Saturday, June 09, 2007
Update from Hard Case Crime
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These Damn Punks Better Stay off My Lawn!
Some senior citizens were across the street in a small rally when they noticed the construction workers laughing at them. Then they looked by the fence and saw a sign they consider very offensive. The words were scrawled in bold white paint on cardboard.
Sandra Taylor, 64, stood across the street and could feel the sign shouting at her.
'The next thing we knew, we looked over and he had made a sign, holding it, said 'Old People Suck,'' Taylor said.
The construction worker was standing inside the site of one of Orlando's newest, most luxurious high rises in development, The Vue at Lake Eola. Taylor said not only did the worker hold up the sign, but she and other senior citizens were ridiculed."
Gator Update (Reggie Edition)
He's in possession of all his toes - five on each front foot and four each on his back feet.
And, yes, he's a boy.
Reggie the alligator - Los Angeles' most famous captive next to Paris Hilton - was forced to endure the indignities of his first medical exam Thursday morning at the Los Angeles Zoo where he remains under quarantine.
And unlike Paris, he's cooperating.
Reggie has proved to be a good sport through it all."
Friday, June 08, 2007
NewsRadio 740 - KTRH: "You are never too old to enjoy a great yarn! That may well be the motto of an new genre of crime stories. Local author Bill Crider is featured in this very funny tome with the great title, Damn Near Dead: Old, Bold, Uncontrolled: An Anthology of Geezer Noir. Crider will be making a personal appearance this coming Monday Evening at 6 at the Houston Library's Robinson-Westchase branch at 3223 Wilcrest. Crider, who has published more than 50 novels, will be reading from his 14th Sheriff Dan Rhodes' mystery, Murder Among the OWLS and promises in our interview to sign any book his fans bring him..... Click on the speaker, we double dare ya...."
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Men of Tomorrow -- Gerard Jones

Two of the men Jones writes about the most are Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster, the creators of Superman. The fact that they realized so little money from their character is one of the real shames of the comics industry, but there's plenty more to spread around.
The Golden Age of Comics was pretty much over when I started reading them around 1947, 60 years ago. But I loved them and read all that I could get my hands on. One of the great birthday gifts I ever received was from my aunt. It was a 35mm film can filled with dimes, and on the outside of the can my aunt had taped a note: "Strictly for Funny Books." That was more than 55 years ago, but the memory is clear as a bell. I kept the film can and note for many years.
Reading this book brought back that memory and a lot of others, and naturally I enjoyed it tremendously. But I do have one complaint. Jones is a good writer in a lot of ways, but there are too many clunkers along the way. For example, this one: "The lead character was a crime fighter in a mask, fedora, and a three-piece suit called the Sprirt." Which of course leads me to ask, "But what were the mask and the fedora called?" Probably just an old English teacher's quibble, and it doesn't change the fact that Men of Tomorrow is a fascinating history. Check it out.
So It's Come to This
Vicki Hendricks is Put to the Test
Allan Guthrie is put to a slightly different test here.
And if you want to find out what J. Kingston Pierce of the estimable Rap Sheet has been reading, click here.
News from the Future
World's Biggest Beatles?
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
I am proud that my city, in Texas, USA, is going to have an enormous sculpture of the Beatles sitting on its main highway. This is way cool.
Sculptor David Adickes will 'christen' his latest work (it's not an unveiling because the statues are too big to veil) Thursday night at his studio. His daughter Mary will smash a bottle of champagne across John Lennon's leg.
The 36-foot-tall sculpture of the Beatles will sit on his SculpturWorx Studio's front lawn on Summer Street near Interstate 10 and Taylor for three months, then move to property he owns on the south side of the freeway near the Shepherd exit.
Drivers will be able to see the Beatles for miles."
For You Hardboiled Fans. . . - NFL - Special Report: The House on Moonlight Road - Tuesday May 29, 2007 12:10PM: "The House on Moonlight Road
Though Michael Vick insists he knew nothing of alleged dogfighting on a Virginia property he owned, the case has cast a shadow over the star quarterback, alarmed the NFL and called attention to pro athletes' involvement in the grisly pastime."
Janes in Jail: Day 3 (Extremely Urgent Update!)
Unimpeachable sources tell TMZ the deal was sealed yesterday, and that Hilton made her exit early early this morning.
She was originally sentenced to 45 days in jail, but that was reduced to 23. She served a total of three days -- the normal stay for a violation of this kind.
The L.A. County Sheriff's Department will hold a news conference in an hour to discuss what went down. "
Update update: Reporters hammered away about Paris' medical condition during a press conference in front of the jail, where she was released early this morning, but Whitmore said that due to confidentiality laws, he could not discuss even the slightest health-related details.
Paris will be under house confinement in her West Hollywood home for 40 days, where she has a 3000-4000 ft. radius of freedom. Her jail cell was 96 square feet. After the 40 days are up, Whitmore says she will have "fulfilled her debt to society."
Whitmore made it clear that Paris was not released early -- she was reassigned. She is technically still in custody.
Over at Bookgasm. . .
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A Hard Case Crime Movie
I Report, You Decide
John Ramsey, 63, and Beth Holloway Twitty, 46, have been romantically involved since January 2007, though the two met at a fundraiser last year.
The couple has been spotted openly holding hands and kissing in Mountain Brook, Ala. — where Twitty lives — and at an art show at a nearby art museum. They've also been seen at various restaurants."
Robert E. Howard Days Coming Up
They will be arriving today as they begin their annual trek to Callahan County to celebrate the works of fantasy fiction author Robert E. Howard, whose blossoming career ended with his suicide in 1936.
“We don’t expect quite as many people here this year as we had last time, because that was the 100th anniversary of his birth,” Era Lee Hanke, president of Project Pride here, said Tuesday. “But we already have over 100 people registered for the events where we need a count, the ones with meals being served. We have reservations for 118 for Friday dinner, and we always have a lot of people show up during each day who didn’t register.”"
D-Day the 6th of June
A small piece of history sits on Gordon and Alice Cook's kitchen table.
It's a photocopy of part of Gordon's military records. Halfway down the page, are two half-typed, half-handwritten lines.
"Embarked at UK on 3 June 44. Disembarked at France on 6 June 44."
It's a very simple way of noting Cook's participation on D-Day, the world's largest-ever military invasion.
On this date in 1944, Operation Overlord, the Allies' invasion of Nazi-occupied France, was a success.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The Deep Blue Alibi -- Paul Levine

