The most exciting thing about this list is the "almost complete" Harry Whittington bibliography. I can't wait.
Here are the upcoming titles for the next few months from Stark House Press for your consideration:
Whisper His Sin / The Evil Friendship by Vin Packer
1933586052 -- $19.95 -- trade pb -- April
Two gay/lesbian suspense novels based on true crimes of the 50's--the Fredan Wepman Champagne Murders in New York, and the Parker-Hulme matricide in New Zealand.
The Deadly Dames / A Dum-Dum for the President by Douglas Sanderson
1933586060 -- $19.95 -- trade pb -- May
Two hardboiled detective thrillers set in Montreal. Dum-Dum has never before been published in the U.S. and features Sanderson's only series character, Mike Garfin.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers: A Tribute ed by Kevin McCarthy & Ed Gorman
1933586079 -- $19.95 -- trade pb -- June
A reprint of the original book published in 1999 by Boulevard, with a new interview with Kevin McCarthy, essays by Dean Koontz and Stephen King, and interviews with Dana Wynter, Philip Kaufman, Robert H. Solo, W. D. Richter, Abel Ferrara and more.
A Night for Screaming / Any Woman He Wanted by Harry Whittington
1933586087 -- $19.95 -- trade pb -- July
Two exciting noirs from this very prolific author, including a new introduction by Whittington expert, David L. Wilson, and a (nearly) definitive and exhaustive bibliography.
Coming up later this year:
An Air That Kills / A Stranger in My Grave by Margaret Millar
Wild to Possess / A Taste for Sin by Gil Brewer
My Lovely Executioner / Agreement to Kill by Peter Rabe
Look Behind You Lady / Venetian Blonde by A. S. Fleischman