Saturday, July 24, 2010
Scribe Award Winners Announced
Frazetta Update
Frazetta's managers said this week that a private collector bought 'Conan the Destroyer' from a family trust. Managers Robert Pistella and Stephen Ferzoco call it the price the highest ever for a work by Frazetta."
Sandhills Boy -- Elmer Kelton

Gator Update (Bait Bucket Edition)
State police said a local man dropped off an alligator in a bait bucket on Friday night.
The man said he spied the alligator in a marshy area of the Nemasket River off Walnut Street in Middleborough.
“Obviously we were a little surprised. It’s not every day that someone brings an alligator into the barracks, so we were taken aback,” said Trooper Joseph Baker."
No Comment Department
Models of the redhead, who was sent back to Russia after being exposed in the US spy ring scandal, are being sold for $29.95."
All Righty, Then
Friday, July 23, 2010
Gator Update (Good Eatin' Edition)
Well, let's just say an alligator named Tuesday is getting one heck of a meal."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Yet now the young bride-to-be from Katy worries that her wedding set for Saturday evening in Houston's Cockrell Butterfly Center may smell more like a funeral.
That's because Zabala in her white gown will be competing for attention with another female - Lois, a rare corpse flower, who's been slowly revealing her burgundy attire to thousands of spectators daily. Unfortunately, the 5-foot bloom also emits a cadaver scent designed to attract carcass-eating beetles in its rain forest home in Sumatra."
Daniel Schorr, R. I. P.
Kodachrome, R. I. P.
Kodachrome, the slide-film that inspired songs, was discontinued by Kodak last year at 74 years of age. The color emulsion was a victim of its own weird processing requirements, which didn’t use the usual E6 chemistry designed for transparency film, and therefore wasn’t worth supporting in the age of digital.
The last roll was shot by National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry, who shot the 36 exposures in New York (actually, the last three shots were exposed in Parsons before dropping off the film at Dwayne’s). The pictures will be part of a National Geographic piece in the near future."
Tied In -- Edited by Lee Goldberg

And I Thought It Was Just Me
Macabre Update
Neighbor James Flanagan, 62, admits he dug up the twin sister in October and moved her body inside Jean Stevens' home in northeastern Pennsylvania, state police said in a complaint. The body had been buried on Stevens' rural property."
60 Years On - The Korean War in Literature
There are hundreds of books describing every aspect of the war from biographies of the leaders and generals, to maps and analysis of the battle tactics, and breakdowns of the political situation that turned a civil war into a multi-nation struggle for strategic footholds in Asia.
The Korean War also had a surprisingly heavy influence on fiction. The most famous stories range from the medical adventures of the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M*A*S*H) unit 4077 to traditional tales of ordinary Joes being turned into war heroes. The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon stands out as a political thriller that has influenced numerous books stretching through the Cold War into the current era."
Newark Leads the Way
‘Burn Notice’ -- the Prequel
The prequel will be an action-adventure story set before the start of 'Burn Notice' that follows Sam on a mission in Latin America. USA and Fox TV Studios will partner on the production, with filming likely to take place in Latin America between 'Burn Notice' Seasons 4 and 5."
eBook Update
Forgotten Books: THE GREATEST CRIME -- Sloan Wilson

