Saturday, January 15, 2011
Susannah York, R. I. P.
The stage, film and television actress was also a Cannes best actress winner for Images, as well as an Emmy and Golden Globe nominee. Her best known film roles included A Man for All Seasons, The Maids, Tom Jones, and X, Y and Zee, opposite Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Caine. She played Superman's mother Lara in 1978's Superman and Superman II as well."
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
NBC's morning program ran an eight-minute segment with the Jersey Shore star Tuesday morning but opted not to air its traditional morning-after interview with the winners of the Newbery and Caldecott Medals, which on Monday went to Clare Vanderpool and Erin Stead, respectively."
Keep off His Lawn!
But a federal judge decided Friday that Franzese is not so old that he can avoid prison.
Franzese, 93, was sentenced to eight years in prison for extorting Manhattan strip clubs and a pizzeria on New York's Long Island."
Elvis '56
Vote Early and Often
Willard Scott Update
Famous NBC weatherman and commercial spokesman Willard Scott will join this year's Feb. 2 festivities at the central Illinois park. The park's groundhog, Gertie, will be there, too."
Gator Update (Underwater Edition)
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
Ready? The show delivered 8.6 million viewers and a 4.4 in the adults 18-49 demo last night.
Now those numbers are off the map. (And bigger than Grey’s Anatomy last night too)."
Friday, January 14, 2011
Joe Lansdale Update
Marilyn Monroe Update
Nearly 50 years after the death of the sexy cinema icon, her name and likeness will soon grace a wide range of fresh merchandise, including apparel, handbags, fragrances and home goods."
A Foxy Critter
I Should Have Found This When I Was There
So I Shot Him is one of 15 undated short stories by Hammett found in the archives at the University of Texas at Austin. The 19-page crime thriller uses the spare style Hammett is known for."
John Dye, R. I. P.
The cause of death hasn't been determined, according to medical examiner investigator Charles Cecil, but relatives said Dye suffered apparent heart failure."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
That ended two weeks ago when the city shut down their 'Feed a Friend' effort for lack of a permit. And city officials say the couple most likely will not be able to obtain one."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
That's the advice of Texas retiree Barry Ogletree, who has been raising money for charity by raising massive kites in the air.
With the help of his wife and sometimes his sons, Ogletree travels the country, covering his own expenses to fly gigantic kites at charity events, allowing do-gooders to raise cash through food and kite sales."
Police say a person with a concealed handgun license dropped their weapon in the Raffa's Waterfront Grill restaurant Thursday night in northeast Harris County. The weapon went off and shot a woman in her 70s sitting nearby in her buttocks."
Seems Fair to Me
Da Vinci Update
Laura Bell of Roscommon collected lint from her dryer and fashioned it into a 14-foot-long, 4-foot tall reproduction of the Italian Renaissance painter's masterpiece.
Bell says she needed about 800 hours to do enough laundry to get the lint, and 200 hours to recreate the mural."
No Comment Department
Blackbeard's Sword?
Will the Persecution Never End?
The South Leads the Way
* Loot was taken in 90 percent of the incidents, totaling more than $9.3 million.
* Of the loot taken, 20 percent, or nearly $1.4 million, was recovered and returned to financial institutions.
* Bank crimes most frequently occurred on Friday. Regardless of the day, the time frame when bank crimes occurred most frequently was between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
* Acts of violence were committed in 4 percent of the incidents, resulting in 21 injuries, four deaths, and nine people being taken hostage."
Forgotten books: The Delta Factor -- Mickey Spillane

Thursday, January 13, 2011
There's Good News Tonight!
The cable channel said Thursday that 'The World According to Paris' will debut this spring.
An Oxygen executive described the series as 'for real,' detailing the 'highs' of the socialite turning 30 and her relationships.
Programming executive Amy Introcaso-Davis says it will also focus on the 'lows' of her forced community service."
No Comment Department
I Welcome this News
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Here's the Plot for Your Next Art Forgery Novel
Research into his previous donations at other museums has uncovered a history of what appear to be fraudulent gifts going back 20 years."
