Cardboard figure keeps police at bay - Breaking News From New Jersey - "A cardboard figure of a person inside a Somerset County bank kept police at bay for 90 minutes tonight, authorities said.
The standoff at the PNC Bank on routes 518 and 601 in the Skillman section of Montgomery Township ended at about 10:20 p.m., Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne Forrest said."
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Very Bad Deaths -- Spider Robinson

The story begins with a huge coincidence. A telepath lives on a deserted island near Vancouver. A plane piloted by a serial killer is in trouble and passes over his house. He picks up the killer's thoughts of regret missing out on torturing and killing a family of four. But the plane rights itself, and the killer is saved. So how does the telepath prevent the murders?
He goes to the one person he can stand to be around, his former college roomie, Russell Walker. Walker's a newspaper columnist, sunk in depression because of the death of his wife. He knows nothing about how to do what the telepath (whose nickname is Smelly) wants him to or how to prevent the murders. They don't know the telepath's name or the name of the family. Walker's attempts to do something, with the help of a woman cop, take up the first 2/3 of the book. The last third brings in the killer.
The Walker character seems closely based on Robinson himself. There are flashbacks to his '60s college days that do little to advance the plot, plus plenty of opinionated digressions. Some nice descriptions of the landscape, too. Since it's essentially a four-character story, you get to know them pretty well. You might not like Walker much. He doesn't seem to be quite the nice guy he says he is. I'm saying no more about the plot, but you might not be too thrilled at the resolution, either. There's a sequel, but I haven't decided if I'll read it. I liked a lot of things about the book, but maybe not enough to read another in the series.
I think Robinson's a Robert B. Parker fan. Key clue: Use of the line, "We'd be fools not to."
Untold Truths -- Kevin Costner

If you're a little skeptical about a new CD from a 53-year-old guy who's better known for other things, I can't blame you. So was I. But by golly, I like what I'm hearing from Kevin Costner and Modern West. Costner's not Elvis, but he's got a voice that's suited to the kind of upbeat country songs on Untold Truths. I especially like the first two songs, "Long Hot Night" and "90 Miles an Hour," but they're all pretty good. If you don't like Costner's movies, but you do like country rock, give his CD a try. It might surprise you.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Kung Fu Panda

Why I Don't Shop on Black Friday
Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede: "A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart Friday morning, witnesses said.
The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.
Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him."
The unidentified worker, employed as an overnight stock clerk, tried to hold back the unruly crowds just after the Valley Stream store opened at 5 a.m.
Witnesses said the surging throngs of shoppers knocked the man down. He fell and was stepped on. As he gasped for air, shoppers ran over and around him."
This Year's Bad Sex Award Winner
Book Case at The Times � Blog Archive � The Bad Sex Awards 2008: "The winner of this year’s Bad Sex in Fiction Award is Rachel Johnson, the novelist sister of Tory London Mayor Boris Johnson. Johnson beat former Tony Blair spin doctor Alistair Campbell and veteran writer John Updike to become the 16th winner of the award run by the Literary Review and established by Auberon Waugh to “gently dissuade” authors from including “unconvincing, perfunctory, embarrassing or redundant passages of a sexual nature in otherwise sound literary novels”. The awards were presented by actor Dominic West star of The Wire at the In & Out club in London on Sunday night."
The relevant passage is at the link.
The relevant passage is at the link.
Forgotten Books: HARDMAN #1 ATLANTA DEATHWATCH -- Ralph Dennis

