The suspect is active military and the explosives were found in his carry-on bag by Transportation Security Administration officers while going through the X-ray machine, Midland police said. The incident happened at 9:26 a.m. Saturday.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The suspect is active military and the explosives were found in his carry-on bag by Transportation Security Administration officers while going through the X-ray machine, Midland police said. The incident happened at 9:26 a.m. Saturday.
I For One Welcome Our New Simian Overlords
The team, led by Daniel Haun of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics found that they were also able to identify when the odds were stacked against them and when it was wiser to go with the safe bet.
What's Up, Doc?
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

Black Dog Books - Wings of War: The Lone Eagle clove a path of victories across the killing fields during the Great War. But on the ground he was America's first great secret spy fighting against the German High Command!
Now collected into book form are the first two novel-length adventures of the great ace.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Pablo D'Stair's Contest Is Up and Running
The $225 Crime/Noir Flash Fiction Contest is now up and running.
Both collections are available absolutely free for download or viewing via Smashwords. Instructions on how to vote and what to vote on are included at the start and end of each collection.
Collection “A” can be found here:
Collection “B” can be found here:
Again, the main site, where a listing of the authors of the Challenger Collection etc. can be found is here:
Please do give both collections a read and vote your heart—only one who stands to lose in this contest is me, and it’s just a bit of cash—written responses, reviews, thoughts, etc. of whatever color (positive, negative, ambivalent are extremely welcomed and will be shared among the authors.
Kaye Stevens, R. I. P.
Words that annoy us all, you know
A northern Michigan school on Friday released its 37th annual list of words and phrases that it believes should be "banished" from the English language, and it suggests that some classic -- and perhaps hackneyed -- should get the ax.
Book Update
Robert Silverberg on The Worm Ouroborus
No Prize for Guessing Who's #1
The members of our 2011 list of wealthiest fictional characters have an average net worth of $9.7 billion, up 20% from last year. In aggregate, the Fictional 15 are worth $131.6 billion --more than the gross domestic product of New Zealand. To qualify for the Fictional 15, characters must be known, both within their fictional universe and by their audience, for being rich.
Forgotten Books: First Flight -- Edited by Damon Knight

Thursday, December 29, 2011
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

Does Floyd stop the bad guys? Does he get the girl? Does he make Humphrey Bogart proud? Grab some popcorn and read on.
YA Novel Free to Amazon Prime Members
Get Your Application In Early
Deception Between the Covers: Literary Infidelity
Some of the most famous stories ever written are centered on the theme of unhappy people struggling to find love at whatever cost. An excellent example of this popular storyline is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy which is considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written. The story focuses on Anna, the married aristocrat and socialite, and her affair with Count Vronsky. Anna eventually moves away with Vronsky but becomes increasingly paranoid about his imagined infidelity and eventually she takes her life. Madame Bovary, The Great Gatsby, Lady Chatterley's Lover all involve characters who participate in illicit affairs and extra-marital activities.
And the Winners Are . . .
And Keep Off His Lawn!
Forgotten Music -- Robert Mitchum, Singer
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I'm Sure You'll All Agree with the Choices
Sam Rivers, R. I. P.
AbeBooks’ Most Expensive Sales in 2011
Don't Go Near the Water
Croc Update (Extra Legs Edition)
Something to Look Forward To
In "Arachnoquake," a string of earthquakes unleash giant -- and ancient -- albino spiders. The spiders then go on a murderous rampage through New Orleans.
Free e-Book!

The NOIR WESTERN collection that has garnered twenty-three Amazon 5-stars is now FREE for a limited time.
Cheetah, R. I. P.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sean Bonniwell, R. I. P.
Pedro Armendariz Jr., R. I. P.
Armendariz was best known for playing sly, sometimes cynical characters he endowed with wit and charisma. Armendariz played Gov. Riley in the 2005 movie "The Legend of Zoro," and had roles in 1989's "Old Gringo" and "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" in 2003.
Thanks, but I'll Pass on the Sweats
2011: The year in extreme weather
Rare events include EF5 tornadoes hitting Missouri and Alabama and Hurricane Irene threatening New York City
Dr. Shakespeare?
Overlooked Movies -- I Married a Monster from Outer Space

Monday, December 26, 2011
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
A Visit from Seepy Benton
No Comment Department
Not That There's Anything Wrong with That
Dennis Hof's newest Southern Nevada business venture, The Area 51 Alien Cathouse, will see him reopen a rundown brothel with a new science fiction theme promising potential customers 'girls from another planet'.
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Free eBook. Five Days Only.
Blasted Heath Publishing Is Having a Sale