Croc Update (Once Again Texas Leads the Way Edition)
We Pause a Moment for a Brief Commercial Interruption
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The social and economic group Texas Appleseed collected five years worth of data from 22 districts across the state and found young students, including a six year old in Dallas, who received class C misdemeanor tickets for things like disrupting class, leaving school early and school yard brawls that didn’t include weapons."
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I Just Use the Regular Kind, Myself.
Joe Gores, R. I. P.
"The Affair of the Wooden Boy" -- Ian Doyle

Margaret Whiting, R. I. P.
Crock Update (They're Baaaaaack Edition)
He Can't Say He Wasn't Warned
Keeping Our Country Safe
Gator Update (Texas Led the Way Edition)
David Nelson, R. I. P.
Nelson died at his home in the Century City area of Los Angeles after battling complications of colon cancer, said family spokesman and longtime Hollywood publicist Dale Olson.
Nelson was the last remaining member of the Nelsons TV family, which included actor/bandleader Ozzie, his singer wife, Harriet Hilliard and his teen idol brother Rick. The show originated on radio in 1952 as 'Here Come the Nelsons,' then ran for 320 episodes on TV from 1952 to 1966 as 'The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet' with some of the story lines taken from the stars' own lives. David Nelson also directed and produced numerous episodes of the show throughout its run."
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
New Jersey Leads the Way
That's according to a report from the Mackinac Center, a free market think tank in Midland, citing the annual United Van Lines ranking of state outbound migration.
This year's not-really-an-honor goes to the Garden State: New Jersey."
I Love the Inclusion of This One
No Comment Department
No Comment Department
Archaeology Update
The excavation paints a picture of a complex society where mourners tasted a special vintage made at a caveside cemetery, the researchers reported on Tuesday in the Journal of Archaeological Science."
Phoning It In
Pre-Order Yours Now

Children will have hours of fun playing wedding scenes and celebrations with this adorable Happyland Royal Wedding Set. Prince William and Kate sit in a gold trimmed horse-drawn carriage while The Queen, Prince Phillip and their favourite Corgi are protected by a Royal Cavalry soldier in full uniform and a foot soldier wearing a smart red jacket and bearskin helmet.
Prince Groom
Princess Bride
Mounted Royal guard
Royal driver
Horse drawn carriage
Monday, January 10, 2011
Peter Yates, R. I. P.
A graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art whose first film as a director was the lightweight Cliff Richard and the Shadows vehicle Summer Holiday, Yates made his name with the action-packed 1967 crime thriller Robbery, a dramatisation of the great train robbery. Hollywood beckoned, and Yates's first US effort, Bullitt, featured the first car chase in the modern style, with star Steve McQueen himself taking the wheel for a large part of a bravura extended sequence in which his Ford Mustang slaloms and chicanes through the streets of San Francisco."
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Ruth Cavin, R. I. P.
No Comment Department
Obviously I'm No Longer Young
'We looked at all the things college students love and they love self-esteem more,' says lead author Brad Bushman, a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State University in Columbus.
Researchers found that engaging in sex, drinking alcohol, getting a paycheck, eating a favorite food or seeing a best friend couldn't top the high that students got from a boost to their self-esteem."
Georgia Leads the Way
"Unscreened Dog Carcass" Would Be a Good Name for a Rock Band
The non-lethal weapon, which has been developed by defence company BAE Systems, is effective against moving targets more than a mile away."
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
A new reality show will document the fur-flying, over-the-top rivalry between five New York women whose lives revolve around their yappy pampered pooches.
The 'Doggie Moms' -- the six-part series premieres Feb. 16 -- cart their canines all over the city, entering them in pageants, auditioning them for modeling gigs, and dressing them up in tutus and designer duds for birthday parties and charity events."
The Santa Claw
It's About Time
But engineers in Canada have designed a water-powered jet pack that can hover up to 30 metres in the air and reach speeds of 22mph.
And now fans of 007, or indeed Pixar's Toy Story, can get their hands on the high-tech flying machine for just £110,000."
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Stark House Update from Greg Shepard
Hello Everyone,
We’re just a week or so away from shipping Peter Rabe’s wonderful pair of previously unpublished novels, The Silent Wall and The Return of Marvin Palaver. About The Silent Wall, Keir Graff of Booklist said that “It’s a claustrophobic noir, at times almost unbearably tense, and would certainly have a following if it had already been published.”
