Saturday, December 07, 2013
Diagnosis Murder Christmas Giveaway | Lee Goldberg
Diagnosis Murder Christmas Giveaway | Lee Goldberg: WIN a free copy of the big “Diagnosis Murder” DVD Complete Series Boxed Set
Pimpage: An Occasional Feature in Which I call Attention to Books of Interest
When a frantic woman comes to Georgia claiming that her neighbor, Nicholas Drake, has been abducted by the notorious Duke of Blackford, Georgia and the Archivist Society agree to take the case. But Drake is no innocent—he is a thief who has been blackmailing many of the leading members of London society. To find Drake and discover who is behind his abduction, Georgia and her beautiful assistant, Emma, will have to leave the cozy confines of their bookshop and infiltrate the inner circles of the upper crust—with the help of the dashing but dubious Duke of Blackford himself.
But the missing thief and his abductor are not the only ones to elude Georgia Fenchurch. When she spies the man who killed her parents years ago, she vows to bring him to justice once and for all…at any cost.
Here's the Plot for Your Next Noir Thriller
COPS: YOUNG NEWLYWEDS THRILL KILLERS: They wanted to murder someone just for fun, then went to strip club, police say
A Letter of Note From Elizabeth Taylor
Letters of Note: For two months in 1974, as Richard Burton filmed his part in The Klansman, he and his wife, Elizabeth Taylor, moved to California with Cassius, just one of Taylor's many beloved cats. Sadly, the trip confused Cassius somewhat and he soon went missing, never to return. Taylor wrote the following letter some time after his disappearance.
Alligator Infestation WBAGNFARB The Mississippi Supreme Court has agreed to referee a dispute between a Wilkinson County couple and ExxonMobil Corporation over an alleged alligator infestation.
Friday, December 06, 2013
Colin Wilson, R. I. P.
The Orthosphere: The British writer Colin Wilson (1931 – 2013) died last night in Cornwall just before midnight, local time. Wilson, who became a celebrity at twenty-six on the publication of his first book The Outsider in 1956, was a prolific writer on a wide variety of topics from philosophy, with special attention to existentialism, to literature, history, and the occult.
Free for Kindle for a Limited Time
Now, Noah Milano has broken off all ties to his father and tries to make an honest living as a security specialist. He finds out Lisa's stepfather is accused of being one of the vilest, most sadistic serial killers of California. This is Noah's chance to find redemption. He swears to prove his innocence. It seems not everyone agrees with his quest, though. Soon not only Noah but his dearest friends are in mortal danger...
Pimpage: An Occasional Feature in Which I call Attention to Books of Interest
When Jordan manages to locate her boss’s missing books, they are in the possession of Randolph Adams, an elderly man in a nearby town. Offering a valuable Hemingway first edition as an incentive, Jordan thinks she’s about to seal the deal—but some of Randolph’s relatives think he should hold out for more.
Then the entire family disappears—and a dead body shows up. It’s up to Jordan to collect the clues—and make sure a killer gets booked.
Christopher Evan Welch, R. I. P. Christopher Evan Welch, an in-demand character actor who appeared in everything from Shakespeare to “The Sopranos,” including films by Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg and Charlie Kaufman, died on Monday in Santa Monica, Calif. He was 48.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
You May Have Forgotten the Book, but . . .
. . . you probably remember the movie.
The Three Godfathers: Peter B. Kyne’s novel turns 100 years old.
The Three Godfathers: Peter B. Kyne’s novel turns 100 years old.
Forgotten Books: 12 Great Classics of Science Fiction, Groff Conklin, Editor
Let's start by looking at the covers. Done that? Okay, here's what bothers me. Why would anybody write cover copy that says, "12 masterful tales of science fiction that have -- incredibly -- been lost or overlooked since their original publication" for a book that says it contains 12 "classics"? Wouldn't classics sort of imply that they hadn't been overlooked? And another thing. The book was published in 1963. One of the stories is from that very year. Four are from 1960. Two are from 1962. One had been reprinted in 1962. One is from 1961. They sure hadn't been overlooked for very long. And did anybody "overlook" "The Ballad of Lost C'Mell" when it was published in 1962? I had the impression that it was acclaimed when it was published, but I could be wrong about that. At any rate, nowhere in his introduction does Groff Conklin mention that these stories are "undiscovered." But maybe I'm just being cranky.
