Saturday, August 01, 2009
It's a bit risky tampering with such esteemed Hollywood history, but that's just what's happening with talk of a remake.
Oh, and it's going to be set in outer space."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A fund offering Texas parents a guaranteed rate on their children's college tuition is about to go broke.
The Texas Tomorrow Fund was offered between 1996 and 2003, before being changed and renamed. The plan allowed parents of young children to prepay tuition at guaranteed rates regardless of how much costs went up before their children started college.
The problem is that deregulation [of college tuition] sent prices skyrocketing, meaning the fund will need a supplement from taxpayers.
I thought deregulation was supposed to lower prices. But when Texas also deregulated electric rates, giving us some of the highest prices in the nation.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
When she looked inside the cage she saw a brown tabby with a strange expression on its face. "He looked like he had been bitten by a snake because he was squinting and his cheeks were really big," she said.
Shepherd took the cat to the Austin Humane Society to get it neutered and got a far worse diagnosis. The 2-year-old cat was missing big sections of its eyelids. It couldn't blink or produce any natural lubrication to clear its eyes. Without surgery it would eventually go blind.
Shepherd, a bookkeeper for the Central Texas Cat Hospital in Round Rock, said she started crying when she heard the diagnosis and immediately called Sheila Smith, founder of a nonprofit group called Shadow Cats, which provides care for feral and stray cats.
Smith, who co-owns Central Texas Cat Hospital with her husband, Dr. Roy Smith, sent out a plea in the first part of July through her nonprofit group's Web site and through Craigslist for donations to pay for the surgery needed to repair the eyelids of the cat Shepherd named "Noble."
In two days she received the needed $2,000.
When Cows Attack
It Had to Happen: Crocs on a Plane!
Top 100 Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills - Popular Mechanics
Brains and charm are fine, but a real guy needs to know how to do real stuff. After months of debate among PM’s expert editors—and a preview of 2008’s ultimate DIY list—now you can explore how to perform life’s essential skills, broken down in 10 categories for the competent man—plus 20 tools you need to own. Did we leave anything out—or included a skill you don’t think is worthy? Scroll down and click through for tips, then sound off in our chat, or take PM’s interactive DIY quiz to see how you measure up against the MythBusters and more TV know-it-alls."
Gator Update w/Wild Hog Bonus
Charged with taking wildlife resources, a misdemeanor offense that could send the men to jail for a year upon conviction, were David Roach and Bryan Elliott. The offense also carries a fine of up to $4,000.
Capt. Albert Lynch with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife's Houston game warden division, said the men broke the law by killing the animal in a protected coastal preserve, where hunting is prohibited, and by dispatching it with a pistol rather than by bow and arrow."
New Blog on the Block
Seven writers. Seven voices. One blog.
Mission statements are for soldiers and themes are for superheroes. Ideas are what it’s all about, and we have a few.
Writing can be lonely. Sitting at a desk typing. Walking in the park thinking. Throwing things at the wall screaming. These are not things that we do in polite company. But who says we have to be polite?
This Web site is a collaboration of seven crime writers sharing their thoughts on reading, writing, publication and modern media. What is the future of crime writing? And which bits of the past are worth keeping?
There will be something here for all crime fiction fans. Looking for reviews, recommendations and interviews? Stick around because some really cool things are on the way. If you’re an aspiring writer, looking for tips on how to break a story or an insight into how the publishing industry works, keep reading. Already involved in the industry? We’ll be asking some interesting questions and inviting you clever folks with such great taste to join in the discussion."
Friday, July 31, 2009
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Croc Update (Miss Universe Edition)
The stunner told the Northern Territory News it was an incredible - yet scary - experience."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
So Gov. Rick Perry's campaign is accusing the Hutchison team of being slanderous and of setting a negative and divisive tone."
That means there are about 150 web addresses per person in the world.
Translated: If you spent just one minute reading every website in existence, you’d be kept busy for 31,000 years. Without any sleep."
Amazing Art
But Kieron Williamson's attempts are so beautifully rendered that artists ten times his age will be filled with envy.
Experts have said that the six-year-old's atmospheric paintings, which began with harbour scenes and expanded to include rural vistas, animal portraits and landmarks, have perspective, shadow and reflections that demonstrate an ability well beyond his years."
Pictures at the link. As I said, amazing.
Forgotten Books: THEY THIRST -- Robert McCammon

