Saturday, December 09, 2006
Chupacabra Update
Abroad it is known under the name Chupacabra. No one knows for certain what it looks like, but in 2005 a farmer in Texas caught in a trap something looking like a cross between a bald dog, a rat and a kangaroo, which was sucking blood out of his chickens and turkeys.
And now a mystery bloodsucker has appeared around Orenburg. The worries began at the end of March 2005 not far from the regional centre of Saraktash. On the Sapreka farm two farming families suddenly lost 32 turkeys. The bodies of the birds, found in the morning, had been completely drained of blood. None of the farmers either saw or heard the beast that killed them."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Like any good salesperson, Upton is always looking for new ways to attract customers. Recently, she struck upon what she thinks is some tantalizing bait — at least when it comes to police officers.
Instead of a free toaster, TV or a stay at a luxury hotel, Upton, of Realty Associates, is offering officers a free Glock pistol with any home purchase of at least $150,000.
'It's attracted a lot of attention,' she said of her ads in Badge & Gun, the monthly publication of the Houston Police Officers' Union. She said she came up with the idea with help from Blue Cat Creative Consulting and Design.
Upton has given away two Glocks. 'So (the ad) has already paid for itself,' she said. But not all of her law enforcement customers have been interested in another gun.
'So I just give a $500 American Express gift check,' said Upton, whose husband, officer Randy Upton, is a 15-year Houston police veteran."
Stephen King's Top Music Picks for 2006
What brought me back were two radical innovations: satellite radio (my brand happens to be XM) and iTunes (also my iPod, but for me that came later still). These were digital honky-tonks where I found — to my joy — that hard swing was alive and well. I've been listening, usually with the volume turned up to 11, ever since. These are the tracks that moved me in 2006...quite often enough to get up and shake my increasingly elderly ass."
Stephen King and I don't have the same musical tastes, but this year he has some great items on his list. I particularly recommend "Snake Farm" by Ray Wylie Hubbard, my favorite song of the year.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Word of the Year
The word - if one can call it that - best summed up 2006, according to an online survey by dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster.
``Truthiness'' was credited to Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert, who defined it as ``truth that comes from the gut, not books.''
``We're at a point where what constitutes truth is a question on a lot of people's minds, and truth has become up for grabs,'' said Merriam-Webster president John Morse. ```Truthiness' is a playful way for us to think about a very important issue.''
Other Top 10 finishers included ``war,'' ``insurgent,'' ``sectarian'' and ``corruption.'' But ``truthiness'' won by a 5-to-1 margin, Morse said."
I Just Hope It's Not Too Late
Paris to Makeover Britney in Her Image - "Paris to Makeover Britney in Her Image
Paris Hilton's tutelage of new pal Britney Spears is entering the graduate phase. Mazel tov!
While on a retail romp through her favorite Melrose Avenue boutique, trendy Sielian's Vintage Apparel, Hilton revealed that she would be bringing new BFF Britney on her next charge-a-thon."
What I'm Listening To
American before Pearl Harbor (in Kodachrome Color)
Will the Persecution Never End?
Where Are They Now?
But you don't know the story of this Rudolph — a 5-inch-high little guy made of wood, wool and wire. Once a star, then forgotten for decades, he's making an unusual comeback starting today at Atlanta's Center for Puppetry Arts.
The Rudolph scheduled to go on display at the center today is the well-known figure used in making the 42-year-old animated TV special 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,' which airs at 8 tonight on CBS. The Santa puppet from the same show will join his lead reindeer at the center."
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Waterloo Bridge

Mae Clark's performance is wonderful. I've seen her in is the famous "grapefruit scene" with Cagney in The Public Enemy and in Frankenstein but she later was doing things like the great Republic serial King of the Rocketmen. She proves here that she could've been a contender. Hell, she was a contender. I guess she never got another role like this one.
Kent Douglass plays the naive young soldier who falls for Mae without ever figuring out her profession, and he's also good. He's believable in a role that's hard to believe in, in these more enlightened times. I enjoyed the performance of Frederick Kerr as Douglass' hearing-impaired stepfather, and seeing Bette Davis in a small role was a treat.
The movie was directed by James Whale, who's better known as the director of a couple of Universal horror classics. The B&W photography is beautiful. I don't usually watch movies like this one, but I'm glad I took the time for Waterloo Bridge.