Here's the table of contents:
Groff Conklin--Introduction
Algis Budrys—Due Process
Fredric Brown—Earthmen Bearing Gifts
Zenna Henderson—Things
George Sumner Albee—The Top
Poul Anderson—My Object All Sublime
Robert Sheckley—Human Man's Burden
J. F. Bone—On the Fourth Planet
Cordwainer Smith—Ballad of Lost C'Mell
Robert F. Young—Thirty Days Had September
Bertram Chandler—The Cage
William W. Stuart—Star-Crossed Lover
J. T. McIntosh—Immortality...For Some
I've been rereading some of these, and the Smith strikes me as violating just about all the rules about showing instead of telling, but that doesn't matter at all. Telling is often a fine thing, as it is here. The Sheckley is hilarious and subversive. Anderson's story is entertaining even if you know where it's going, but it's a minor work, I think. Brown's short-short has one of those snapper endings, but it, too, has lost some of its impact. Chandler's ending still works, but the build-up is a little bit '50s. Besides the Smith story, the one I remember best is Young's. Here's something you didn't know about me: As a youngster, I was afflicted with premature nostalgia. A story like Young's had a powerful effect on me then, even more powerful than it does now that I'm an old guy. I still like it a lot, and now I find it remarkable prescient.
Overall, this is a swell collection. If you want an idea of what SF was like when I was growing up, this book would be a find place to start.
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Nelson Mandela, R. I. P. Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first black president and an enduring icon of the struggle against racial oppression, died on Thursday, the government announced, leaving the nation without its moral center at a time of growing dissatisfaction with the country’s leaders.
Hemingway on Not Writing for Free and How to Run a First-Rate Publication
Hemingway on Not Writing for Free and How to Run a First-Rate Publication: Find the best writers, pay them to write, and avoid typos at all costs.
Vast majority of Hollywood silent films lost forever
Vast majority of Hollywood silent films lost forever, study confirms: Only 14% of a total of around 11,000 movies made between 1912 and 1930 exist in their original format, with a further 11% available to view in foreign language versions, or in a lower quality format. Around 70% are completely lost. The failure of the early studios, in most cases, to maintain silent era archives has been described as an "alarming and irretrievable loss" to America's cultural record by officials.
AbeBooks: Most Expensive Sales in November 2013
AbeBooks: Most Expensive Sales in November 2013: November’s most expensive sales have us singing the blues. One of last month’s hot ticket items is a first edition copy of Lady Sings the Blues by Billie Holiday, signed by the songstress. The 1956 autobiography is infamous for its abundant inaccuracies. According to biographers, Holiday's co-writer William Dufty, a ghostwriter for celebrities, didn’t fact-check the legendary jazz artist’s tales of sexual abuse, drug addiction and fame and much of the book contradicts documented facts about Holiday’s tumultuous life and career.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee. . .
News - Home: South Carolina man stabbed repeatedly in tiff over which utensils to use, police say
Pimpage: An Occasional Feature in Which I call Attention to Books of Interest
Spring has arrived in Long Farnden and with it, a mysterious infestation. Lois Meade’s daughter has found her village store overrun by insects and reptiles. And Lois has no time to stop and smell the roses, if she’s to stay one step ahead of the creepy crawlies.
As Lois looks into the invasion, she becomes embroiled in yet another “ferretin’ case,” as her husband would say. Her investigation leads her to Robert Pettinson, a seemingly unhinged zookeeper, and his nephew. The two of them are knee-deep in illegal trade, and they don’t take kindly to Lois poking her nose into their business.
Lois enlists the help of her faithful cleaner Dot Nimmo and police inspector Hunter Cowgill to discover more about Pettinson and a suspicious death at the zoo. And death is in store for more people, if Lois doesn’t put the killer behind bars soon…
It's Time to Start Your Christmas Shopping

Edward 'Babe' Heffron, R. I. P.