From the back cover: [Hardman's] laws of right and wrong are his own, and he's willing to live and risk dying by them." The case involves "a beautiful blonde, a Black Mafia leader, a white politician, and a murder who strikes at victims regardless of race, creed or sex."
If you haven't read these books, you've missed a treat.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
OMG! Will the Persecution NEVER End?
OMG! Paris Hilton ‘booed at gig’ | Celebrity News | Now Magazine: "Paris Hilton is said to have been reduced to tears at a nightclub appearance earlier this week.
The heiress was due to take to the stage for the 16th birthday party of socialite Crystal Audigier at LA’s Kress nightclub.
But when the crowd realised their surprise guest was Paris, 27, they started to boo."
The heiress was due to take to the stage for the 16th birthday party of socialite Crystal Audigier at LA’s Kress nightclub.
But when the crowd realised their surprise guest was Paris, 27, they started to boo."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Man shoots teen who 'apparently looked at him the wrong way,’ police say | Top Stories | "HURST -- Police searched for a gunman Wednesday who opened fire on a teen after the youth apparently looked at him the wrong way at an apartment complex.
The 16-year-old was hit in the right buttocks, and his injury was not life-threatening, police said Wednesday."
The 16-year-old was hit in the right buttocks, and his injury was not life-threatening, police said Wednesday."
Croc Update (Family Pool Edition)
Croc takes swim in family pool | Weird True Freaky | "A ONE metre-long crocodile has been found in a backyard swimming pool in Darwin.
The Northern Territory News reports Karen Sanderson, 40, had just jumped into the family's 5m saltwater pool in Darwin's rural area of Noonamah on Monday night, when her husband Steve noticed a dark shape resting on the bottom.
'He was obviously a croc - you could see his teeth hanging out the side of his mouth when he had it shut,'' Mr Sanderson said."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
The Northern Territory News reports Karen Sanderson, 40, had just jumped into the family's 5m saltwater pool in Darwin's rural area of Noonamah on Monday night, when her husband Steve noticed a dark shape resting on the bottom.
'He was obviously a croc - you could see his teeth hanging out the side of his mouth when he had it shut,'' Mr Sanderson said."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
The Fall

Gator Update (Drug Bust Edition)
Yes, it's happened again. How many times does this make that a routine drug bust has led to the discover of a captive gator? Something's happening here, but I don't know what it is, Mr. Jones. And this time it's in Texas.
Drug bust leads to discovery of alligator in pit | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle: "A drug bust at a home in South Texas led to the discovery of a 7-foot-long alligator in a pit topped by wire.
Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino says game wardens were being called in to pick up the alligator and determine whether the suspects legally had it on their property.
The home in Alton that was raided Tuesday led to the recovery of about 50 pounds of marijuana and cocaine, some apparent stolen goods, plus discovery of the lengthy reptile."
Drug bust leads to discovery of alligator in pit | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle: "A drug bust at a home in South Texas led to the discovery of a 7-foot-long alligator in a pit topped by wire.
Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino says game wardens were being called in to pick up the alligator and determine whether the suspects legally had it on their property.
The home in Alton that was raided Tuesday led to the recovery of about 50 pounds of marijuana and cocaine, some apparent stolen goods, plus discovery of the lengthy reptile."
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope all of you who are celebrating have a wonderful day. Judy and I will be at our daughter's townhouse in Houston, along with our son and my sister. We'll have far too much to eat, but then that's a tradition, right?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You Know You Want This
Busted Flush Press: "Coming fall 2009, Tower marks the first collaboration between crime writers Ken Bruen (The Guards, Once Were Cops) and Reed Farrel Coleman (The James Deans, The Fourth Victim). With four Shamus Awards and four Edgar Award nominations (and plenty of other trophies!) between them, Bruen and Coleman combine forces with a novel that is steeped in metaphysics, baseball, and brutality... Over the next few months leading up to publication, we'll reveal here bits and pieces about the book, with interviews, excerpts, contests and more. Today, we have a sampling of the cover copy. Enjoy, and please spread the word! [If you need any Ken Bruen or Reed Farrel Coleman bibliography checklist bookmarks, just shoot us an e-mail.]"
Happy Anniversary, Casablanca!