Bette Midler Slams 'wild and woolly slut' Britney
Bette Midler slams 'wild and woolly slut' Britney | the Daily Mail: "After fifty years in showbusiness, Bette Midler probably felt that she had seen and done it all.
Until, that is, she was confronted with the brazenly obscene antics of Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
So, in a scathing, no holds barred attack, the 61-year-old actress has branded the pair 'wild and woolly sluts'."
Ramble House Update from Fender Tucker
December 6, 2006
Newsletter of Ramble House, publisher of Harry Stephen Keeler and other loons, produced by Fender Tucker (, mailed whenever something happens. To be removed from this list, please respond to this message and ask, or go to the RH website and unsubscribe. Fender Tucker, 443 Gladstone Blvd. Shreveport LA 71104, 318-868-8727.
The headlines:
~ Gwine to Colorado
~ Many New Titles at
~ Marblehead: A Novel of H.P. Lovecraft by Richard A. Lupoff
~ The Ramble House Lulu Store is Open
And now, the details:
~ I am planning on driving this Saturday to Pagosa Springs Colorado where I'll visit some friends and my brother, John, who is in the States for a while. He lives in Thailand and I haven't seen him in years. I'll have access to a computer so I can check e-mail and process orders for books with -- but then, so can anyone. I'll be back in Shreveport the following weekend.
~ Many New Titles from Ramble House Available at
THE SKULL IN THE BOX by Harry Stephen Keeler. Our best deal yet. All four novels of the series in one volume. THE MAN WITH THE MAGIC EARDRUMS, THE MAN WITH THE CRIMSON BOX, THE MAN WITH THE WOODEN SPECTACLES, and THE CASE OF THE LAVENDER GRIPSACK. $25 in trade paperback. A huge collection of Keeler words and one of the most amazing courtroom trials ever.
GREY SHAPES by Jack Mann. The werewolf novel of the Gees series.
DR. SCARLETT by Alexander Laing. A terrific medical adventure thriller set in the Tibetan jungles.
BLOOD ON HIS HANDS by Australia's Max Afford. Classic locked room mystery.
NIGHT OF HORROR a collection of short stories by Joel Townsley Rogers, edited and introduced by Barry Warren. This is the first collection of stories by the author of THE RED RIGHT HAND ever published.
DOPE TALES #1 the first in a new series by Ramble House. It's a double book with two classic tales of drugs and murder from the 30s: DOPE RUNNERS by Gerald Grantham and DEATH TAKES THE JOYSTICK by Phillip Conde. As often as we can we plan to bring back two enjoyable dope novels from the days when our grandparents were doing all the snorting and puffing -- and I'm not talking about the 60s. Both novels are available separately, but you'll like the price and cover of the exciting new DOPE TALES series.
~ But the piece de resistance of 2006 is the brand new mainstream novel by Richard A. Lupoff, whom we are privileged to publish -- MARBLEHEAD: A Novel of H.P. Lovecraft. It's a huge chronicle of the year 1927 in the life of the budding author, H.P. Lovecraft, as he tries to get published and is both aided and thwarted by proto-Nazis, mafiosa, other authors of the day, anarchists and his lovely wife, Sonia. Lupoff has done extensive research into the Providence/Boston area of the time and into Lovecraft's life and has written previously about him. This is a major new novel and you can place an order for it with me immediately. If you catch me before I leave this Saturday, you may even get it by Christmas. It has a mapback cover by Gavin O'Keefe. $24
~ The best way to keep up with our new titles is to bookmark the Ramble House Lulu store and visit often. I always put new books on the first page of the store, near the top of the page. It's easy to find the store; just click here.
Happy Birthday, Tom Waits!
Thomas Alan Waits was born on the eighth anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was born on December 7, 1949 in Pomona, California. He and his two sisters grew up moving around from city to city in California. His parents who are both school teachers divorced when he was 10. They then moved to National City. Tom's grandfather was christened Jesse Frank Waits and his father Frank Waits. Tom is Scottish and Irish from his father's side of the family and Norwegian from his mother's side.
I've been a fan of Tom Waits since the days of Fernwood2Nite. Hard to believe that was 30 years ago. Anyway, if you haven't heard any of Waits' work, you're missing something different from pretty much anything else out there. There's a new box set called Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards. Check it out.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
This Is What the World Has Been Waiting For!
