Matt Damon is set to play Liberace's lover Scott Thorson. The screenplay is based on Thorson's book Behind the Candelabra (My Life With Liberace)."
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Liberace Update
Matt Damon is set to play Liberace's lover Scott Thorson. The screenplay is based on Thorson's book Behind the Candelabra (My Life With Liberace)."
Another Contest that Might Be of Interest
John D'Agostino, R. I. P.
A Note from Barbara Gregorich, for you Baseball Fans
This book will be of interest to baseball researchers, to women in baseball who want to know their history, perhaps to baseball fans who aren't interested in research but would enjoy reading old-timey articles, maybe to novelists looking for the flavor of the times, and, I hope, to high school English teachers who assign research papers to students.
Since publishing this book last month, I’ve already heard from baseball researchers who said that information in my book led them to some aspect of their own research they didn’t know about or hadn’t considered.
The book is available only through Amazon, $12 for the softbound format, $5 for the Kindle format.
Here's the link:
Gator Update (Travelling Edition)
Police said they pulled a vehicle over in the McDonald's parking lot at Meyer Boulevard and Troost Avenue. When the officer approached the car, he saw the alligator in the back."
Life Imitates "Art"

Daniel McGuire, 40, was spotted by a Lake Wales police officer with several containters of moonshine in the trunk of his car on December 1. After asking the Polk Co. Sheriff's Office for assistance, deputies made a traffic stop on McGuire's car the next day.
They found 83 quart-size jars of moonshine that McGuire claims he was delivering to a restaurant manager in Sebring."
Ancient Mega-Lake Update
Fossil fish and space shuttle radar images have defined the bed and drainage channels of the long lost lake, which at times was larger than Lake Michigan, stretching as far as 250 miles west of the Nile in southwestern Egypt.
The discovery pushes back the origin of the 'Gift of the Nile' floods to more than a quarter million years ago and paints a drastically different picture of Egypt's environment than is seen today. It also explains the longstanding puzzle of the fossilized fish found in the desert -- fish that are of the same kinds that live in today's Nile River."
Gator Update (Robot Edition)
Mysterious Galaxy PB Bestseller List. . .
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Joe Capes and Ronald Richards were hanging out in Richards' trailer when they began arguing about the sexual orientation of country music singer Conway Twitty."
Friday, December 03, 2010
Elaine Kaufman, R. I. P.
Elaine Kaufman, who died Friday at age 81, was owner of Elaine's, the legendary hangout for writers, artists, prize-fighters and everybody who wanted to be anybody—or catch a glimpse of those who were.
Her list of regulars over the years included Woody Allen, Norman Mailer, George Plimpton and dozens more who need little introduction. Ms. Kaufman befriended her customers and even fed them for free when they were down and out."
Here's the Plot for Your Next Inside-the-Walls Thriller
Dutchman Jackson Conquet confessed to strangling Leslie Paredes, 22, when she visited him at his Peruvian jail.
He killed her after she said she wanted to end their relationship and hid the body under a concrete bench he built over her grave."
Here's the Plot for Your Next Teen Hit Man Novel
The much-rumored alleged young assassin nicknamed 'El Ponchis' was captured late Thursday at the airport near Cuernavaca with his 16-year-old sister as they tried to catch a flight to Tijuana and flee the country, said the official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case.
The sister told reporters that they planned to cross the border to San Diego, California, where their mother lives.
The two were brought to the office of the Mexican Attorney General's Office in Cuernavaca early Friday, where the boy told reporters that he had participated in at least four decapitations. The source said his sister was accused of getting rid of the bodies by dumping them on streets and freeways."
Ron Santo, R. I. P.
Playing for the Chicago Cubs from 1960 to 1973, then for a final season with the Chicago White Sox, Santo hit 342 career home runs, won five Gold Glove awards for fielding and was named an All-Star nine times."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Texas will gain at least three and possibly four seats in Congress, as population trends continue to push people out of the rust and snow belts and into the sunbelt, demographers say."
12 Days of Bookmas -- Day 3 #12daysbooks
I’ve always been an idea person, so it was so exciting to me to learn that not only would I be editing books, but I could actually help create ideas. Did you know that one of the ideas I developed as an editor more than 12 years ago is still being published today? Hmm, maybe that’s a topic for another Day of Bookmas.
Today’s question, however, is about my boss. She’s still working in publishing, but in a very different capacity. Today she’s a successful author who is coming up with fabulous ideas, but writing them herself. Who is this editor-turned-author and what 10-book YA series did she write that was later made into a television program (which she also worked on)?
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Crossroad Press Contest
The prize: A 2GB Sansa Clip MP3 player, brand new, and loaded with Crossroad Press & Springbrook Digital audiobooks – over $300.00 in Value…"
Escondido Leads the Way
That is the question police and federal authorities are still asking after the arrest last week of George Djura Jakubec, whose rented house in Escondido, Calif., contained what local authorities called “the largest quantity of homemade explosives found in one location in the history of the United States.”"
Forgotten Books: DOUBLE BANG -- Heywood Gould

