Saturday, May 08, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
'She never gets in trouble. I don't think she's gotten a discipline notice this year,' said Michael Brazda, the girl's stepfather.
On Monday, Adair came home in tears with a detention notice for her parents. The punishment was not for talking in class or for hitting another student. The notice said it was because she had accepted a Jolly Rancher candy from a friend during the lunch hour. A teacher confiscated the candy and sent the third-grader to the principal's office."
Reggie the Gator Update
The 7 1/2-foot gator, who became famous after his owner dumped him in a lake several years ago, is now sharing a space with Cajun Kate."
Top 10 Baby Names
No Comment Department
What's Up, Doc?
She had transferred to the school where a pupil from her former school had just become a pupil and told her new friends about the teacher's fear of rabbits.
'We did it for fun and out of curiosity', one of the girls told a court, adding, 'We wanted to see if she would really freak out.'"
Friday, May 07, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Michelle Thomas, 26, was arrested on Tuesday after police were called around 1am to the couple’s house in the east Texas town of Hudson, Lufkin Daily News reports.
The man told police Ms Thomas became angry with him after a sex session left her unsatisfied.
He said Ms Thomas grabbed a pair of scissors and began slashing him, according to court papers."
Here's the Plot of the Next National Treasure Movie
“The moon rocks are disappearing,” Gutheinz said. “Most of the ones that are now truly gone will probably be gone forever.”"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The city council on May 27 is scheduled to vote on dubbing a stretch of 2nd Street “Willie Nelson Boulevard.”"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Dallas - Fort Worth News |
| Crime: "Federal agents on Wednesday arrested the ex-husband of a Colleyville woman who found an explosive device on her front porch last Sunday.
The bomb — which police now say was manufactured using gunpowder, bullets and salad bowls — did not go off."
Forgotten Books: EPITAPH FOR A LOSER -- James T. Doyle