The film did pretty well and got decent reviews. The New Yorker magazine called it 'pretty tolerable.' But it won the Academy Award for Best Picture, and now it's one of the best-loved films of all time, and one of the most quoted."
Paris Hilton Update
Paris 'desperate' to win Benji back - New Zealand's source for entertainment news, gossip & music, movie & book reviews on "Paris Hilton has been desperately trying to win ex-lover Benji Madden back.
The heiress chased her former boyfriend across Los Angeles on Saturday night in an attempt to reconcile with him following their split last week.
Paris had reportedly been bombarding the Good Charlotte rocker with text messages, but he refused to reply."
The heiress chased her former boyfriend across Los Angeles on Saturday night in an attempt to reconcile with him following their split last week.
Paris had reportedly been bombarding the Good Charlotte rocker with text messages, but he refused to reply."
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
CRIME Blog | The Dallas Morning News: "Dallas County Constable Jaime Cortes is already feeling the Christmas spirit.
But this is not your average law enforcement holiday event.
Cortes, the Precinct 5 constable who was just re-elected, is holding a political fund raiser at the Hooters restaurant in downtown Dallas."
But this is not your average law enforcement holiday event.
Cortes, the Precinct 5 constable who was just re-elected, is holding a political fund raiser at the Hooters restaurant in downtown Dallas."
Our Tax Dollars at Work
TSA ads aim to get fliers on board with security measures - "WASHINGTON — The group that created Smokey Bear and McGruff the Crime Dog has a new potential icon: Stephanie the airport screener.
A $1.3 million ad campaign launched this month teams the Ad Council and the Transportation Security Administration trying to change behavior of passengers who no longer automatically accept post-Sept. 11 airport security procedures. The public relations push explains the terrorist threat and the reasons behind annoyances at checkpoints."
A $1.3 million ad campaign launched this month teams the Ad Council and the Transportation Security Administration trying to change behavior of passengers who no longer automatically accept post-Sept. 11 airport security procedures. The public relations push explains the terrorist threat and the reasons behind annoyances at checkpoints."
I Hope This Guy is Wrong
Satellite Radio Is Dead: "I hate to say it, but somebody has to: Satellite radio will come crashing down to Earth within the next two years. The newly merged Sirius XM Radio is already living on borrowed time -- and borrowed money -- and simply will not and cannot survive."
This Raises More Questions than it Answers
My parrot bonked my feather hat | The Sun |News: "HORRIFIED Jackie Lucking woke to find her parrot bonking her feather hat — while she was wearing it!
Her pet Shrek flew into a lust-filled frenzy after swallowing nine SlimNSexy diet pills, which also boost sex drive."
Her pet Shrek flew into a lust-filled frenzy after swallowing nine SlimNSexy diet pills, which also boost sex drive."
Monday, November 24, 2008
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
AandE reality suits Steven Seagal - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety: "Steven Seagal can now add 'reality TV lead' to his resume, as A&E is in production on nonfiction skein 'Steven Seagal: Lawman' in New Orleans.
According to the net, Seagal has been working on and off as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish County Sheriff's Office for nearly two decades. One of his stints found him assisting with recovery efforts during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
'Lawman' also will document his life off the beat, including his musical and philanthropic activities in the Big Easy."
According to the net, Seagal has been working on and off as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish County Sheriff's Office for nearly two decades. One of his stints found him assisting with recovery efforts during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
'Lawman' also will document his life off the beat, including his musical and philanthropic activities in the Big Easy."
This Can't Be Good
Lee Goldberg has a snipped from PW. It seems that HMH has "temporarily stopped acquiring manuscripts." You can read Lee's post here.
Jeff Meyerson is Famous
...we would observe that today is Jeff Meyerson's 60th."
Happy birthday, Jeff!
...we would observe that today is Jeff Meyerson's 60th."
Happy birthday, Jeff!
Croc Update (Swiss Edition)
150 million-year-old skeleton of a marine crocodyliform, metriorhynchus, found. - swissinfo: "Palaeontologists have announced the discovery of a 150 million-year-old skeleton of a marine crocodyliform - a unique find for Switzerland.
Up until now, discoveries of the metriorhynchus have only been made in a handful of countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Argentina and Chile."
Up until now, discoveries of the metriorhynchus have only been made in a handful of countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Argentina and Chile."
The Poll is Closed
The results are here: Sci-fi special: Your all-time favourite science fiction - 12 November 2008 - New Scientist: "Sci-fi special: Your all-time favourite science fiction"
Croc Update. Or Gator Update. Or Caiman Update (Nobody's Business Edition)
Connecticut Law Tribune: To Homeowner, $35 Fine Is A Big Croc: "Former Greenwich resident and pro se appellant Gary Ryder won’t say whether he has a pet crocodile. Or alligator. Or caiman, for that matter.
But a police officer reported seeing some type of seven- or eight-foot-long reptile in Ryder’s bathtub on a late summer afternoon in 2004. Ryder’s response: Whatever was there was not anyone else’s business, especially not the police officer’s."
But a police officer reported seeing some type of seven- or eight-foot-long reptile in Ryder’s bathtub on a late summer afternoon in 2004. Ryder’s response: Whatever was there was not anyone else’s business, especially not the police officer’s."
Penguin's Cool Philip Marlowe Set