Thursday, December 02, 2010
Life as We Don't Know It
But not this one. This one is completely different."
It's About Time
The Fox-based shingle, behind such family fare as the 'Chronicles of Narnia' franchise, has paired with Brandon Camp, son of 'Benji' creator Joe Camp Jr., to write, direct and produce a pic that will reboot the character for a new crop of young moviegoers."
Chuck Norris Leads the Way
They'll Sleep Soundly in Denver Tonight
The Second Day of Bookmas
I usually gravitated toward romantic suspense and gothics, but while stocking the shelves and getting to know the store’s inventory, I became intrigued with a mystery series that I’d also watched on the small screen. It wasn’t my usual fare, but I was hooked.
Can you name the series and the author?
No Comment Department
Discount Noir?
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Hard Case Crime Update from Charles Ardai
Hi --
Thought you might be interested in this tidbit of news that broke this morning: Lawrence Block, one of the most decorated and popular authors in the crime fiction firmament (four-time Edgar winner, four-time Shamus winner, MWA Grand Master, New York Times best seller), is writing a brand new book for Hard Case Crime, and it's going to be our debut title when we re-launch the series in September 2011.
Titled GETTING OFF: A Novel of Sex and Violence, the book tells the story of a beautiful and self-confident young woman who sets herself a mission and carries it out with ruthless single-mindedness -- to track down and murder every man she's ever slept with. (And it's not a small number, especially since she finds herself sleeping with a few more along the way.) The character is one of Block's most memorable, the first new series character he's introduced since J.P Keller in HIT MAN a dozen years ago. Like Keller, she first appeared in a short story Block found himself writing, and after she'd stuck around for a second tale and then a third, he realized he had a novel-length story to tell about her. Thus was GETTING OFF born.
These days, it's hard to describe any book as shocking -- it's 2010, sex doesn't shock us anymore, nor even, really, does violence -- but I promise, this book is shocking. In the best possible way. There are moments in the story when I predict even the most jaded reader will find his or her jaw dropping.
And in recognition of the fact that the book is, shall we say, somewhat...spicy...the author has decided it's appropriate to revive a pseudonym he hasn't used in nearly 40 years, under which he wrote seven highly erotic novels in the 1960s and 70s. Accordingly, GETTING OFF will be published as by "Lawrence Block, writing as 'Jill Emerson'." As a long-time fan not only of Larry's work but of Jill's, I have to say it's exciting to see her return after too many after decades of Salinger-like silence...
Couple of other bits: GETTING OFF will not only be our re-launch debut title but also our first ever hardcover original. We plan to bring it out in paperback as well, of course -- but it felt like an occasion like this deserved a hardcover to commemorate it. The cover is being painted by Greg Manchess, winner of multiple gold medals from the Society of Illustrators and creator of such iconic cover images for Hard Case Crime as FADE TO BLONDE and THE VENGEFUL VIRGIN. The book will be the first published under our new collaboration with UK-based Titan Publishing and will be distributed in the U.S. and Canada (as all of Titan's books are) by Random House.
This is easily one of the most thrilling announcements I've had the privilege to make since creating Hard Case Crime. I grew up reading and loving Larry's books, and the idea of getting to collaborate with him to bring a new one into the world is...beyond words. We're honored that he chose us as the home for this book and look forward to giving GETTING OFF the kick-off it so richly deserves.
If you have questions, you know where to find me.
Charles Ardai
Editor, Hard Case Crime
A Contest
The rules: no planning, no coordination, no safety nets. Each day one of us wrote up to 250 words of a short story and passed it onto the next writer, with each writer eventually working on two segments. The only leeway was the last writer got to go past the 250 word limit to try to finish up the story, and the only editing done was for consistency errors.
So starting December 6th I'll be posting a story segment each day with the author's name removed. After 12 days the story will be finished (one way or the other). At that point we'll be offering free books to the first 5 people who can match each segment to the author who wrote it!"
Hard Case Crime Returns
[. . . .]
Getting Off will be credited to “Lawrence Block writing as Jill Emerson,” a pseudonym Block last used decades ago. The story follows a female serial killer bent on murdering all the men she has slept with in her life. In its previous incarnation, Hard Case Crime published five novels by Block, all of which were reprints of previously published titles. This is his first new book for the series."
Kasey Lansdale Update
Kasey Lansdale
Kasey Lansdale presents Songwriter 101 Workshop with Grammy Nominee recording artist and songwriter Roxie Dean.
Center, TX – Singer, songwriter Kasey Lansdale will host a three hour workshop designed to give performers and songwriters a unique learning experience opportunity to work with one of Nashville’s most respected singer/songwriters, Grammy Nominee, Roxie Dean.
Dean’s songwriting career includes a 2001 Nashville Songwriters Association International "Top 10 Songs That You Wish You’d Written" award for "Why They Call It Falling,” and a Grammy nomination for co-writing "When I think about Angels.”
Dean’s songwriting credits also include cuts by Reba McEntire, Tracy Lawrence, Chely Wright, Tammy Cochran, Jolie Edwards, and Tamara Walker to name a few.
Songwriters at all levels will benefit from the critiques and experience of working with Dean.
Topics would include but are not limited to:
· Song Critique
· Copyrights and Publishing
· Fine-tuning your Songwriting Craft
· Preparing your Songs for a Demo Recording
· Understanding what publishing companies are looking for
· The art of the “Co-Write”
· Song Structure, and when you can “break the rules”
Learn the tips and tricks of the professionals in the fast paced careers of singing and songwriting by attending the Stage Performance/Songwriter 101 workshop
DATE : February 5th, 2011 at the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library,
All workshop attendants will receive a FREE pass into the acoustic performance of Roxie Dean and Kasey Lansdale for the evening of the Workshop.
All others interested in the performance only, please contact
To Infinity . . . and Beyond!
There Will Always Be an England
For the past several months, a small group of knitters in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, have been knitting sweaters for featherless hens rescued from British poultry farms."
A Contest
One of the books I was asked to write my report on was a romance (weirdly enough, I have no recollection of what the other book was). It was also the very first romance I ever read, and the book that made me fall in love with romance.
What was the book and who is the author?
Gator Update (Charges Pending Edition)
Gone in Six Seconds — The Shocking Truth of Barrel Life � Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
No Comment Department
Nathan Barker, of Reputation 24/7, offers a service starting at £5,000.
He said: ‘First we set up accounts. For a romance novel we’d pick seven female profiles and three males.
‘We’d say we like this book but add a tiny bit of criticism and compare it to another book.’
Mr Barker claims this is common practice among publishers."
A Little Contest I'm Participating In
King Kong Update
You Never Know When There'll Be an Emergency
[. . . .]
The only approved U.S. manufacturer of the drug says new supplies won't be available until next year. That's bad news for Arizona, Oklahoma, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky, the states that have run out of the 'killin' juice.'
Texas has 39 available doses that expire in March and only has three executions scheduled before then. Still, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice told USA Today that Texas isn't sharing."
No Comment Department
The short report sent by the schoolgirl's form tutor was strewn with misspellings, incorrect apostrophe use and bad sentence construction."
The Bronx Leads the Way
That's because it came from a public school he no longer attends - the same school that failed to issue him grades while he was there.
Eximius College Preparatory Academy in Morrisania has even posted grades for Quinn in online progress reports even though he hasn't been there since transferring out last summer.
'The school has no idea what it's doing,' said Quinn, 15, now an eighth-grader at Intermediate School 117 in Mount Hope.
Transcripts provided by the family to the Daily News show Quinn enrolled in four Eximius classes he never took, taught by teachers he never had."
Music, Music, Music
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Cemetery Road -- Gar Anthony Haywood

