Saturday, July 03, 2010
Manhattan Leads the Way
Indiana Leads the Way
Hard Case Crime Update from Charles Ardai
The books Max Allan Collins has written for us about the hitman known as Quarry -- THE LAST QUARRY, THE FIRST QUARRY, QUARRY IN THE MIDDLE -- have been some of our most popular. One of them was even turned into a movie, "The Last Lullaby," starring Tom Sizemore as Collins' enigmatic killer.
When October comes around, we'll be adding a new entry to the list: QUARRY'S EX. This one puts Quarry in particularly hot water when, on a job, he runs into one of the few people in the world who know his true identity: his adulterous ex-wife. If you'd like to read the first chapter, you can find it on our Web site,
Want more than a chapter? We're giving away a dozen free advance copies of the book. All you have to do is send e-mail to (including your name and the address you'd like the book mailed to if you're selected). There's just one other thing we're asking this time: if you're chosen, we ask that you post a review somewhere online of one of the OTHER Quarry books -- it can be on your own blog if you have one, it can be a site like or, it can be anywhere you like. If you've already read the first three Quarry novels, that'll be easy -- just pick your favorite and tell people about it If you haven't read any of them yet, getting one (or all three!) is easy, too: just visit your favorite local or online bookseller, or order them directly from Dorchester Publishing by calling 1-800-481-9191.
All entries must be in by 5PM New York time on July 31; only one entry per person, please. Good luck!
Oh, and while I have you: We've also finally posted the first chapter of CHOKE HOLD, Christa Faust's upcoming sequel to MONEY SHOT, on our Web site, and I think you're really going to like it. Just click on the words "CHOKE HOLD" in the list of book titles on our home page, then on "Read A Sample Chapter." We're not holding a drawing for advance copies of this one yet -- but you can still enjoy a taste of what's coming...
And speaking of what's coming: At the end of this month you'll be able to find Brett Halliday's MURDER IS MY BUSINESS, the first appearance of famous detective Mike Shayne in bookstores in a couple of decades. The cover's a brand new painting by long-time Halliday illustrator (and Hard Case Crime favorite) Robert McGinnis, and the book even features a brief introduction from Hollywood screenwriter Shane Black (creator of "Lethal Weapon" and writer/director of "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang," which Shane based on two Mike Shayne novels).
If even the end of the month is too long for you to wait for some great summer reading, I can't urge you strongly enough to pick up a copy of the book we have in stores now, NOBODY'S ANGEL by Jack Clark. This is the book the Washington Post raved about recently, calling it "a gem" and "just about perfect." The Chicago Sun-Times called it "captivating...heartbreaking," saying "each page turn feels like real, authentic Chicago." And those are just two of the many raves the book has gotten. It's an amazing, amazing book, truly one of the finest we've ever published, and if you haven't read it yet, you should. Go get a copy and settle in for a great read.
Time for one more bit of Coming Attractions? This coming Friday -- July 9th -- is the premiere of Hard Case Crime's first ever TV series, "Haven" on SyFy. It airs at 10PM on Fridays in the U.S.; check your local listings for times and dates if you're in another country. The series is based on our bestselling book of all time, Stephen King's THE COLORADO KID, and I've been fortunate to get to work on it as a writer and producer. Yes, being a SyFy show it contains more supernatural elements that you'd normally associate with Hard Case Crime -- but it's also a mystery show at its core (the main characters are an FBI agent, a cop, and a criminal), and I promise we've got some great stories up our sleeves.
I'll be watching, popcorn in hand, when Friday night rolls around. Won't you join me?
Charles Ardai
Editor, Hard Case Crime
Greatest Movie Predators -
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
'The thing about the Sith is they look cool,' Sanchez says, 'and they have the passions.'"
World's Largest Flag Update
But Scott LoBaido could be singing the red, white and blues if it won't stop raining in Houston.
Hurricane-fueled rains in Texas are threatening his time line, keeping him off the factory roof that serves as his canvas."
Friday, July 02, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Joan R. Ginther, a native of Bishop, Texas, made her fourth appearance Monday at lottery headquarters in Austin to collect seven figures, lottery officials said.
Ginther, 63, won $10 million, the top prize in Texas Lottery's $140,000,000 Extreme Payout scratch-off ticket she bought for $50, pushing her total wins to $20.4 million."