My opinion is somewhat different. I like it a lot. Vampires are everywhere now. You can't go into a bookstore without bumping into a vampire book every time you turn around. But back in 1981 when They Thirst was published, it was hard to find a good vampire book. It was hard to find any vampire books at all, for that matter.
Joe Lansdale recommended McCammon's books to me, and if I recall correctly, he likes this one quite a bit. It has everything: a serial killer known as "The Roach"; a 700-year-old vampire who's the King of the Undead and who's decided to go to war with humanity, starting with the conquest of Los Angeles; a Hell's Angel who's going to command the vampire army; a teenager who loves horror movies; and so on.
There are no nice vampires here. They're the spawn of Satan (did I mention that he's in the book, too?), and they're pure evil. The book, however, is pure fun. McCammon doesn't want it reprinted, as I mentioned, and I suppose he'd prefer that you not read it. So I won't even mention how cheap copies used copies are on the 'net.
Computer Crash
Driver Personality Quiz
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
There have been no reports of major injuries, Marc McFeron said, but some people have been hospitalized for skin irritation and smoke inhalation."
Croc Update (Crikey! Edition)
The 22-tonne heavy rigid freight truck came to rest on its side when it ran into a power pole, spilling its load of cucumbers over the road.
The truck was travelling towards Darwin along the Arnhem Highway near the Adelaide River Queen Jumping Crocodiles tour site when it hit the large buff and rolled just after midnight."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Today's Sound Investment Advice
The 1931 poster, one of only three remaining from the movie's original run, sold for a stunning $310,700 (U.S.). Mr. DeLuca, who lives in New Jersey, insists that he landed himself a dependable investment.
“I got out of investment banking a couple of years ago and started investing in posters,” he says. “The prices keep going up for the really rare things, and I'd rather put my money in something tangible than in stocks.”
Mr. Cage likely agrees – he bought the poster 10 years ago for $77,000. His 303-per-cent gain easily outpaced the minus-10-per-cent total return he would have earned on the S&P 500 over the same time period. British insurance broker Stackhouse Poland said posters have multiplied in value by up to 10 times over the past five years."
Happy Birthday, Paul Anka !
Anka first became famous as a teen idol in the late 1950s and 1960s with hits songs like 'Diana'', 'Lonely Boy', and 'Put Your Head on My Shoulder'. He went on to write such well known music as the theme for The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and Tom Jones biggest hit 'She's A Lady', and the English lyrics for Frank Sinatra's signature song 'My Way'."
Lonely Boy - Paul Anka
Happy Birthday, Edd "Kookie" Byrnes

Kookie Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb) - Connie Stevens with Edd Byrnes
Tarzan Update
Win Scott Tarzan exhibit at the Musee du quai Branly in Paris
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Local fire chief Lt Kent Worley said that the situation started when two workers at the office said they felt dizzy after a co-worker sprayed some perfume.
When others started to complain of the same symptoms, panic spread through the building, with workers fearing they were under chemical attack or the victims of a carbon monoxide leak."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Best News of the Day
And in other news (also via Lee Goldberg): A Writer's Life: ROCKFORD Revived: "Variety reports that HOUSE creator/showrunner David Shore has been tapped by NBC/Universal and Steve Carrell's production company to revive Stephen J. Cannell's THE ROCKFORD FILES. It's no surprise that they approached Shore for the coveted gig...he's a TV A-lister who tried to spin-off a Rockf0rd-esque character from HOUSE last season."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I Feel This Is Only Right and Fair
'Me Cheeta' is one of 13 novels on the Booker Prize longlist. Originally published anonymously, James Lever's book claims to tell the life story of the chimp who gained 1930s Hollywood stardom in 'Tarzan' movies.
Other contenders announced Tuesday are former Booker winners A.S. Byatt and J.M Coetzee, as well as Adam Foulds, Sarah Hall, Samantha Harvey, Hilary Mantel, Simon Mawer, Ed O'Loughlin, James Scudamore, Sarah Waters, William Trevor and Colm Toibin."
William G. Tapply, R. I. P.
I just read about Tapply's death on Sara Weinman's blog. Very sorry to hear it. I've never met Tapply, but I've enjoyed more than a few of his novels.
Dames, Dolls & Delinquents -- Gary Lovisi

My only complaint is that some of the covers aren't reproduced faithfully. The colors are off, over-saturated or something. Certainly not all of them, though, and don't let the ones that are stop you from buying this. It's an essential part of every paperback fan's library.
“I turned to my fishing buddy and said, ‘That looks like a plane,’ ” Johnson said."
The 33-year-old man was observed by a loss prevention officer picking up, opening and sniffing the seven-ounce cans of whip cream, according to the arrest report.
Each can contained nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, and when inhaled will 'induce a condition of intoxication.'"
3 Stooges Update
Larry reminisces about working with Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton and in one surprising moment, Moe takes a swipe at legendary comedians Jerry Lewis and Bob Hope. The interview with Larry Fine was done just months before his death in 1975."
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Birthdays, Again
When I was a kid I wondered what it would like to be and old guy. Now I know.
Bring 'em Back
Hat tip to Toby O'Brien.
Dames, Dolls & Gun Molls -- Jim Silke

The cover that really nails me is the one for The Revolt of Mamie Stover, a book that in 1957 or so defined hot stuff for some of us youth in a small Central Texas town. I've never forgotten that one.
Jason Bourne Should Have Tried This
A short distance from the home of the novelist EM Forster, David Shayler and his miniskirt-clad alter ego have taken up residence in a 17th-century National Trust farmhouse after a decade of spiritual contemplation which has led the one-time MI5 officer to the conclusion that he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that all of humanity's ills can be cured by a four-year programme of hemp cultivation."
That's Miami, Ohio, Folks
Bucheit was called upon Saturday, July 25, to capture a 3-1/2-foot alligator near the Great Miami River."
Hat tip to Rusty Burke.
The Return of Kong
Producers at the shingle have picked up the rights to the book 'Kong: King of Skull Island,' a prequel to the well-known tale of the big ape.
Penned by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland, book focuses on the backstory of Skull Island and how the giant gorilla became king there. It introduces other giant gorillas and dinosaurs only hinted at in the previous films.
The book was published at the same time Peter Jackson was producing his remake of 'King Kong.'"

