Saturday, April 24, 2010
Paintings by Kenny Mencher
Country Music -- Willie Nelson
Back Alley Update from Richard Helms
It's a corker, folks. We have stories by Stephen D. Rogers, Angela Zeman, Nikki Dolson, and a very impressive newcomer (to mysteries, at least) named Thomas Larsen. There is even a new Eamon Gold short story by some kid named Helms. We top it all off with part six of our seven-part serialization of Frank Norris's classic naturalistic proto-noir novel, McTeague.
The party starts Monday at The Back Alley Webzine, ! Hope to see you there!
Richard Helms
SIX MILE CREEK, available NOW, Five Star Mysteries
Houston Leads the Way
It's on officers like Mark Elliott to slow us down.
'Everybody always wants to be out front,' Elliott said.
And from what we can tell, HPD's been abnormally busy lately.
Last month, HPD handed out more than 109,000 traffic tickets. That's 3,500 a day or 147 tickets every hour for a month."
New and Improved
Friday, April 23, 2010
Top Ten Best Movie Scores of the Past 30 Years
Victor Gischler -- The Deputy

Top 10 Father and Son Writing Teams
Australia Leads the Way
Forgotten Books: THE SPOTTED PANTHER -- James Francis Dwyer

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Archie Comics Update
Riverdale High School, the stomping grounds of comic books' favorite teen and his friends, is opening its doors to an openly gay student - a first in the 69-year history of the character.
'We're trying to reflect society and we're just trying to show Riverdale is a diverse place,' says Dan Parent, the artist-writer behind the series."
She Should Have Stayed off Her Lawn
Police say Kayla Gerdes was high on painkillers when she drove a van onto the front lawn and into a house in Hempstead, killing homeowner Rebecca Twine-Wright, 69, who was mowing her lawn.
Before her arraignment at Nassau County District Court on Wednesday, a very emotional Gerdes told reporters 'I didn't mean to do it. The car went out of control -- I was pressing the was a was a mistake.'
However, it's what she told police that is hard to believe.
At 2:10 a.m. Wednesday, about 16 hours after the Tuesday morning accident, in a statement to police, Gerdes was quoted as saying: 'The thing that made me feel not so bad was she was old. 'I mean, 70 years is a long time to live.'"
Chupacabra Update
But no more.
Owner Brian Stevens says the special specimen has been stolen."
OK Corral Update
The document had been missing for decades — last seen when it was photocopied in the 1960s.
It was found when court clerks stumbled on the box while reorganizing files in an old jail storage room in Bisbee, about 20 miles south of Tombstone, the Arizona frontier town where the gunbattle took place."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
And Stay off Her Damn Lawn!
Beautiful Books
Here you can see a selection of his covers, including many versions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy - one of which looks weirdly similar to the Necronomicon in Evil Dead."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
That's no joke in Texas, however, where the 400-pound beasts do an estimated $50 million in damage to crops and property each year. Texas has half the nation's feral hogs, but they're now found in about 38 other states, up from fewer than 20 states 15 years ago.
One Texas researcher had hoped to slow their rapid reproduction with a birth control pill, but that hasn't worked out well."
'The Looney Toons Show' will star Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, along with Yosemite Sam, Tweety, Sylvester -- the whole gang. Weirdly, the network is having each episode as a half-hour story along with 'cartoons within a cartoon.' The concept takes Bugs and Daffy out of the woods (awww) and puts them into the suburbs (arrrh!) with 'colorful neighbors.'"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's San Jacinto Day

Hundreds of military re-enactors will relive the clash between Texas rebels and Santa Anna's troops as the highlight of the annual festival commemorating the Texans' April 21, 1836, victory.
The actor-soldiers also will dramatize the “runaway scrape” — the flight of Texans from the advancing Mexican army — and the march of Sam Houston's troops from Gonzales to San Jacinto."
I For One Welcome Our New Feathered Overlords
Scientists from New Zealand's University of Auckland have found that the birds are able to use three tools in succession to reach some food.
The crows, which use tools in the wild, have also shown other problem-solving behaviour, but this find suggests they are more innovative than was thought."
Women + Country -- Jakob Dylan

Super-Science Fiction, June 1959 (Part 2)

The Origin of DUNE
Despite his agent's indifference, Herbert dug in: He was fascinated by the project and superimposed the history of another sandy place -- including Arabs and Islam's Mohammed -- into an adventure novel originally called 'Spice Planet.'
When he hit his stride, Herbert was writing 70 pages a week."
The 50 best Author vs. Author Put-Downs of All Time
Texting Update
The study by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project and the University of Michigan released Tuesday found that the average adolescent sends or receives 50 or more messages a day, or 1,500 texts per month.
Thirty-one percent send and receive more than 100 messages per day or more than 3,000 messages a month and 15 percent send more than 200 texts a day.
Girls tend to be much more avid texters than boys, typically sending and receiving 80 messages per day compared to 30 for boys, according to the survey of 800 teens aged 12 to 17 years old and their parents."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
| Latest News
After she was patted down and handcuffed, Sandra McFeeley was hauled from her Oak Cliff home to jail.
"I met some neat people," she said of her nine hours at Lew Sterrett Justice Center. "I'd never been in a perp walk before. It was cool."
What's not so cool, the 67-year-old attorney said, was being accused of felony criminal mischief – for thinning thickets in a city park near her home.
"She was going out to this greenbelt area and trimming it as she saw fit," said Joe Ries, a city park maintenance manager. "We asked her to stop," he said, because she didn't have a work agreement with the city.
Super-Science Fiction, June 1959

Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
A judge in Austin granted the divorce, but Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is appealing the decision. He also is appealing a divorce granted to a gay couple in Dallas, saying protecting the 'traditional definition of marriage' means doing the same for divorce."
Gator Update (Fargo Edition)
The roughly 2-foot-long reptile was discovered about 6:45 p.m. Thursday outside a Fargo apartment building in the 1800 block of 42nd Street South."
Librarians Have More Fun
Will Manly, who said the New York-based Wilson Library Bulletin withheld the results of his survey in 1992, published results recently on his Web site indicating 51 percent of librarians in the early 90s were willing to pose nude for money and 61 percent of respondents admitting to renting an X-rated film, the New York Daily News reported Monday."
South Park, Beware!
Croc Update (Aerobics Edition)
Quirky News |
Orange UK : "A water aerobics class at a holiday park in Australia had to be postponed - after a 5ft crocodile entered the pool."
A Big Day in Mystery History
George Scithers, R. I. P.
Scithers first became active in the SF field in 1959 as editor of two-time Hugo winning fanzine Amra. He was the founding editor of Asimov's when it launched in 1977, continuing there until 1982, and from 1982-86 edited Amazing Stories. In 1987 he revived Weird Tales with Darrell Schweitzer and John Betancourt, and in 2007 stopped editing the magazine actively, becoming editor emeritus. He founded specialty publisher Owlswick Press in 1973 and also edited numerous anthologies, most recently Cat Tales: Fantastic Feline Fiction (2008). He also wrote fiction, notably first genre story 'Faithful Messenger' in If (1969) and spoof cookbook To Serve Man (inspired by Damon Knight's eponymous story) under the name Karl W�rf in 1976."
Monday, April 19, 2010
Gators Got Talent!
The odd couple are tackling the world of television and are off to a stellar start, making the second round of Channel 7’s hit show Australia’s Got Talent.
While the idea of having an alligator wrapped around your neck compared to singing and dancing might not seem like a talent, Tate and Rosie quickly won over judges Dannii Minogue, Kyle Sandilands and Brian McFadden with their slightly left-of-field routine in which Rosie gave Tate a cuddle, smile and even a kiss for Sandilands."
The Toyman Rides Again -- Robert S. Napier

Minnesota Leads the Way
The flight crew apparently left the laptop on the helicopter's skid.
10-year -old Grayson Peterka said the low-flying helicopter made a turn, causing the laptop to hit the ground with the sound of a gunshot."
For Those of You Who Have an iPhone
But now, Microsoft has stepped in and turned Top 100s into a promotional vehicle for its own Bing search app. It's sponsoring the Top 100s app, and making it available for free."
Personalized Teen Novels
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Dede Allen, R. I. P.
Allen died Saturday at her home in Los Angeles days after suffering a stroke, her son Tom Fleischman told The Los Angeles Times.
With 'Bonnie and Clyde' in 1967, Allen became the first film editor to receive sole credit on a movie. She was nominated for Academy Awards for that movie, 1975's 'Dog Day Afternoon,' 'Reds' in 1981 and 'Wonder Boys' in 2000."
CrimeWAV Episode 55 is Live
You can listen to this year's selection of poems right here. (Right-click to download.)"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
He has ranked the greatest films of the 20th century. Sure, the American Film Institute and endless others have generated Top 10 or 100 Greatest lists. But Mr. Bourland goes them — well, one better isn’t even close. He has ranked the 20th century’s 9,200 greatest movies, watching more than 7,000 of them in the process. (He plans to reach 10,000 from readers suggesting titles he has overlooked. The list is at"
No Comment Department
This Is the House I Need
Size: The home has five bedroom suites, two half-baths and spans 7,615 square feet."
The actor has purchased a lavish, pyramid-shaped tomb to serve as his final resting place, entertainment website TMZ reports.
Cage had the nine-foot crypt erected in a New Orleans cemetery. The grave resembles the pyramid symbol that appeared on the poster for Cage’s 2004 adventure film National Treasure."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Presidio, Texas, has one link to U.S. electrical power, stretching some 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Marfa in the high desert to the banks of the Rio Grande.
Built in 1948, the transmission line was around when Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean walked Marfa’s streets while filming the epic movieGiant.
[. . . .]
Chronic power outages and electrical fluctuations have been the norm.
[. . . .]
The hoped-for remedy is a battery, a Texas-size battery, which could eventually end up playing an important role in wider use of green power generation such as solar and wind. The U.S. $25 million system, which is now charging and is set to be dedicated April 8, will be the largest use of this energy storage technology in the United States.