Saturday, September 01, 2007
Once Again, New York Leads the Way
Lucy is no longer the oldest-known member of the human family tree, but dating back 3.2 million years and with 40 percent of her skeleton recovered, she is the oldest, most complete specimen of an early human species.
As such, some paleontologists and fossil hunters within the scientific community have sharply protested her cross-Atlantic voyage to be exhibited from Friday at the Houston, Texas Museum of Natural Science."
The Last Colony -- John Scalzi

In this one, Perry and Sagan are asked to head up a new colony on a planet called Roanoake. A huge alien alliance opposes allowing any more human colonies, and the colonists soon find that their own Colonial Union has tricked them and sent them to a different destination from the one they'd planned. They're on an unnamed planet where they can use only the most primitive of tools. There's a savage native race, that the colonists haven't been told about. And the double-crossing is only beginning.
This book has a lot going on. It's a survivalist novel, a political novel, and a space opera. For starters. Pretty soon The Fate of Humanity Hangs in the Balance. Old-fashioned in the best sense but up-to-date in the best sense, too. I'd certainly recommend it.
One old cranky English teacher complaint. I wish Scalzi wouldn't write "[Yoder] glanced up at Jane and I." And "But you're telling me that you chose Jane and I to lead Roanoake was because . . . ." Arrgggghhhh.
Happy Birthday, Edgar Rice Burroughs!
The Writer's Almanac from American Public Media: "It's the birthday of one of the most popular pulp fiction writers in American history, Edgar Rice Burroughs, (books by this author) born in Chicago (1875). He had read Darwin's book Descent of Man, and he was fascinated by the idea that human beings were related to apes. He began to wonder what might happen if a child from an excessively noble, well-bred family were somehow left in the jungle to be raised by apes. The result was his story 'Tarzan of the Apes,' which filled an entire issue of All-Story magazine in October of 1912. It was one of the most popular issues the magazine had ever published, and within six-months, Edgar Rice Burroughs was a full-time writer producing about 400,000 words of short stories every year."
Croc Update (Handy Viewing Guide Edition)
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Chupacabra Update
Has a mythical beast turned up in Texas? - Yahoo! News: "CUERO, Texas - Phylis Canion lived in Africa for four years. She's been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it.
But the roadkill she found last month outside her ranch was a new one even for her, worth putting in a freezer hidden from curious onlookers: Canion believes she may have the head of the mythical, bloodsucking chupacabra.
'It is one ugly creature,' Canion said, holding the head of the mammal, which has big ears, large fanged teeth and grayish-blue, mostly hairless skin.
Canion and some of her neighbors discovered the 40-pound bodies of three of the animals over four days in July outside her ranch in Cuero, 80 miles southeast of San Antonio. Canion said she saved the head of the one she found so she can get to get to the bottom of its ancestry through DNA testing and then mount it for posterity."
Friday, August 31, 2007
Nocturnal Mission
Walter Satterthwait Goes to Market
Walter Satterthwait, noted author and bon vivant sent me this photo, taken on his trip to the market today. Walter goes to more exotic markets than I do. Enlarge the photo to see what I mean.