Badham directed last night's episode of Heroes, I believe.
Only Number Four?
The Sun Online: YAHOO! It's time to gaze at the celeb girls who put the "ogle" into Google.
A list of the babes who web users most often searched for in 2006 has been released.
And the internet's most popular honey is… Britney Spears.
Remarkably, it's the fifth time in six years that the pants-spurning star has topped the list by Yahoo.
Runner-up was Hips Don't Lie singer Shakira, followed in the top five by Jessica Simpson, Britney's new partner-in-crime Paris Hilton and Beyoncé Knowles.
Croc Update
The five-meter long reptile, suspected of eating a 59-year-old fisherman last seen a week ago near a river in East Nusa Tenggara province, was hacked open by residents after it got caught Monday in a nylon snare, The Jakarta Post said.
When the villagers got over the shock of finding human body parts inside its abdomen -- together with skull fragments, strands of hair and a pair of shorts -- they cut the beast into pieces and divided up the meat.
It was unclear how many people the crocodile had eaten, but the paper said at least three have disappeared in recent months, all while fishing at the mouth of the Dusan II River."
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Audit Says FEMA Squanders Katrina Aid | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited: "WASHINGTON (AP) - One year after Katrina, the government is still squandering tens of millions of dollars in wasted disaster aid, including $17 million in bogus rental payments to people who had already received free trailers and apartments, federal investigators said Wednesday.
At the same time, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has recovered less than 1 percent of the $1 billion it wasted on fraudulent hurricane assistance after the August 2005 storm, highlighting a need for stronger controls the next time a major hurricane strikes.
The report by the Government Accountability Office, set to be released later Wednesday, paints a picture of an agency still struggling - at substantial taxpayer expense - to find the balance between distributing quick aid to those in need while guarding against substantial abuse."
Happy Birthday, Dave Brubeck!
No Comment Department
The hotel heiress - who has been introducing Britney to the Los Angeles party circuit since she split from husband Kevin Federline - has become broody after helping look after the singer’s two sons, 15-month-old Sean Preston and three-month-old Jayden James.
Paris is convinced she would be a good mother because she has so many pets.
Paris told Life and Style Weekly magazine: “It’s been my dream to have four babies by 30. I look after animals, so I’d have a lot to give my kids.”"
Experiment #214
Thanks to Neatorama for the link.
Otto Penzler Reviews Mystery Muses
Small Treasures - December 6, 2006 - The New York Sun: "A bit of an oddity is 'Mystery Muses' (Crum Creek Press, 212 pages, $15.00), edited by Jim Huang and Austin Lugar. The entire book is devoted to the ubiquitous question asked in every interview with a mystery writer: Was there a mystery story that influenced you to become a writer or to write the way you do today? One hundred crime writers answer in these pages."
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
New Issue of Crime and Suspense Now On-Line
There are a lot of e-zines that have new issues lately. Here's another one to check out. There's even a download of "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar."
Our authors this month are Charles Schaeffer, Steve Haberlin, Jan Christensen, Nicole Alexander, Peggy Ehrhart, Stephen D. Rogers, Dan Devine and Jeremy Schneider. You can read more about all these authors in the Rogues' Gallery on the Crime and Suspense website. Almost everyone in the list is making their Crime and Suspense ezine debut in this issue, too!
Tony Burton tells his readers about the enjoyable Death Comes Too Soon by Patricia Harrington and Diane Grace delivers the deadly news about C.V. Herst's Dead Certain. And a new feature by Sunny Frazier starts this month, Coming Attractions!
As an added fillip to the mix this month, there is a radio episode of "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" available for download.
Quote of the Day
To be a book-collector is to combine the worst characteristics of a dope fiend with those of a miser.
- Robertson Davies
Happy Birthday, James Lee Burke!
James Lee Burke - About the Author: "James Lee Burke was born in Houston, Texas, in 1936 and grew up on the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast. He attended Southwestern Louisiana Institute and later received a B. A. Degree in English and an M. A. from the University of Missouri in 1958 and 1960 respectively. Over the years he worked as a landman for Sinclair Oil Company, pipeliner, land surveyor, newspaper reporter, college English professor, social worker on Skid Row in Los Angeles, clerk for the Louisiana Employment Service, and instructor in the U. S. Job Corps."