I wasn't the first child to be born to my mother, Frances. I had an unnamed older brother who lived for only a few hours. I knew him only as a small stone in a cemetery. The stone's still there, and now there's a stone for me, too. Only one date's on it, so far, and I hope the other one doesn't have to be added for while. A long while.
As an imaginative kid, I used to wonder how it would have been to have an older brother. What would he have been like? What might he have become? How would we have gotten along? I still think about it now and then.
And speaking of birthdays, it's also the blog's birthday, seven years old today and headed for its 10,000th post sometime later this year. Probably next month.
Monday, July 27, 2009
A Review
Croc Update (Loser Edition)
In the past, there have been reports of crocodiles killing leopards, but this is believed to the first time that the reverse scenario has been seen."
I Just Hope She Wasn't Talking about Paris Hilton
I'm Tasin' You, Bro!
New Taser stun gun can shock 3 at a time: "Stun gun maker Taser International has unveiled its first new stun gun since 2003, a device that can shock three people without reloading.
Older Taser models now used by law enforcement agencies and civilians throughout the country have to be reloaded after one shot, which can be a problem for an officer who has missed a target or has more than one suspect to subdue."
Dope Menace -- Stephen J. Gertz

Spector, serving a 19-year sentence for the murder of actress Lara Clarkson, has been moved to the same California prison as Manson, who was jailed for life for masterminding the 1969 murders of actress Sharon Tate and her friends Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.
Manson was a wannabe rocker before the murders, and Spector's wife claims the cult leader has hounded her husband for musical tips."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
As it stands, officials cannot compel people to evacuate, only warn that those who stay behind won’t have any emergency services at their disposal. The new law gives county judges and mayors the power to authorize use of “reasonable force” to remove people from the area."
Don't tase me, bro!
I, For One, Welcome Our New Chipmunk Overlords
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore wanted for questioning.
Happy Birthday, Harry Patterson!

I don't understand why Patterson hasn't been named a Grandmaster by the Thriller Writers of America. I mean, Sandra Brown has. Nothing against her. She's a Texan, and I like her. She sells a lot of books. Good books. But she's no Harry Patterson. Or James Graham or Jack Higgins. Read The Savage Day, Toll for the Brave, A Prayer for the Dying, The Last Place God Made, East of Desolation, The Khufra Run, The Run to Morning. You'll see what I mean.
Iowa Leads the Way
The Des Moines City Council, for example, will vote Monday on a plan to spend $27,500 to hire an Iowa City company to evaluate some of its sewers. The study will determine, in part, whether city leaders destroyed history when doing work completed as long as five years ago."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Dressed in a wool fisherman's turtleneck sweater despite 90-degree temperatures, David Douglas of Cypress bested 139 other contenders at the “Papa” Hemingway Look-Alike Contest, staged Saturday night at Sloppy Joe's Bar, the author's favorite watering hole."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The nation's most drought-stricken state is deep-frying under relentless 100-degree days and waterways are drying up, especially in the hardest-hit area covering about 350 miles across south-central Texas. That's making folks worried about the water supply — and how long it might last."
The Case of the Pen Gone Missing -- René Saldaña, Jr.

Here's a neat idea, a book for young readers in the style of an old Ace Double, with the English version on one side and the Spanish version on the other. Mickey Rangel is a fifth grader who's taken detective courses on the 'net, which makes him the only hardboiled p.i. in his class. When his pretty classmate, Toots Rodríguez, is accused of stealing a fountain pen used by the president to sign an important bill, she hires Mickey to find out who did it. Well, you know how it is with a p.i. and an attractive client. Mickey is on the case, and he cracks it with the assistance of a mysterious "Angel" who leaves him notes.
The book's only about 30 pages long, with illustrations, so reluctant readers should find it attractive. The story will hold them, and other youngsters, too. My Spanish is rusty, but I had fun taking a stab at that version. I could read quite a bit of it, so I'd guess it would work fine for kids whose first language is Spanish. A neat little book.
Harry Potter and the Media Muggles
Harry Potter | Media Muggles | Online | Mediaite
Amnesty Day (Exotic Pet Edition)
Nice gator photo at the link.
I'm wondering about that Shelton couple, though. A pregnant couple? I wish there had been a photo of them instead of the gator.
Gator Update
Researchers conducting aerial surveys of alligator nesting activity in Jefferson, Chambers and Orange counties, the most alligator-rich in Texas, counted barely 10 percent the number of alligator nests they saw a year ago.
Researchers conducting aerial surveys of alligator nesting activity in Jefferson, Chambers and Orange counties, the most alligator-rich in Texas, counted barely 10 percent the number of alligator nests they saw a year ago."