Well, imagine my surprise at how much I liked this movie. I know I say all the time that movies look great. This one looks really great. Don't take my word for it. Watch the movie and see for yourself.
You already know the plot. King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans hold off tens of thousands of Persians and die bravely. If you don't like battle scenes, blood, and lots of talk about love, honor, courage, and duty, you might be put off. I think Robert B. Parker's Spenser would enjoy it, though.
Sci-fi Films Are as Dead as Westerns
At the Venice Film Festival for a special screening of his seminal noir thriller Blade Runner, Sir Ridley said that science fiction films were going the way the Western once had. “There’s nothing original. We’ve seen it all before. Been there. Done it,” he said. Asked to pick out examples, he said: “All of them. Yes, all of them.”"
Gator Update (Desert Edition)
Alligator in the desert? | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California: "THOUSAND PALMS - The little gator is a long way from the everglades.
But after being rescued from a backyard swimming pool, the 3-foot-long reptile dined on goldfish Monday while in captivity.
The alligator -- scooped out of a pool in Cathedral City over the weekend -- is in good health and will be turned over to the California Department of Fish and Game, according to veterinarian Susan Powell."
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Old "I Was Too Drunk to Mean It" Defense Works Again
Gator Update (Frozen Head Edition)
The Prange family, which has owned a brake and alignment shop for 87 years, was storing the head for a friend who planned to mount it.
'We hope he jumps when he opens the garbage bag,' said Steve Prange, 55."
Will the Persecution Never End?
Now We know Who's to Blame
It is thought to have fitted the locker that contained the crow's nest binoculars, vital in detecting threats to the liner lurking in the sea in the pre-sonar days of 1912.
Catastrophically for the Titanic and the 1,522 lives lost with her, the key's owner, Second Officer David Blair, was removed from the crew at the last minute and in his haste forgot to hand it to his replacement."
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Will the Persecution Never End?
Jen's Fun Little Place: Paris Hilton Photographed Screwing by the Pool: "Paris Hilton Photographed Screwing by the Pool Just when you think it cant get any worse for Paris Hilton, she gets photographed screwing by a swimming pool."
I'm for It

According to Mr. Lake, the creature that is also known as the Sasquatch is real, and is endangered. The reason, he says that there have not been more sightings in North America of Bigfoot is because the creature is endangered, not necessarily shy like many believe."

W. R. Burnett is the author of Little Caesar, High Sierra and The Asphalt Jungle. He was nominated for two Academy Awards for best screenplay for Wake Island (1942) and The Great Escape (1963). In 1980 Burnett received the Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Dr. Socrates is published by O’Bryan House Publishers by exclusive agreement with the Estate of W. R. Burnett, no portion of this book may be copied or used without the express permission of the copyright holder. Book measures 5.5 by 8.5 inches, soft cover, 139 pages, ISBN 978-0-9769583-2-1. Limited print run of this title. Book includes a brief after word by the publisher entitled "Dr. Socrates and Hollywood." Dr. Socrates is available at or may be ordered directly from O’Bryan House Publishers LLC at
Joe Hensley, R. I. P.