Will the Persecution Never End?
1) Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind
The only justification for this song's presence on pop radio in the summer of 2006 that I heard was that it didn't turn out as badly as expected. That is no reason to turn a song into a hit. Thankfully, it seems that Paris Hilton has moved on from her dreams of being a pop star. She has moved on to befriending the post-K-Fed Britney Spears."
David Goodis Update
I have updated my David Goodis webpages with an interview of Len Cobrin,
long time friend of David Goodis. Parts of the interview appear at the
following pages:
Death of David Goodis
Mystery of David Goodis
Len Cobrin remembers David Goodis
Good stuff. Check it out.
Great Moments in American Civilization
MSNBC: The panty-eschewing singer [Britney Spears] has been pole-dancing with her new best friend, Paris Hilton, who has been giving her private striptease lessons, according to U.K. reports. The two have reportedly been practicing on a stripper pole in Hilton’s Hollywood house.
“Paris took Britney upstairs where she fitted her in a blue tutu, and then Paris put on a matching tutu,” a source told the London Star. “They then went downstairs and danced at Paris’ in-house stripper pole. Britney loves her new moves and can’t wait to get a fella and test them out.”
Monday, December 04, 2006
Reviewing Books for Fun and Profit
Mitchell is part of an online subculture that has helped democratize the reviewing process and cemented Amazon's (nasdaq: AMZN - news - people ) significance in the publishing world. Oprah Winfrey and the New York Times can elevate an obscure debut novelist to a best seller, but Amazon provides the shortest path between a good review and an actual sale: The two are just a click away."
Greywalker -- Kat Richardson

Greywalker is the story of a private-eye named Harper Blaine. When she's assaulted, she suffers a severe head injury and "dies" for two minutes. After she recovers, she finds that she has the ability to enter "the grey," a sort of half-world between life and death. There are lots of strange things in there, and the adjustment isn't an easy one, which is one of the things I liked about the book. Unlike a lot of fictional characters in similar situations, Blaine doesn't immediately figure out what's going on and make the most of it. She fights it, and she's still fighting it when the book ends (though you can bet she'll be back and have a lot more to do with the grey before the intended series runs its course).
This first novel involves a missing person, vampires, an antique parlor organ, an Irish witch, and of course "the grey." There's enough action to satisfy just about anybody, along with some humor, and Blaine's first-person narration moves the story along at a good clip. Sure, Richardson is mining some of the same territory staked out by the likes of Jim Butcher, Kim Harrison, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Charlaine Harris, to name a few, but she has her own original take, and it's worth a look. Check it out.
Quote of the Day
Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
How I love them! How I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
- Arnold Lobel
The 10 Hottest Alien Babes of Film and TV
YesButNoButYes: The Hottest Alien Babes of Film and TV: "There’s nothing like a good sci-fi flick to really capture a guy’s attention. The spaceships…the laser guns…. the distant worlds full of adventure…and those saucy alien chicks in miniskirts whose morals seem looser than William Shatner’s toupee.
But golly gee, there’s so much alien hotness to choose from. How do you decide which babe with green skin is worth your time? Well rest easy fellow space traveler, I’ve done the hard work for you. Allow me to present you with a list guaranteed to appeal to the Buck Rogers in all of us."
The Dude Rules!
The 1998 Coen brothers film has such a rabid underground following that it's managed to inspire an online Church of the Latter-Day Dude, a speaking tour featuring Jeff 'the Dude' Dowd (the independent film consultant credited with inspiring the film's main character), an online petition calling for Jeff Bridges (the film's star) to run for president in 2008, and, oh yeah, a drinking game.
But perhaps the greatest display of obsessive behavior from Lebowski lovers is Lebowski Fest. A multiple-day event where fans come together across the country to pay homage to the object of their cinematic affection."
College Hasn't Changed a Bit Since I Graduated
While their parents shell out $33,246 a year in tuition, Columbia University students attend naked parties, flock to sex-toys workshops, broadcast porn on campus TV, bake anatomically correct pies for the 'Erotic Cake-Baking Contest' and heat up the library steps in a mass makeout session.
And, of course, there's always the stimulating game Guess the Number of Condoms in the Jelly-Bean Jar.