Will the Persecution Never End?
The heiress was with film star pal Leonardo DiCaprio when cops seized her."
7 Questions
In an early draft of the document, which is kept under lock and key in one of the Library's vaults, Jefferson referred to the American population as 'subjects,' then replaced it with the word 'citizens,' a term he used frequently throughout the final draft."
Ivan G. Shreve Jr. Interview
Don't Call Me Shirley
Anyone who nails them all would surely by welcome to pilot the mentalfloss private trivia jet anytime. And, no, Shirley, we're not joking."
Beryl Bainbridge, R. I. P.
Ed Wilson, of her literary agency Johnson and Alcock, says Bainbridge died in a London hospital early Friday. She had been suffering from cancer.
Bainbridge was born in the port city of Liverpool in northwest England in 1934, and the city's grit informed her books, which blended humor, tragedy and the absurd.
She published more than a dozen novels, including ''A Weekend With Claud,'' ''The Bottle Factory Outing'' and ''Injury Time.''"
The Shamus Winners, Volumes I and II -- Robert J. Randisi, Editor

Croc Update (You Have the Right to Remain Silent Edition)

Back to the Future

The government's former chief scientific adviser, Professor Sir David King, now director of the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at the University of Oxford, told a conference that massive helium balloons – or blimps – would replace aircraft as a key part of the global trade network as a way of cutting global warming emissions."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
New E-Book Publisher
Not enough hours in your day to get through 400 pages of the latest bestseller, wish the pacing of the book you’re currently reading would pick up? New Pulp aims to deliver excitement meant to be devoured in an evening or during lunch periods.
This month we’re launching two series.
First up is Jake Cassidy, a tough guy recovery agent working the mean beaches of Miami. Jake’s never turned down a case or a beach bunny. Lean prose, spicy nights, and violence all combine to create a new fusion of the Gold Medal crime fiction of the 1960s and 1970s, only set solidly in the 21st century. Join Jake as he crosses paths with bikers, pirates, organized crime, murderers, and blackmailers, and the most dangerous adversary of all — the redhead."
Forgotten Books: THE TELL-TALE TART -- Peter Duncan

Elliott Kastner, R. I. P.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
No one in El Paso was hurt in the shootings, which Abbott blamed on Mexico's warring drug cartels. His letter was reprinted in the El Paso Times, and included the following passage:
The time for talk has passed. The time for action is now. The need is urgent. Each day that passes increases the likelihood that an American life will be lost because of the federal government's failure to secure the border."
Corpse Flower Update
Liver-colored, reeking of rancid animal flesh and obscenely phallic, Titan arum - affectionately called the corpse flower - is hardly the stuff of bouquets and love poems. It's more like the Godzilla of the plant kingdom: big, stinky and likely to traumatize small children."
Fox News Wants to Know
Libraries are quiet havens for the community. They take us to other worlds. They even make us laugh. But should these institutions -- that date back to 1900 B.C. -- be on the way out?"
End of an Era
The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time
Title Change of the Week
You Can't Catch a Leprechaun
Boulder police Sgt. Fred Gerhardt said police received a call saying there was a man dressed as a leprechaun jumping in and out from between cars. He was pretending to shoot at people with his fingers and may have made obscene gestures, as well.
[. . . .]
But officers were unable to locate anybody matching the description of the leprechaun."
Finland Leads the Way
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I For One Welcome Our New Shape-Shifting Robot Masters
Some People Will Steal Anything
Deputies David Stubblefield, Leon Bourcier and Sgt. Ken Fricke responded to Coco Plum Beach at 8:40 p.m. Sunday to calls from people about a truck full of sand stuck on the beach. When he arrived, he found the 1989 Ford F150 truck with it's rear wheels deep in the sand. The back of the truck was full of sand as well, and there was a large hole in the beach nearby where the sand had evidently been removed."
Dead Language Update
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Cleopatra Update
The theory by Christoph Schaefer, a professor of ancient history at Trier University, challenges the common, centuries-old belief that Cleopatra committed suicide with the bite of an asp."
Dick & Dee Dee
75 Years of Penguin
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Massachusetts Leads the Way
Two tests given in May to about 2,600 students contained about 100 errors combined.
The mistakes included the phrases 'truning around' and 'For God's skae,' as well as a note on one test that read 'This is the end of the Test,' when there were two more pages."