Len Moffatt, R. I. P.
Art Garfunkel's Library
This Is My Rifle, This Is My Gun . . . .
Monday, November 29, 2010
I Wasn't Even Nominated
The award went to London-born writer Rowan Somerville for his novel 'The Shape of Her.'"
Irvin Kershner, R. I. P.
Picasso Update
The couple for years squirreled away the staggering trove — which is believed to be authentic, but whose origin is unclear — in their garage on the French Riviera, said Picasso Administration lawyer Jean-Jacques Neuer.
The cache, dating from the artist's most creative period from 1900 to 1932, includes lithographs, portraits, watercolors, and sketches — plus nine Cubist collages said to be worth euro40 million alone, according to French daily Liberation, which first reported Monday on the discovery."
I'll Bet Dave Barry Is Ordering These by the Gross

Beware of Squirrel Underpants imitators!"
Has Anyone Told Willie?
In experiments, THC, the chemical behind the ‘high’ of cannabis fuelled the production of a flood of cells thought to weaken the body’s inbuilt defences."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Leslie Nielsen, R. I. P.
Nielsen's lead roles in the films Forbidden Planet and The Poseidon Adventure came long before he considered a turn to comedy. His deadpan delivery as a doctor in 1980's Airplane! marked a turning point in Nielsen's career, one that would make him, in the words of film critic Roger Ebert, 'the Olivier of spoofs.'[3] Nielsen appeared in over 100 films and 1,500 television programs over the span of his career, portraying over 220 characters.[4]"
John Steakley, R. I. P.
And Stay off His Lawn!
I Guess Someone Had to Do It
No Comment Department
Under the Warrior Star -- Joe R. Lansdale

Washington Police Chief J.R. Blyth thought Sunday's discovery was the most grisly murder scene in his 35 years in law enforcement. He committed several investigators to the 'crime scene' -- until they realized it had been set up that way for a horror movie."