World War II veteran Edward 'Babe' Heffron, immortalized in 'Band of Brothers,' dies aged 90: One of the last of Easy Company stands down: Second World veteran Edward 'Babe' Heffron dies at 90 after being immortalized in Band Of Brothers
Heffron and his Band Of Brothers fought through some of Second World War's fiercest European battles
He took part in the Battle Of The Bulge in Belgium and helped liberate the Kaufering concentration camp in Germany War stories featured in 1992 book Band Of Brothers, and then the HBO miniseries
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Heffron and his Band Of Brothers fought through some of Second World War's fiercest European battles
He took part in the Battle Of The Bulge in Belgium and helped liberate the Kaufering concentration camp in Germany War stories featured in 1992 book Band Of Brothers, and then the HBO miniseries
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
2013 Damon Knight Grand Memorial Grand Master Award: Samuel R. Delany | SFWA
2013 Damon Knight Grand Memorial Grand Master Award: Samuel R. Delany | SFWA: 2013 Damon Knight Grand Memorial Grand Master Award: Samuel R. Delany
SFWA has named Samuel R. Delany, Jr. (1942– ) as the 2013 DAMON KNIGHT GRAND MEMORIAL GRAND MASTER for his contributions to the literature of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Samuel R. Delany is the author of numerous books of science fiction, including Nova, Dhalgren, Stars in My Pockets Like Grains of Sand, and most recently Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders. Two of his classic works of science fiction criticism, The Jewel-Hinged Jaw and Starboard Wine, have just been brought back into print by Wesleyan University Press, who will reissue a third, The American Shore, in the summer of 2014.
After winning four Nebula awards and two Hugo awards over the course of his career, Delany was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2002. Since 2001 he has been a professor of English and Creative Writing at Temple University in Philadelphia, where for three years he was Director of the Graduate Creative Writing Program. In 2010 he won the third J. Lloyd Eaton Lifetime Achievement Award in Science Fiction from the academic Eaton Science Fiction Conference at UCR Libraries. He is also a recipient of the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a lifetime’s contribution to lesbian and gay literature.
Samuel R. Delany is the author of numerous books of science fiction, including Nova, Dhalgren, Stars in My Pockets Like Grains of Sand, and most recently Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders. Two of his classic works of science fiction criticism, The Jewel-Hinged Jaw and Starboard Wine, have just been brought back into print by Wesleyan University Press, who will reissue a third, The American Shore, in the summer of 2014.
After winning four Nebula awards and two Hugo awards over the course of his career, Delany was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2002. Since 2001 he has been a professor of English and Creative Writing at Temple University in Philadelphia, where for three years he was Director of the Graduate Creative Writing Program. In 2010 he won the third J. Lloyd Eaton Lifetime Achievement Award in Science Fiction from the academic Eaton Science Fiction Conference at UCR Libraries. He is also a recipient of the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a lifetime’s contribution to lesbian and gay literature.
Mystery Writers of America Announces 2014 Grand Masters
Mystery Writers of America Announces 2014 Grand Masters
Robert Crais and Carolyn Hart
Plus 2014 Raven Award Winner
Wednesday, December 4, 2013, New York, NY – Robert Crais and Carolyn Hart have been chosen as the 2014 Grand Masters by Mystery Writers of America (MWA). MWA's Grand Master Award represents the pinnacle of achievement in mystery writing and was established to acknowledge important contributions to this genre, as well as for a body of work that is both significant and of consistent high quality. Mr. Crais and Ms. Hart will be presented with their awards at the Edgar Awards Banquet, which will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City on Thursday, May 1, 2014.
When told of being named a Grand Master, Crais said, "I am happy, proud, and more than a little humbled to be chosen for this high honor by Mystery Writers of America. The list of Grand Masters is a list of my literary heroes. I may never accept that my name is now on this list, but I will be forever grateful for the kindness and generosity of MWA for placing me among these esteemed writers."
