary
Bigfoot Update

Thomas Byers of Shelby contacted WCNC NewsChannel 36 in Charlotte, claiming he videotaped a 7-foot-tall, 300-pound, six-toed Bigfoot, from a distance of 15 to 20 feet away, walking across a local road in Rutherford County on Tuesday evening."
Philly Leads the Way
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Employees dialed 9-1-1 for help, as one bikini-clad woman, later identified as Kimesia Smith of Montgomery, Ala., jumped up on the counter and threw a charity coin jug at employees, and 3 of Smith's friends also began throwing napkins, utensils, and trays throughout the location."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Cheeky Update
Her cheekiest of poses on a sunny tennis court way back in the 1970s remains one of the world's best-selling posters.
Now, after more than 30 years and countless refusals to pose again, Fiona Walker has decided to show her face for the first time."
Yeti Update

The region of Kemerovo in western Siberia will announce its final decision after hosting an international conference on yetis later this year, reports the Daily Telegraph."
All Righty, Then
The 2011 North American Manure Expo will reach an expanded audience: operators and producers across all of North America. New this year, is the application of manure through sprinkler systems."
Dorothy Young, R. I. P.
Young's death was announced Wednesday by Drew University, where she was a prominent donor and patron of the arts. Spokesman Dave Muha said she died Sunday at her home in a Tinton Falls, N.J., retirement community.
Young joined Houdini's company as a 17-year-old after attending an open casting call during a family trip to New York. She initially sat in the back because she was too shy to step forward, but Houdini and his manager soon noticed her and asked her to dance the Charleston. They signed her to a contract, and she eventually persuaded her parents to let her join the stage show."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
How many, though, can claim to have elected one to its city council?
San Antonio can."
New Issue of Clues
Life is Good
Matchflick brings the news that Dinocroc/Dinoshark/Supergator/Sharktopus producer Roger Corman has another high concept mutant up for cinematic gene splicing, a hybrid of a piranha and an anaconda. Sharktopus scribe Michael MacLean is penning the script to be directed by Jim Wynorski of Chopping Mall, Return of Swamp Thing, and Dinocroc vs. Supergator fame."
A Site of Possible Interest to Some Readers of this Blog
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dino Update
Long-neck, long-tail plant-eaters like Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Brontomerus -- the largest land creatures ever to walk on earth -- are dinosaurs known as sauropods. They lived some 170 million years ago.
Paleontologists see the recently discovered Leonerasaurus Taquetransis as the connection between the smaller prosauropods -- also known as near-sauropods -- like Sellosaurus and Plateosaurus from the Triassic period (248-205 million years ago) to their much larger descendants, the sauropods."
Will the Persecution Never End?
The loved up couple enjoyed and afternoon tennis game yesterday at courts near their Beverly Hills home.
The 30-year-old heiress showed off her ball skills in an all white outfit which included a short white tennis skirt and a white T-shirt."
April R. Derleth, R. I. P.
Horror Writers Honor Datlow and Feldstein
Here's the Plot for Your Next Newspaper Reporter Thriller
Nunawading Cracks Down
Whitehorse Council has drawn the line over pre-schooler’s scribbles outside White’s Cafe in the Mt Pleasant Rd shopping strip.
Sally White, who runs the family-friendly cafe with husband PJ, said she was told by a council officer that the children’s drawings were graffiti and had to stop, after a complaint from a resident."
Yet This Blog Is Still Brought to you Free of Charge
David Nevin, R. I. P.
Pants on the Ground
Bryant and three of his friends were ejected from the NorthPark shopping center Saturday after a dispute between Bryant and two off-duty officers over the men sagging their pants below their hips, exposing their underwear."
Elizabeth Taylor, R. I. P.

She was 79, and had been hospitalized in recent weeks for congestive heart failure.
'Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us, and her love will live forever in our hearts,' son Michael Wilding said."
You Can't Handle the Truth!
The original movie was based on a Dashiell Hammett novel, which centered on former private detective-turned-professional drunkard Nick Charles, his lovely socialite wife Nora and their schnauzer Asta."
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
No Comment Department
Ralph Mooney, R. I. P.
An Academy of Country Music award winner, Mooney's iconic steel can be heard on tracks by some of the most influential artists of the last several decades, including Buck Owens, Merle Haggard, Wanda Jackson and Waylon Jennings, with whom he performed for more than 20 years."
No Comment Department
Ms. Hocking, a 26-year-old Minnesota native who writes young-adult paranormal and dystopian novels, began self-publishing her books last year. Since then, she has sold more than 900,000 copies of nine books, mostly in electronic form, she wrote on her blog."
Style Changes at the NYTimes
I'm Glad They Cleared all that Up
What about Bookshelves?
Forgotten Films: Daredevils of the Red Circle