At the same time, Steve is trying to clear his father's name. (As we learned in the first book, Herbert Solomon, a judge, was removed from the bench for a crime that Steve knows he didn't commit. Herbert doesn't want Steve to open that can of worms.
While Steve has issues with his father, Victoria has them with her mother, whom she blames for her father's suicide. The man Victoria's defending was her father's business partner.
Other complications include environmentalists intent on blocking construction of a floating hotel/casino, attempts on Steve's and Victoria's lives, and a side trip to a nudist colony.
Like the first book, this one's a fast, light read with plenty of twists. Levine has a way of making you (and some of the book'c characters) look at things in a whole different light by the time things come to a conclusion. Check it out.
Note Author's Name
Former Center teacher accused of sex with student: "Former Center teacher accused of sex with student
Topless photos on cell phone lead to 23 charges, including sex assault of a child
The Daily Sentinel
Thursday, May 31, 2007
NACOGDOCHES — Former Center eighth-grade teacher Janet Susan Gallager Parker, 26, surrendered to Shelby County authorities Wednesday, after school officials discovered photographs of the woman, partially-nude and draped in a rebel flag, on a student's cell phone. Those photos eventually led to 23 warrants for her arrest on charges ranging from sexual performance and sexual assault of a child and possession of child pornography.
Parker had been suspected of having an inappropriate relationship with a student while she was employed at Center ISD teaching technology applications and graphic arts. However, no proof could be established at that time, according to a press release.
Parker resigned after an investigation was initiated in December 2006 after the school received information that Parker had been seen at a shopping mall, holding hands, according to an affidavit filed with a Shelby County Justice of the Peace. Parker denied the allegations when questioned by school and law enforcement officials, but resigned from her teaching post at the middle school, according to the affidavit."
Janes in Jail: Day 1
And thanks to Jeff "Big Winner" Meyerson for the link.
The Times, They Are A-Changin'
Here's the Plot for Your Next Novel (I Charge 10%)
The latest comment was today.
The man, who calls himself 'Dr Phibes', started contributing detailed knowledge about the killings after journalist Gary Hughes started writing about the murders in his blog Gotcha in October last year."
Janes in Jail: Day 1
I think you should all read this and reflect on the lawyer's remarks. You've been so wrong about P.H.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Flaming Youth
Movie News - Disturbing Photos of Lohan Hit Internet - AOL News: "(June 4) -- Shocking photos that depict Lindsay Lohan and an unidentified female friend playing with knives while seemingly under the influence are causing a stir across the Internet. "
Thuglit #16 Now On-Line
Happy Anniversay to Me & Judy
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Hard Case Crime at Book Expo

About Hard Case Crime: " On June 2, 2007, Hard Case Crime welcomed booksellers from around the world to the annual Book Expo America tradeshow in New York City. Editor Charles Ardai was joined by stage and screen performers Meredith Napolitano (also the cover model for ZERO COOL), James Huffman, and Victoria Lee, all three of whom were dressed in vintage clothing from the pulp era. See below for some candid photos from the event..."
Man of the Century

None of this is explained. It just is. The rest of the screwball plot involves mobsters, Johnny's girlfriend, another girl who wants to be an opera singer, and things like that. Mostly, though, the movie is just strung-together bits, most of which I found very entertaining. The ending is right out of It's in the Bag.
Gibson Frazier plays Johnny. It's as if he's spent most of his life watching Warner Brothers movies about the '20s. Most of them with Bogart. His acting style is based on those movies, particularly Bogart's. Some of his lines are even stolen from Bogart movies, among others. Putting that style into a modern movie, where everyone else is from a different school, might seem odd, but it works just fine. If you're looking for something different, this is it. Check it out.