Robert Crais hails from a blue-collar family in Louisiana. In 1976, after years of amateur film-making and short story writing, he moved to Hollywood and found work as a screenwriter, crafting scripts for such major TV crime shows as Hill Street Blues, Cagney & Lacey, and Miami Vice. In the mid-eighties he left television and began writing novels full-time. Upon the death of his father in 1985, he was inspired to create his main character Elvis Cole using elements of his own life as the basis of the story. It resulted in his breakout novel, The Monkey’s Raincoat, and was nominated for The Best First Novel Edgar Award.
Eleven books followed in the Elvis Cole series including Free Fall, L.A. Requiem, and The Watchman. Joe Pike, Elvis’ partner, and Carol Starkey, an LAPD bomb expert, are recurring characters and also have their own books. Crais is known for his thought provoking plots and his ability to weave present day issues and social commentary into his mysteries. He has been nominated for every major award in the mystery field. Crais lives in Southern California with his wife.
Carolyn Hart is a native of Oklahoma City, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oklahoma, and began her writing career at her local newspaper. In 1964 Hart won a contest looking for a mystery novel that would appeal to adolescent girls which resulted in her first published book. She wrote a number of books for young adults over the course of the next seven years.
In 1972, she turned to writing for an adult audience and has published fifty novels, a remarkable achievement for any author. Hart's series Death on Demand contains twenty-three novels, including:
Southern Ghost, Death Walked In and Dead Days of Summer. The most recent is Dead, White and Blue published in 2013. She writes two other series (the Henrie O mysteries and the Bailey Ruth Raeburn series), and has published a total of eleven books in both. She has written numerous stand-alone suspense novels including Letter From Home, which was awarded the Agatha for the Best Mystery Novel of 2003 and was a New York Times notable book. She has been nominated for many writing awards, and is a past president of Sisters in Crime.
Upon learning she was named a Grand Master, Hart said, "To be named Grand Master by Mystery Writers of America is the greatest honor I could receive as a mystery writer. My thanks to the Board for this wonderful, surprising, thrilling moment."
Previous Grand Masters include Ken Follett, Margaret Maron, Martha Grimes, Sara Paretsky, James Lee Burke, Sue Grafton, Bill Pronzini, Stephen King, Marcia Muller, Dick Francis, Mary Higgins Clark, Lawrence Block, P.D. James, Ellery Queen, Daphne du Maurier, Alfred Hitchcock, Graham Greene, and Agatha Christie.
The 2014 Raven Award will be awarded to a beloved, independent mystery bookstore. Established in 1953, the award recognizes outstanding achievement in the mystery field outside the realm of creative writing. Aunt Agatha's of Ann Arbor, Michigan will receive the 2014 Raven Award. The store is located at 213 South Fourth Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Aunt Agatha's maintains a wide selection of both new and used mysteries, detection and true crime books. The owners, Robin and Jamie Agnew are champions of both established and new authors, making the store a must-stop destination for author tours in the Midwest. They are among the founding members of the Kerrytown Bookfest, an event that celebrates those who create books and those who read them. The Bookfest's goal is to highlight the area’s rich heritage in the book and printing arts while showcasing local and regional individuals, businesses, and organizations.
The Agnews said, "We are absolutely thrilled and astonished to be the recipient of the Raven Award! We feel we have been privileged for twenty-one years to share our passion for mysteries with readers and to put forward the work of writers we love. We are really grateful to the Mystery Writers of America for this wonderful honor."
Previous Raven winners include Oline Cogdill, Molly Weston, The Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego, Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore in Chicago, Once Upon a Crime Bookstore in Minneapolis, Mystery Lovers Bookstore in Oakmont, PA, Kate’s Mystery Books in Cambridge, MA, and The Poe House in Baltimore, MD.
The Edgar Awards, or "Edgars," as they are commonly known, are named after MWA's patron saint Edgar Allan Poe and are presented to authors of distinguished work in various categories. MWA is the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime-writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre. The organization encompasses more than 3,000 members including authors of fiction and non-fiction books, screen and television writers, as well as publishers, editors, and literary agents. For more information on Mystery Writers of America, please visit the website:
Robert Crais and Carolyn Hart
Plus 2014 Raven Award Winner
Wednesday, December 4, 2013, New York, NY – Robert Crais and Carolyn Hart have been chosen as the 2014 Grand Masters by Mystery Writers of America (MWA). MWA's Grand Master Award represents the pinnacle of achievement in mystery writing and was established to acknowledge important contributions to this genre, as well as for a body of work that is both significant and of consistent high quality. Mr. Crais and Ms. Hart will be presented with their awards at the Edgar Awards Banquet, which will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City on Thursday, May 1, 2014.