NASA Face in Space
First...Select the Participate button at the bottom of this page and upload your image/name, which will be flown aboard the space shuttle. Don't have a picture to upload? No problem, just skip the image upload and we will fly your name only on your selected mission!"
2010 Bulwer-Lytton Winner
San Jose State University said Tuesday that Molly Ringle of Seattle was the grand prize winner of the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
In her entry, Ringle describes a 'lengthy, ravenous kiss' between two lovers: 'Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.'"
Even a Caveman. . . .
Rock engravings from the Copper Age found all over Europe in remote, hidden locations, indicate the artwork was more than mere images, researchers from Cambridge University and Sankt Poelten's university of applied sciences (FH) in Austria believe.
'The cliff engravings... in our opinion are not just pictures but are part of an audiovisual performance,' Frederick Baker of Cambridge University's Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology said in a statement Tuesday."
Vampire Update
The woman claims she spotted a vampire in the middle of a dirt road near Fruita, Colo. Sunday night. She told Colorado State Troopers she was startled by the undead being, threw her car into reverse, and crashed into a canal.
She was not injured.
State Troopers say the woman's husband arrived at the scene and took her home. The vampire, which was not seen by anyone else, apparently let her get away."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
There Was a Tall Oak Tree
Spiderman Update
Hibiki Kono, 13, a big fan of the superhero, made the incredible climbing machine using the suction from two Tesco Value vacuum cleaners."
Ponzi Update
The author, a mother of nine children in Madison, Wisconsin, is the victim of an international Ponzi scheme masterminded by Trevor Cook, a Minneapolis trader who bilked over 1,000 investors out of millions of dollars."
A Short History of The Little Rascals
Monday, June 28, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
I'm Shocked! -- Shocked!
It turns out, however, the biggest safety issue you face while flying could be the food served by the airlines."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
He's been living on 47 acres behind a fence without running water and electricity but with plenty of guns, daring authorities to arrest him for a 10-year-old, third-degree felony warrant. He says he hasn't left his property since 2000, all the while allowing his distrust of a government he views as evil to fester."
The First Canine Movie Star
The film was an advance in filming techniques in editing, production and story telling. Four hundred prints were sold, so many that the negatives wore out twice, requiring the film to be re-shot each time."
No Comment Department
The 40-year-old singer, known as El Shaka, told a website he had increased security measures after a number of Mexican musicians were killed."
Alvin Update
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
After decades apart, they got married Saturday in Waco."
A Note from Jim Doherty about a New Website
His creator, sickened by the increase of crime decided, in 1931, to create a detective who could deal with gangdom via what he called "the hot lead route."
The detective's name was Dick Tracy.
The site includes feature articles on the history of the strip, media
adaptations, etc.
Prose fiction featuring the square-jawed cop is also included.
"The Treasure of Captain Cannonsmoke," by animator Tracy Kazaleh, is set in the world of the U.P.A. animated Tracy cartoons of the early '60's, and is marked by a somewhat more humorous take on Tracy's Rogues Gallery, all together on a cruise ship in search of pirate treasure.
"Murder Is My Hobby," by some guy named Doherty, puts Tracy on the trail of a serial killer.
There's also, "Fireworks," a never-before-published comic book story written by Max Allan Collins and illustrated by Joe Staton. Originally slated for publication in a magazine called Disney Adventures back when Beatty's Tracy movie was still hot, it was shelved for some unknown reason, but has been resurrected for this site.
The centerpiece of the site is "Major Crimes Squad," a comics story in "daily newspaper" format also illustrated by Staton and written by comic book publisher Mike Curtis.
You can find it here:
If you've been disappointed at the direction the strip has taken since Collins's departure in 1993, check out this site and see how good Dick Tracy can still be in the right hands.
In Case You Missed the Movie . . .
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
In a speech on the floor of the House last week Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert warned about an insidious plot by terror organizations to infiltrate the US with pregnant woman.
According to Gohmert, the plan is that women would give birth to terrorist babies who can then return to wreak havoc on the US once they come of age."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
According to Fort Worth police reports, everyone in the neighborhood knows it's an after-hours beer stop, where anyone can pay a $1.50 for a beer dispensed from a backyard Pepsi machine."
The Bounty Killer -- Marvin H. Albert