Penguin Sets - Penguin UK: "Philip Marlowe is the quintessential hard-boiled private investigator. Gumshoeing the mean streets of Los Angeles in the Thirties, Forties and Fifties, Marlowe is on the trail of mobsters, hoods, femme fatales, killers, liars, drunks, crooked police and anyone else looking for a short cut to the American Dream.
The seven novels and four short stories collected in these eight books reveal a dark, wicked world where the gun trumps honesty every time."
Iron-Age Torc
I remember Peter Tork.
Metal detector man's �350,000 Iron Age neckband - Telegraph: "Maurice Richardson discovered the Iron Age gold and silver choker, known as a torc, in a Nottinghamshire field near his Newark home.
Archaeologists believe the torc, the most expensive single treasure find since 1996, was made by the Iceni tribe, once headed by Boudica, which had its power base in present-day East Anglia.
Four other similar torcs have been discovered, but they were all found some 100 miles away in Norfolk."
Metal detector man's �350,000 Iron Age neckband - Telegraph: "Maurice Richardson discovered the Iron Age gold and silver choker, known as a torc, in a Nottinghamshire field near his Newark home.
Archaeologists believe the torc, the most expensive single treasure find since 1996, was made by the Iceni tribe, once headed by Boudica, which had its power base in present-day East Anglia.
Four other similar torcs have been discovered, but they were all found some 100 miles away in Norfolk."
Chariots of the Bulgarians
Bulgarian archaeologists discover ancient chariot: "Archaeologists have unearthed a well-preserved 1,800-year-old bronze chariot at an ancient Thracian tomb in southeastern Bulgaria, the head of the excavation said Friday.
'The lavishly ornamented four-wheel chariot dates back to the end of the second century A.D.,' Veselin Ignatov told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from the site, near the southeastern village of Karanovo."
'The lavishly ornamented four-wheel chariot dates back to the end of the second century A.D.,' Veselin Ignatov told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from the site, near the southeastern village of Karanovo."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Why Didn't Texas Think of This?
Noise violatiors in Fort Lupton sentenced to listen to Barry Manilow : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News: "FORT LUPTON — Barry Manilow's 'I Write the Songs' may begin with the line, 'I've been alive forever,'' but for noise ordinance violators, listening to Manilow may feel like forever.
Fort Lupton Municipal Judge Paul Sacco says his novel punishment of forcing noise violators to listen to music they don't like for one hour has cut down on the number of repeat offenders in this northwestern Colorado prairie town.
About four times a year, those guilty of noise ordinance violations are required to sit in a room and listen to music from the likes of Manilow, Barney the Dinosaur, and The Platters' crooning 'Only You'"
Fort Lupton Municipal Judge Paul Sacco says his novel punishment of forcing noise violators to listen to music they don't like for one hour has cut down on the number of repeat offenders in this northwestern Colorado prairie town.
About four times a year, those guilty of noise ordinance violations are required to sit in a room and listen to music from the likes of Manilow, Barney the Dinosaur, and The Platters' crooning 'Only You'"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Economy has new-car dealers shifting to used-car focus | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News: "Dust rises daily from Prestige Ford in Garland, grit that doesn't quite fit this spare era.In the worst new-car market in 25 years – and at a time when most car dealers are cutting way back – Prestige owner Randall Reed is spending $6 million to extensively remodel a portion of his dealership and convert his former new-car operation to a used-car superstore."
But What about us Geezers?
BBC NEWS | Technology | Online time 'is good for teens': "Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time."
The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time."
Ths News Doesn't Make my Day
Sunday Express | UK News :: Clint hangs up Magnum: "CLINT EASTWOOD has squinted his last on the big screen. He is set to retire from acting after a career spanning more than 50 years.
Clint, 78, says he has no plans to appear in films again after starring in Gran Torino, a drama about a racist veteran of the Korean War."
Clint, 78, says he has no plans to appear in films again after starring in Gran Torino, a drama about a racist veteran of the Korean War."
The Devoured Planet
That would have been a good title for a novella in Imaginative Tales.
Remains of devoured planet discovered - 22 November 2008 - New Scientist: "A DUST cloud around a dead star may be all that's left of a planet that was eaten like a peach.
Observations of the cloud around the white dwarf G29-38 by a team led by William Reach of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena suggest it is most likely to be the shredded core of a gas-giant planet like Jupiter (The Astrophysical Journal, in press)."
Remains of devoured planet discovered - 22 November 2008 - New Scientist: "A DUST cloud around a dead star may be all that's left of a planet that was eaten like a peach.
Observations of the cloud around the white dwarf G29-38 by a team led by William Reach of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena suggest it is most likely to be the shredded core of a gas-giant planet like Jupiter (The Astrophysical Journal, in press)."
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