When told of being named a Grand Master, Crais said, "I am happy, proud, and more than a little humbled to be chosen for this high honor by Mystery Writers of America. The list of Grand Masters is a list of my literary heroes. I may never accept that my name is now on this list, but I will be forever grateful for the kindness and generosity of MWA for placing me among these esteemed writers."
Robert Crais hails from a blue-collar family in Louisiana. In 1976, after years of amateur film-making and short story writing, he moved to Hollywood and found work as a screenwriter, crafting scripts for such major TV crime shows as Hill Street Blues, Cagney & Lacey, and Miami Vice. In the mid-eighties he left television and began writing novels full-time. Upon the death of his father in 1985, he was inspired to create his main character Elvis Cole using elements of his own life as the basis of the story. It resulted in his breakout novel, The Monkey’s Raincoat, and was nominated for The Best First Novel Edgar Award.
Eleven books followed in the Elvis Cole series including Free Fall, L.A. Requiem, and The Watchman. Joe Pike, Elvis’ partner, and Carol Starkey, an LAPD bomb expert, are recurring characters and also have their own books. Crais is known for his thought provoking plots and his ability to weave present day issues and social commentary into his mysteries. He has been nominated for every major award in the mystery field. Crais lives in Southern California with his wife.
Carolyn Hart is a native of Oklahoma City, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oklahoma, and began her writing career at her local newspaper. In 1964 Hart won a contest looking for a mystery novel that would appeal to adolescent girls which resulted in her first published book. She wrote a number of books for young adults over the course of the next seven years.
In 1972, she turned to writing for an adult audience and has published fifty novels, a remarkable achievement for any author. Hart's series Death on Demand contains twenty-three novels, including:
Southern Ghost, Death Walked In and Dead Days of Summer. The most recent is Dead, White and Blue published in 2013. She writes two other series (the Henrie O mysteries and the Bailey Ruth Raeburn series), and has published a total of eleven books in both. She has written numerous stand-alone suspense novels including Letter From Home, which was awarded the Agatha for the Best Mystery Novel of 2003 and was a New York Times notable book. She has been nominated for many writing awards, and is a past president of Sisters in Crime.
Upon learning she was named a Grand Master, Hart said, "To be named Grand Master by Mystery Writers of America is the greatest honor I could receive as a mystery writer. My thanks to the Board for this wonderful, surprising, thrilling moment."
Previous Grand Masters include Ken Follett, Margaret Maron, Martha Grimes, Sara Paretsky, James Lee Burke, Sue Grafton, Bill Pronzini, Stephen King, Marcia Muller, Dick Francis, Mary Higgins Clark, Lawrence Block, P.D. James, Ellery Queen, Daphne du Maurier, Alfred Hitchcock, Graham Greene, and Agatha Christie.
The 2014 Raven Award will be awarded to a beloved, independent mystery bookstore. Established in 1953, the award recognizes outstanding achievement in the mystery field outside the realm of creative writing. Aunt Agatha's of Ann Arbor, Michigan will receive the 2014 Raven Award. The store is located at 213 South Fourth Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Aunt Agatha's maintains a wide selection of both new and used mysteries, detection and true crime books. The owners, Robin and Jamie Agnew are champions of both established and new authors, making the store a must-stop destination for author tours in the Midwest. They are among the founding members of the Kerrytown Bookfest, an event that celebrates those who create books and those who read them. The Bookfest's goal is to highlight the area’s rich heritage in the book and printing arts while showcasing local and regional individuals, businesses, and organizations.
The Agnews said, "We are absolutely thrilled and astonished to be the recipient of the Raven Award! We feel we have been privileged for twenty-one years to share our passion for mysteries with readers and to put forward the work of writers we love. We are really grateful to the Mystery Writers of America for this wonderful honor."