The real Granville is being held captive in a prison cell in the basement of his own home, and the cell is an exact replica of the one 39013 was in when he was imprisoned. Don't ask me how 39013 was able to build this cell in Granvilles basement or how he was able to honeycomb the house with secret passages without anybody knowing. He just did it, the same way he arranged to have the garage fitted out with pipes that pump poison gas.
No one suspects the impersonation because 39013 never lets anyone near him. Granville has supposedly had a stroke, so 39013, taking advantage of Granville's supposedly weakened condition, can meet people only if they are separated from him by a glass wall. He speaks to them over a microphone. 39013 of course looks and sounds just like Granville, and he never slips up because, as he tells Granville, as long as he wears the mask he speaks in Granville's voice. When he removes the mask, he looks and sounds just like Charles Middleton.
I should also mention that down in the basement with the cell there's a Rube Goldberg device on which glass balls filled with poison gas are balanced. If 39013 doesn't return to the room regularly and refill the counter-balancing bottle with water, the balls will fall to the floor and break, killing Granville with the deadly gas.
So much for the set-up. One of the first properties that 39013 destroys is the Granville Amusement Center (Granville owns a little of everything, including a radium mine, which apparently is pretty much like a gold mine). The fire that consumes the amusement center takes the life of the younger brother of Gene Townley (Charles Quigley), one of the Daredevils. Townley and the other two daredevils, Tiny Dawson (Bruce Bennett, aka Herman Brix) and Bert Knowles (David Sharpe), sign on with Granville (in reality, 39013) to put a stop to 39013's depredations. The escaped con hires them so as not to arouse suspicion. Then, of course, he immediately sets out to get rid of them, and we're off to the races.
But let's stop for a moment to talk about Bruce Bennett. He was an Olympic shot-putter, and as Herman Brix, he starred in one of my favorite serials, Hawk of the Wilderness. After he got tired of the athletic roles, he took acting lessons, became Bennett, and had a long career in movies, including a role in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. According to the IMDb, he's still alive. If that's true, he'd be 99 years old.
David Sharpe was a U.S. tumbling champion who started out in movies in 1923. He did mostly stunt work, but he was one of the Rangebusters in that Monogram series. He was the stunt double for just about everybody in Hollywood at one time or another. His last credit was as a stunt driver in 1978. Fifty-five years isn't a bad career in any field.
Charles Middleton will always be Ming the Merciless to many of us. It's sad to look at his career as outlined on the IMDb and see all the "uncredited" parts he took, or, even sadder, the movies that say "scenes deleted." But he managed to hang around for a long time.
Carole Landis is one of the sad stories of Hollywood. She was beautiful, and she could act, but she never really got much of a chance. She was only about 19 or 20 when she made this serial, and ten years later she was dead of an overdose of sleeping pills. She could have livened up the serial considerably, but she's barely used at all.
Miles Mander, as all you fans of Philip Marlowe will recall, played Mr. Grayle inMurder, My Sweet.
Charles Quigley didn't do much of note either before or after this serial. Unless you want to count a minor role in Mexican Spitfire Out West.
The butler, Snowflake, is played by Fred "Snowflake" Toones, who played the same Stepin Fetchit type of character in tons of movies for 20 years. He was often uncredited and often billed as Snowflake. You can imagine the kind of humor he was involved in.
And now back to our story. Oh, what the heck. You know the story. 39013 plots to destroy stuff, and the Daredevils foil the plots. There's a fistfight in every episode, of course, with lots of climbing around gas plants, electric plants, and oil rigs. David Sharpe does some tumbling stuff in most of the fights. The cliffhangers are OK, with the one in the first chapter being the most memorable. It has Quigley racing through a tunnel only yards in front of a wall of water that seems certain to overtake him.
The weakness are those of most serials. Like, why did 39013 put that gas pipe in the garage in the first place? And, when the Daredevils investigate, why does someone say, "That valve comes from the gas plant down the road. Let's go there an check it out," instead of, "Why don't we trace that pipe and see where it goes?" (Because if they'd done that, of course, they'd have found the tunnels, which would have led them to 39013 and ended the serial.)
And of course anybody over the age of five will figure out the identity of the mysterious figure who's helping out the Daredevils, though I defy anyone of any age to figure out how the MF is getting the information that's passed along.
Then there's Chapter 11, a total cheat, since it's nothing but padding to make the whole thing 12 chapters long. All Chapter 11 does is repeat scenes from earlier episodes. But that's why remotes have the "fast forward" feature.
The good stuff? Well, the score is a dandy, the stunts are good, the fistfights are well-choreographed, and all three leads seem to be having a good time. I wouldn't put this one in the same class with some of my favorites, like Captain Marvel and all the Rocketman serials, but it's still worth watching. I'd give it three stars.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Pinetop Perkins, R. I. P.
Perkins and collaborator Willie “Big Eyes” Smith won the Best Traditional Blues Album for “Joined at the Hip: Pinetop Perkins & Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith."
New SF eZine
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Was There Ever any Doubt?
And Keep Off His Lawn!
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Happy Birthday, Bob Elliott!
No Comment Department
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Here's the Plot for . . . Too Late -- She's Already Written It
'They would do it on the midnight shift when there were not many people around,' according to Yolanda Dickinson, who worked at Rikers from 1997 to 2004 and recently penned a novel called 'Taboo,' based on the jail's out-of-control sex scene.
'They have electronic cell doors, and it's not a problem for someone to crack open the door,' she added.
With 3,890 female officers guarding some 12,000 men, outlaw love blossoms. 'It's a soap opera,' Dickinson says.
'There are a lot of lonely single women on the job, and you're surrounded by these cute guys. They're working out. They're attractive,' she says."
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Criminal Genius of the Day
Those Wacky Kazakhstanis
Rainbow Sheen Would be a Good Name for Charlie's Kid
Gator Update (Survivor Edition)
eBook Update