Others volunteer for the bullwhip at Conversio Virium, the university-sanctioned S&M club. It calls itself a 'discussion group' that provides 'education and peer support' and promotes 'safe, sane and consensual play.' But the club doesn't just talk.
Late on the night of Nov. 13, a Daily News reporter sat in Room 303 of Hamilton Hall, a venerable classroom building where Columbia students have studied Poe, Plato and Plutarch for nearly 100 years.
As a female student volunteer stood facing the blackboard, and 24 Columbians watched, a lecturer who identified himself only as Dov flogged her with whips, rubber hoses and a cat-o'-nine-tails. "
Will the Persecution Never End?
The two 25-year-olds were first seen on a dinner date together in Los Angeles last Thursday (30.11.06).
Oil heir Brandon was close friends with Britney's new best friend Paris Hilton.
However, Paris and Brandon are no longer on speaking terms after their friendship and rumoured romance came to a bitter end earlier this year.
Brandon recently branded Paris a racist, saying she was forever referring to black people as "n*****s".
He said: "She is a racist, plus an idiot. I don't want anything to do with her. I don't need anything from her. She is no longer my friend. She is just not a nice person."
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Monday on "It's a Mystery"
For those who love culinary mysteries, I'll also be interviewing Nancy Fairbanks, author of _Crime Brulee_, _Bon Bon Voyage_, and other titles featuring food columnist Carolyn Blue.
"It's a Mystery" is Webcast at 11 AM ET on Mondays at
Interesting Richard Stark Review/Essay by James Wolcott
Ask the Parrot By Richard Stark - Books - Review - New York Times: "In 1997, Donald E. Westlake — whose prodigious versatility in crime fiction makes the competition look like plow hands — dusted off his literary pseudonym Richard Stark and defrosted his antihero Parker for a knuckle sandwich aptly titled “Comeback.” It had been nearly a quarter-century since the last Parker outing (“Butcher’s Moon,” published back when Gerald Ford was president), but if any hood could survive literary limbo that long in the meat locker, it was this ageless, unnervable, packed-solid, viciously adaptable commando, whose presence is stamped on the page with an abstract force."
New Issue of Mysterical-E is Up and Ready
"Sometimes Boring is Good by Jan Christensen
Easy Mark J. Alan Brown
Bones of Contention by Charles Schaeffer
In The Garden of the Gods by Fleur Bradley
Krung Thep by Scott Robinson
Majestic-12 by Gay Toltl Kinman
Poochie's Progress by Luc Beaubois
The Perfect Gift by Suzanne Berube Rorhus
Repaid Debts by Sandra Seamans
The Root of the Matter by Bob Liter
A Signature in Blood by Annette Dashofy
Small Town Secrets by Pam Skochinski
Stranger in Town by Jonette Stabbert
Criminal Conundrum by Daniel B. Young
When It Went Wrong by Patrick Reed"
Hard Case Crime Update

Here's the latest cover. Robert Terrall is 92 and still with us. I have this book in the old Dell printing, but you can be sure I'll bet the Hard Case edition. After all, I'm a subscriber. You can see a lot of the new covers here. Check 'em out.
Will the Persecution Never End?
'It is my understanding that some satirical references ridiculed some of her peers,' her spokesman, Elliot Mintz, said in a statement. 'Paris did not want to say anything that could appear hurtful or embarassing about people she knows.'
Mintz said Hilton received a script Friday that contained material she found 'objectionable.' Representatives for Hilton and the awards show could not come to an agreement about the script's content so she decided to scrap the appearance, he said."
Good News for Movie Fans!
Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan in Witches of Eastwick: "HOLLYWOOD - Viacom chairman, Sumner Redstone, is expected to announce early next week that Viacom subsidiary Paramount Pictures has signed Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan to star in a remake of the 1987 comedy-thriller The Witches of Eastwick." - Health - The write stuff: Hospitals resort to penmanship classes for doctors - October 4, 2000 - Health - The write stuff: Hospitals resort to penmanship classes for doctors - October 4, 2000: "He's a veteran physician who works as a trauma surgeon. Just don't ask Dr. Sheldon Brotman to write a legible prescription.
That's why he's here, sitting in a handwriting class at Atlantic City Medical Center, learning how to hold his pen, position his paper and put a sharp angle on his 'z' so it doesn't look like an 's.'"