Previous Raven winners include Oline Cogdill, Molly Weston, The Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego, Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore in Chicago, Once Upon a Crime Bookstore in Minneapolis, Mystery Lovers Bookstore in Oakmont, PA, Kate’s Mystery Books in Cambridge, MA, and The Poe House in Baltimore, MD.
The Edgar Awards, or "Edgars," as they are commonly known, are named after MWA's patron saint Edgar Allan Poe and are presented to authors of distinguished work in various categories. MWA is the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime-writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre. The organization encompasses more than 3,000 members including authors of fiction and non-fiction books, screen and television writers, as well as publishers, editors, and literary agents. For more information on Mystery Writers of America, please visit the website:
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee. . .
Crime and Safety: An 80-year-old Fort Worth woman fed up with her husband’s talk and late night outings retrieved a revolver, stuck it to his chest, and pulled the trigger Sunday, police said.
Waterstones counters Amazon drones with owls
Waterstones counters Amazon drones with owls: The launch video explains that Waterstones plans to bring together a fleet of "adorable" owls that will be trained to deliver book packages to customers.
William Stevenson, R. I. P. William Stevenson, a journalist and author who drew on his close ties with intelligence sources to write two best-selling books in the 1970s, “A Man Called Intrepid” and “90 Minutes at Entebbe,” which he dashed off in a room at the Algonquin Hotel in New York, died on Nov. 26 in Toronto. He was 89.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Sherlock Holmes Knew This
Be Less Stupid: Turns out, you don't actually see everything you see. Meaning, your eyes observe and take in much more information than your brain computes... So, there's stuff you see, that you don't actually see... because you're not specifically focused on it.
I Miss the Old Days
Memorabilia #1: In 1967, Topps released 16 cardboard records by Motown artists for just 15 cents each.
Overlooked Movies: The Dark at the Top of the Stairs
The movie's based on a play by William Inge, and it's set in a small Oklahoma town in the 1920s. The subject matter wouldn't be at all surprising today, but in 1960, it was downright shocking: sexual repression, adultery, religious prejudice, adolescent longings, coming of age, marital troubles all mixed up in a big melodramatic stew. It was great. Well, very good, anyway.
The cast is excellent from top to bottom. Robert Preston is a salesman whose job ends because of changing times. He wasn't getting rich to start with, but now there's a real strain on the family because of his situation. His daughter (Shirley Knight) is dating a Jew. His son is having growing pains. His wife (Dorothy McGuire) is distant and troubled. The Other Woman (Angela Lansbury) is a big temptation. And there's also one of my personal favorites, Eve Arden, who, I thought, stole the movie. That might not be true, but it was my youthful impression.
This is the kind of movie that might be looked down on now (and maybe even at the time) as "middlebrow," and maybe it is. But it was quite effective (and affecting) when I saw it as a kid, and I suspect that might be true even now.
(I'm sorry I wasn't able to locate a trailer for the movie, but at least take a look below at the still shots that are shown during the playing of the theme song. You'll get an idea of how attractive the cast is, if nothing else.)
Monday, December 02, 2013
Once Again Texas Leads the Way
Family of bowler pushes casket down the lane during bowling alley funeral: During an episode of TLC’s new show, Best Funeral Ever, the family of bowling-lover Judy Sunday holds her funeral at a bowling alley with a little help from the Golden Gate Funeral Home in Dallas, Texas.
During the funeral, Sunday’s name was written on bowling pins and her family even bowled her casket down the lane.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
During the funeral, Sunday’s name was written on bowling pins and her family even bowled her casket down the lane.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
I Wasn't Invited to Participate
Telegraph: The reigning champion is German Johannes Mallow.On Sunday he set a new world record for the amount of numbers remembered, correctly recalling an incredible 501 digits in the right order.
New Poem at The 5-2
The 5-2 | Crime Poetry Weekly, Annual Ebooks - Gerald So, Editor: Allen Stein
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot -- The Comic Book
I wish I'd had this to use in my classes. There are some other nice things at the site, too. Check it out.
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot
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