Cullen Gallagher’s blog, Pulp Serenade, has been revisiting some already classic Rabe books, and regarding The Return of Marvin Palaver, he says: “Funny and inventive, The Return of Marvin Palaver shows us a new side to Rabe. His hardboiled novels were always a shade witty, but here he fleshes out the humor and runs with it. A really enjoyable, quick read.”
And with the bonus of the rare Rabe short story, “Hard Case Redhead,” this volume offers not only the trademark Rabe style but different shades of this wonderful talent. It won’t disappoint. To paraphrase Frank Sinatra, “If you don’t like these books, you don’t like ice cream.”
A question: What kind of books were written by some of the paperback era’s most popular and prolific writers, that featured elements of crime, an (un)healthy dose of violence, and an even bigger dose of larger-than-life fantasy women? Here’s a hint: sometimes you wrap a Hemingway cover around them when you ride the train or take them to the doctor’s office.
Yes, they’re books that have come to be known as “sleaze” novels. While that may or may not be a good label, there is some truly entertaining fiction hiding under that umbrella that deserves to be read. The genre seems to be undergoing a bit of a resurgence lately, with books by Lawrence Block, Donald E. Westlake and others coming back into print.
We offer you a pair of books by Don Elliott, the not-so-secret pseudonym of the one and only Robert Silverberg, author of such books as Dying Inside, Nightwings, Lord Valentine’s Castle, and many, many more. Silverberg may be known primarily for his science fiction work, but he has written everything from history books to crime fiction to yes, sleaze.
The original books, Gang Girl and Sex Bum, have long been sought after by collectors and those avid few who have been working through the years to uncover and identify who wrote which of these “sleaze classics.” They’re being reprinted here together for the first time.
As entertaining as these books are, the introduction to the book by Silverberg himself is a brilliant evocation of the times and the circumstances that gave rise to this genre. The intro itself will make you want to read these books and perhaps look for more by other favorite writers of the time. If you felt perhaps a bit uncomfortable picking up a sleaze title, Silverberg puts the books into a context that is both fascinating as a historical snapshot and gives the reader a non-apologetic enthusiasm to dip a toe in these once “forbidden” waters:
“…And because we all worked under pen names, we were free to let our inhibitions drop away and push our characters to their limits, without worrying about what anyone else — friends, relatives, book reviewers — might say or think about our work. We had ourselves a ball, and got paid nicely while we were doing it.
And also we never forgot that we were doing the fundamental thing that writers are supposed to do: providing pleasure and entertainment for readers who genuinely loved our work.”
-Robert Silverberg, from his introduction to the Stark House volume of Gang Girl/Sex Bum, “Those Good Old Soft-core Days”
Exciting stuff--undiscovered Rabe and re-discovered Silverberg (er, make that Don Elliott). We hope you give both a try.
And as always, you can receive these books and every new Stark House Press book fresh from the printer with our own Crime Club. See our website ( for details (including info on a limited time discount special for new subscribers), or shoot an e-mail to And to subscribe or unsubscribe to this newsletter, use the same address.
Greg Shepard, publisher
Stark House Press
Ehhhhh, What's Up Doc?
Researchers at St Andrews and Bristol universities studied the relationship between skin colour and attractiveness, and found people with a yellow skin hue were perceived as particularly healthy and attractive, the Grocer magazine reported.
They also established for the first time that yellow pigments, or carotenoids, from certain fruit and vegetables played a key role in producing yellowness in skin."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
But Miramontes' plan backfired badly when it turned out the cousin also had a warrant – on charges that he had fondled an underage relative."
The Decline of Western Civilization Continues Apace
Ghost City of 1001 Churches
Abandoned by its once prosperous and powerful inhabitants, it is situated on the Turkish side of a militarised zone between the border of Turkey and Armenia."
I Like the Specificity of This
The investigation revealed that the victims girlfirend, Jodi Gilbert, struck him in the forehead with a Stanley Hammer Tacker (carpenter stapler) several times during a dispute."