Thursday, May 06, 2010
They Probably Needed the Money for Lawn Care
Gator Update (Galveston Edition)
| Local News: "A big alligator was captured near Galveston’s East Beach Wednesday morning.
It was spotted in the middle of Boddecker Road near Apffel Park."
Soon to Be a SyFy Movie!
Sounds Good to Me
| Mail Online: "Forget blueberries. Dieticians say popcorn and pork scratchings are bursting with nutrients - and could be GOOD for you"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Hannah Estes said she was waiting in line with her family for the Primeval Whirl at the park's Animal Kingdom when she saw a sign counting down to the ride read 'one seconds,' WESH-TV, Orlando, Fla., reported Wednesday.
'Because I learned in Ms. Bennett's class that a singular number can't be with a plural word, and so that's what it was, and it wasn't right,' Hannah said."
Croc Update (You're Not Safe Anywhere Edition)
According to family and friends, 25-year-old Lauren Failla was fatally attacked by the reptile while snorkeling in Port Blair which lies off the coast of India."
Caught on Tape
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Sabrina J. Hill and her longtime girlfriend, Therese 'Tee' Bur, were legally married Monday in San Antonio after being unable to get a marriage license in El Paso."
The Man with the Golden Gun
News from the Criminal Element
Dear Crime Fiction Fan:
You've been with us over the years, from Maisie Dobbs to Gretchen Lowell, and for every great crime in between. We'd like to express our gratitude for your continued interest and support.
We're launching a brand-new consumer e-newsletter to offer you more! More in-depth articles, intimate author Q&As, history about mysteries, exclusive content, and monthly sweep offers. To lead the charge, we've enlisted former Wall Street Journal reporter Robert Hughes. For over a decade, he served as the culture expert at the Journal. He was the paper's theater reporter, reviewed books, and wrote on publishing, the art and auction markets, television, music, film, and philanthropy. With Bob, we have an experienced journalist who can get to the heart of every crime we offer you!
What's more exciting is that we're widening our scope! Picador Crime and Minotaur Books are joining forces, along with the rest of Macmillan's imprints: St. Martin's Press, Henry Holt, andFarrar Straus & Giroux . Our goal is to be the preeminent source for mystery news.
The first issue is coming May 11th...
So be on the lookout!
For more information, visit:
I'm Shocked! -- Shocked!
A California businesswoman says that lured by the Trump name, she took bogus seminars at Trump University that destroyed her credit - and taught her almost nothing about real estate."
Everybody Needs a Mummy
A cemetery visitor on Monday reported that a grave appeared to have been unearthed, police Sgt. John Thomas said. The corpse of 'Baby John' has not been recovered, he said.
The mummified body had been kept for years by Charles Peavey. He had said the family had the mummy, possibly the stillborn son of a great-great-uncle, for 80 to 90 years and considered it a family heirloom."
Dressed for Success
Especially in Noir
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Philly Leads the Way -- Part 2
Philly Leads the Way
At least that's what happened Monday night during a game between the Cardinals and Phillies at Citizens Bank Park. A teenage fan ran onto the field, made a couple Barry Sanders cuts in the outfield to elude officers and darted towards the infield. Then ... zap!
Down went the perpetrator, much to the delight of the crowd and the players. Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard had to bury his head in his glove to mask the laughter after a Philly police officer hit the youngster with some 50,000 volts."
A Great Baseball Story
“They said I’d be the perfect person to do it,’’ Monte Irvin said. “I was easy to get along with. I had a little education. I could play every position. But I went to the Service for three years. When I came back in 1946, I got an ear infection, and it took me awhile to regain my former talent.’’
Irvin is 91 now, living in a Houston retirement community, clear of mind, lively of spirit. He still has the arms, hands and presence of a great athlete. He has no regrets about how it worked out."
Must-See TV
According to The Hollywood Reporter, History and comic legend Stan Lee will create a series that hunts for real life X-Men.
Stan Lee's Superhumans will look for real people with extraordinary abilities due to genetic differences. Lee will co-host the series with the world's most flexible man Daniel Browning Smith."
Peter O’Donnell, R. I. P.
He’s best known for creating the classic crime character Modesty Blaise whith artist Jim Holdaway. The continuing thriller strips originally appeared in London newspaper, the Evening Standard in 1963 and ran for almost forty years."
I'll Just Have a Burger, I Think
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Monday, May 03, 2010
News from Mystery Scene
For Ed Gorman

Lynn Redgrave, R. I. P.
Gutter Books: A New Publisher

Old Dogs -- Donna Moore

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Happy Birthday, Pete Seeger!
Donner Party Update Update
In other words, even if there was no cannibalism at Alder Creek, there was still cannibalism in the tale of the Donner Party."
There's Nothing Like Good News to Start the Week
| Reuters: "Fish oil, exercise and doing puzzles may all be good for the brain but there is no strong evidence that any of these can prevent Alzheimer's disease, an expert panel concluded on Wednesday.
Nor can any other supplements, drugs or social interaction, the independent panel meeting at the National Institutes of Health outside Washington concluded.
The group of experts looked at the dozens of studies that have suggested ways to prevent Alzheimer's -- a devastating and incurable breakdown of the brain -- and found none were strong enough to constitute proof."
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Furio Scarpelli, R. I. P.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News
| Latest News: "Arlington police shot and killed a bull that found its way onto Interstate 30 on Saturday evening, brought traffic to a standstill and menaced animal control workers and others at the scene."

Stairway to Hell -- Charlie Williams

And Stay off His Lawn!
The retired 74-year-old teacher, identified as Axel G., appeared before the Alzey district court this week to appeal the fine for what daily Bild on Friday described as years of terrorising the local pool, where “ass bombs” are forbidden."
Criminal Genius of the Day
Agatha Awards from Malice Domestic
The Hanging Hill, by Chris Grabenstein
Best Nonfiction:
Dame Agatha's Shorts, by Elena Santangelo
"On the House," by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Best First Novel:
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley
Best Novel:
The Brutal Telling, by Louise Penny