Update: More info here.
My Name on the Cover
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
College Football's Top 25 Mascots Rip on a college football fan's mother and you're asking for trouble. Rip on the mascot of a college football fan's favorite team and you'd better be prepared to throw down.
From intimidating animals to quirky traditions to goofy costumes, the mascots across the college football landscape are as unique and revered as anything identifiable with anything found in any other sport.
So how is it even possible to rank which mascots are the coolest? Obviously it's all subjective, so the attempt is to find the ones most synonymous with their schools and teams and which, at least with our experiences, inspire the most passion. Compiled by the staff of, here are the 25 best mascots, or more to the point, the most identifiable symbols in college football.
Retro TV Logos
Any Volunteers?
Ananova - Penis museum in manhunt: "The world's only penis museum has appealed for a human specimen.
Curator Sigurdur Hjartarson opened the museum in 1974 in Husavik, Iceland, and has collected 195 penises from various animals.
His collection includes penises from hamsters, horses and whales.
But now he is appealing again for a human organ. He said people from the UK, Germany and the US had contacted him offering their penises in the past but that none of the offers had ever been serious."
There Will Always be an England
In an exclusive interview with The Sun, the curvy mum insists she had no plans to quit local politics OR her steamy sidelines following the shock revelation last week.
And she says the strong family values that she promotes as a councillor in Bideford, Devon, are one of the main reasons why she strips."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
DALLAS (AP) -- The entries in this year's Big Tex Choice Awards could entice State Fair visitors back to the deep fryer for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
There are Deep Fried Lattes for a morning jump-start, plus fried chili pie, fried guacamole, and a range of crispy desserts including Fried Cookie Dough.
The third annual Big Tex Choice Awards contest on Labor Day tests the fair grub ingenuity of State Fair of Texas concessionaires. Past Big Tex awards have offered nonfried options, but none of this year's seven entries escaped the fryer.
"I think they're good products," said Ron Black, the fair's senior vice president of food service and novelties. "We've got experienced concessionaires, and their products all taste really good."
Michael Levy will debut his family's new Deep Fried Latte, which is a fried pastry topped with cappuccino ice cream, caramel sauce, whipped cream and instant coffee powder.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gator Update (New in Paperback Edition) - New in paperback: "With her debut story collection, 'St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves' (Vintage, 256 pages, $13.95), Karen Russell finds herself in good company. New York magazine put her on a list of 25 promising writers under age 26, and in April, Granta magazine brought international attention when it included Russell on its list of best young American novelists.
Such lists are subjective, but Granta's track record is impressive; more than a decade earlier, Granta lauded emerging writers Lorrie Moore, Edwidge Danticat, Jeffrey Eugenides and Madison Smartt Bell.
It's too early to say whether Russell will join the pantheon, but she writes with a narrative verve and energy that push the 10 stories of 'St. Lucy's' to odd, wonderful places. Many of her stories are set in the swampy regions of Florida. In 'Ava Wrestles the Alligator,' a 12-year-old is left to look after her family's alligator theme park with her older, possibly possessed sister."
I Have a Feeling this Can't Be Good News, Either
The movie is set in futuristic Manhattan, which has been turned into a maximum security prison, and features the character Snake Plissken, a convict and war hero hired to save the President of the United States after his plane is crashed by terrorists."
This Can't be Good News
Reeves committed over the weekend to play Klaatu, a humanoid alien who arrives on Earth accompanied by an indestructible, heavily armed robot and a warning to world leaders that their continued aggression will lead to annihilation by species watching from afar.
Erwin Stoff is producing, with Scott Derrickson ('The Exorcism of Emily Rose') directing from a script by David Scarpa. Reeves' commitment puts the picture on track for a late fall or early 2008 production start. Studio sees it as a tentpole.
The Klaatu role was originated by Michael Rennie. The 1951 film's premise, a response to the rise of the Cold War after WWII, is being updated, and the film will use advances in visual effects."
We're from Another Government, and We'll Do as We Damned Well Please
'Whale Valley officals have informed the authorities that people from two diplomatic corps vehicles destroyed the fossil,' the source told AFP after the destruction was discovered around 150 kilometres south of Cairo.
Two cars drove into the protected area on Friday and then refused to stop when asked to do so by wardens who nevertheless got the vehicles' registration numbers which the source said were from 'a European country.'"
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Death Head Crossing -- James Reasoner

You know from the start of this book that you're in for something a little different. A man who's been having a few too many drinks heads back to the ranch where he works. He sees strange lights in the hills. And the next thing you know, he's dead. Someone calling himself the Hand of God has pretty much obliterated his face.
Hell Jackson, a drifter, finds himself in the town of Death Head Crossing, and he gets interested in the murder. Also in town is a young reporter, Everett Howard, from New York. He's there to send dispatches to the city folks about the Wild West. He attaches himself to Jackson because he knows Jackson will be a great source of material. Before long, the Hand of God has struck again, and Jackson and Howard become involved in the sheriff's investigation.
There's more murder to come, along with obsession, lust, bullwhips, and other entertainments. Reasoner's a master at this kind of thing. The pace never falters, and at the end of the story we're left wanting to know more about the mysterious Hell Jackson. If we're lucky, maybe Pinnacle Books will hire James to write about him some more. But for now, check this one out.
From JJ Solari

I think I might have even fewer readers that JJ Solari thinks he has, but I hope some of you will buy his book when it hits the market. I know I will. And if you want to read about JJ's experience as a Mouseketeer (yes, he was one), click here. Fascinating stuff, much of it written by JJ himself.
The Straight Dope on Fireflies
Straight Dope Staff Report: Where have all the fireflies gone?: "Dear Straight Dope: Growing up in the early 1950s in the urban area of Indianapolis, I recall swarms of fireflies – they just seemed to be everywhere. Now when I go back to Indianapolis or other places in that part of the country I see very few. I've even traveled out into the countryside to see if it was just civilization that pushed them out. But even there I saw very few. Where have they gone? —Janet Collins, Seattle"
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