Saturday, April 30, 2011
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
FOX 26 viewer Pamela sent in a photo of the sign, which reads “ZOMBIES ON MAINLAND.”"
Sequel Mania
Croc Update (Attack Edition)
Keith Lansdale's News Site
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The bill would make it illegal for a security officer to intentionally touch someone's private areas -- even atop clothing -- unless they have probable cause to believe the person is carrying something illegal."
Friday, April 29, 2011
Joanna Russ, R. I. P.
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Jack Daley, R. I. P.
But a large part of his life revolved around writing and an enduring passion for science fiction, fantasy, horror stories and comics. His stories appeared in 'Infinity' and 'Fantastic Universe,' as well as a 1957 anthology of science fiction and fantasy tales."
In Case You Were Wondering, . . .
Edgar Awards
The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton (Minotaur Books)
Rogue Island by Bruce DeSilva (Tom Doherty Associates – Forge Books)
Long Time Coming by Robert Goddard (Random House - Bantam)
Scoreboard, Baby: A Story of College Football, Crime and Complicity
by Ken Armstrong and Nick Perry (University of Nebraska Press – Bison Original)
Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and his
Rendezvouz with American History by Yunte Huang (W.W. Norton)
"The Scent of Lilacs" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine by Doug Allyn (Dell Magazines)
The Buddy Files: The Case of the Lost Boy by Dori Hillestad Butler (Albert Whitman & Co.)
Interrogation of Gabriel James by Charlie Price (Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books for Young Readers)
The Psychic by Sam Bobrick (Falcon Theatre – Burbank, CA)
“Episode 1” - Luther, Teleplay by Neil Cross (BBC America)
"Skyler Hobbs and the Rabbit Man" – Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
by Evan Lewis (Dell Magazines)
Sara Paretsky
Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore, Forest Park, Illinois
Once Upon A Crime Bookstore, Minneapolis, Minnesota
(Presented at MWA’s Agents & Editors Party on Wednesday, April 27, 2011)
The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The goal wasn’t to tell jokes but to assess exactly what a joke is, how it works, and what this thing called “funny” really is, in a neurological, sociological, and psychological sense. As Sean Guillory, a Dartmouth College neuroscience grad student who organized the event, says, “It’s the first time a roomful of empirical humor researchers have ever gotten together!”"
You Know You Want One
Forgotten Books Manifesto for the Dead -- Dominec Stansberry

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Dorian Gray Update
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

Work? What's That?
Nearly half of those born between 1946 and 1964 now work for a younger boss, and most report that they are older than most colleagues. But 61 percent of the baby boomers surveyed said their age is not an issue at work, while 25 percent called it an asset.
Only 14 percent classified getting older as a workplace liability."
The World Horror Convention

Crime Runs Rampant
Private Eyes and Westerns
Book Design at its Best - David Pearson
Forgotten Music -- The Everly Brothers
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Will the Persecution Never End?
Criminal Genius of the Day
Spenser, Continued
For starters, each one of these objects -- and there are thousands -- was swallowed and extracted."
If Barbie Were Real . . .
Death of the Typewriter Update
And Keep off Their Lawns!
Cool Non-Literary Uses for Books
Alvin Community College Is on the List!
In a comprehensive review of publicly available data, these 120 two-year institutions—from 32 states—have demonstrated strong outcomes considering three areas of student success."
No Comment Department
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Archaeology Update
The 13 meter (42 foot) tall statue of Amenhotep III was one of a pair that flanked the northern entrance to the grand funerary temple on the west bank of the Nile that is currently the focus of a major excavation."
Nicolas Cage Update (It Just Keeps Getting Worse Edition)
Archaeology Update
Three-dimensional mapping has 'erased' centuries of jungle growth, revealing the rough contours of nearly a hundred buildings, according to research presented earlier this month."
Phoebe Snow, R. I. P.
But the soulful singer and guitarist fell out of the spotlight soon after to take care of her disabled daughter -- but not before making her mark on the music industry. Snow was able to merge her folk roots with her soulful, jazzy voice and create classic hits like, 'Love Makes a Woman' and 'Mercy, Mercy, Mercy.' She also sang the intro tune for the show, 'A Different World.'"
From The Basement It Arises
Check out Criminal Element
NEW YORK, NY, 4/26/2011--Macmillan announces the launch of a new crime and mystery-focused community website with a focus on sharing and enriching the experience of crime story fandom. Liz Edelstein, Senior Manager and editor at Macmillan Community Network, made the announcement, and said that the site will highlight different areas of the genre, from noir to cozies and everything in between.
The site will feature pre-release excerpts, original short stories from various authors in the space, topical blog posts, and will eventually be offering downloads and podcasts. It’s a place for fans of the genre to come together in one exciting online space. At launch there will be excerpts, original fiction and articles by authors Joseph Finder, Steve Hamilton, Rosemary Harris, Charles Ardai, Luis Alberto Urrea and more.
Much like its successful sister sites, science fiction community and romance community, is "publisher neutral," meaning that it will include author participation from all publishers and other content creators, and is not exclusive to Macmillan authors.
“This is not a typical review or promotions site,” says Edelstein. “We think of as a community for fans, by fans, and the focus is on editorial content rather than on marketing.” will have a social media presence on both Facebook and Twitter as well; and respectively.
With, Macmillan is leading the charge in creating a themed community for authors and fans to interact and share their love of crime fiction and nonfiction.
Titanic Update
Tom King, R. I. P.
Forgotten Films: Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla

Monday, April 25, 2011
I Don't Think the Smith Brothers Will Stand for This
At Least He Wasn't Eating Her Thin Mints
Sounds More Like East Texas than Australia
Fashion Update
Bass Reeves
Family Reunion Update
We've returned from the family reunion, where I had one horrible realization: Only one other person there was older than I am.
The Really Smart Phone
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Kevin Jarre, R. I. P.
The scribe behind Tombstone and installments of the Rambo and Mummy franchises passed away unexpectedly after suffering heart failure on April 3, his family told The Los Angeles Times.
The self-confessed 'Civil War freak' also wrote the critically-acclaimed Glory, a drama about the historic conflict's first all-black volunteer company, which collected three Oscars in 1989 - including a 'Best Actor' award for Denzel Washington."
Huey P. Meaux, R. I. P.
Meaux was created his own music industry in Houston by producing a mountain of hit singles between the late ‘50s and early ‘70s. He helped launch Doug Sahm’s career, and he resurrected Freddy Fender’s. There also existed a dark side to the larger-than-life character. In the 1990s a raid on the SugarHill Recording Studio where he kept an office turned up evidence that would result in his conviction for sex crimes."
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Our Next President Speaks
Gator Update (Houseguest Edition)
I'm a Believer
Mongolian Death Worm Would Be a Super Name for a Rock Band
And where giant, scarlet worms burrow in the barren expanse of one of the world's largest, coldest deserts, spewing fiery acid and electrocuting unlucky camels from a distance."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Not That I'm Envious or Anything
Austria's department in charge of national antiquities said the trove consists of more than 200 rings, brooches, ornate belt buckles, gold-plated silver plates and other pieces or fragments, many encrusted with pearls, fossilized coral and other ornaments. It says the objects are about 650 years old and are being evaluated for their provenance and worth."