Thursday, July 22, 2010
This Is Sure Going to Screw Up a Lot of Great SF Stories
Oooooooklahoma Leads the Way
And Stay off Her Lawn!
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
'Officer (name blackened) ducked the punch, and attempted to deliver an HPD approved strike to the approved target area. The defendant stepped forward at that moment moving his head into the strike path of the officer,' according HPD's arrest report.
'The suspect then fell, striking his head on the driveway.'"
Here's the Plot for Your Next Con-Game Thriller
Would you believe an alleged extortion plot involving Mexican hit men hired by Wal-Mart, the Samoan mafia, an exotic dancer from Guam, her love child and a fearful farm family from Granite Falls, Minn.?
No, really, that's the reason."
Word Origin of the Day
TASER is a registered trademark indicating the source of electronic control devices (ECDs). The TASER trademark pays homage to Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle, a childhood inspiration of John H. “Jack” Cover, inventor of early ECDs and former chief scientist of North American Aerospace's Apollo Moon Landing Program. Jack's favorite book character is Tom Swift of the Tom Swift Series, authored by Victor Appleton in 1910-1941. One of the books is titled Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
That's the contention of federal agents, who Tuesday night arrested a four-person team whose leader supposedly said they were willing to kill, torture or pistol-whip guards at a rival dealer's house to steal a load of cocaine."
Archaeology Update
Scientists from Britain as well as teams from Austria, Germany, Norway and Sweden made the new discovery at the start of a new project to map the site.
They found a second henge-like structure - a circular area thought to have once held a wooden structure.
Professor Vince Gaffney of the University of Birmingham said Thursday the new find will completely change the way we think about the landscape around Stonehenge."
North Carolina Leads the Way
My Cats Can't Even Read
What Would She Have Done if He'd Been on her Lawn?
I Think I Saw this Movie in 1957
Clint Hartung, R. I. P.
A strapping Texan who excelled as both a pitcher and a hitter in high school, in the minor leagues and on military service teams, Hartung had been touted as both the next Babe Ruth and the next Christy Mathewson by the time he was signed by the New York Giants. Then he hit a home run in his first at-bat, during an intrasquad game, in spring training in 1947."
Larry Keith, R. I. P.
Paris Hilton -- Breaking News!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Caiman Update (Shop Around Edition)
Will the Persecution Never End?
So This Guy Breaks into a Bar . . . .
Please, Mr. Postman
Indeed, police say a surprise 2-pound package of marijuana arrived in the mail last week at one elderly woman's home in southern Michigan's Blackman Township, which is about 75 miles west of Detroit.
The woman called police. Detectives don't know who sent the weed. They learned that the Arizona return address on the package was bogus."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
I get to the airport, boarded my plane and I’m sitting in first class. The flight attendant was right in front of me and was curious if they were going to serve meals onboard. So I asked her, “Are you serving any meals during our flight?”
She looked at me kinda funny and said, “I can’t answer that for security reasons.”
A little puzzled, I wondered how it affected security but I let it pass as she went into the cockpit. About three minutes later, two armed Austin police officers boarded the plane, looked at me and said, “Sugarman, follow us.”"
And Keep Off His Lawn!
[. . . .]
Charles Jenkins told Fox59 News he was asleep in bed when he heard a loud crash in his front room. He looked into the living room to see a man in a hoodie climbing in through his window.
Jenkins said he grabbed his cane and hit the intruder in the head. That seemed to stun the would-be burglar, who quickly jumped back outside through the window."
5 Sci-Fi Actors Who Were War Heroes in Real Life
First It Was the Roy Rogers Museum . . . .
The instruments up for sale at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers on Aug. 12 include rubber gloves, forceps, lip brushes, a comb and eye liner, needle injectors, an arterial tube and aneurysm hooks, all of which the auction house say were used only once.
The collection, saved for years by a senior embalmer at the Memphis Funeral Home who wishes to stay anonymous, also includes a toe tag marked 'John Doe' which was used as a replacement after the original was stolen by a fan during chaos at the hospital."
Platypus in a Pipe
When the platypus was finally caught, there were 27 people milling around to see the results of a rescue effort that lasted more than six hours."
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Smuggling Titis
Roberto Cabrera, 38, traveled to Mexico City aboard a commercial flight Friday from Lima, Peru, and was searched when he began behaving 'nervously,' police said in a statement."
Get Your Copy Now
Costing $75,000 (�49,000) each, 10 copies are being printed containing a signature page mixed with his blood."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Hunt County Undersheriff Joe Knight says rural homeowners near Greenville reported hearing duffel bags filled with what appeared to be marijuana thud onto their roofs early Monday."
Strip -- Thomas Perry

Library Journal Likes Murder in the Air
New York Leads the Way
The 'bouquet bandit' walked into the Bank of Smithtown branch on Seventh Avenue near West 18th St just before 9am local time on July 15 holding the flowers.
He pulled a note from the bouquet and handed it to the teller, WABC said.
It read: 'Give me all your $100s, 50s, don't be a hero.'"
When Ya Gotta Go . . . .
Monday, July 19, 2010
Paris Hilton Vindicated Once Again!
[. . . .]
Later that day, she tweeted, 'Just to put an end to these rumors. The stories saying I have been arrested are completely false! I am having the best vacation of my life! What an amazing summer! I feel so blessed and grateful for everything. I Love Life!! Now let's move on and everyone focus and enjoy their own summer time!'"
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
They Were on Her Lawn
Evelyn Maxey, 89, insisted she didn’t intend to harm the horses or any of her neighbors."
The Name Game
For boys, the country's love affair with '-n' names is set to continue. More than half of the hottest rising boy's names end in that super-popular letter. Look for a fresh crop of surname names, too, especially luxurious ones like Sterling, St. John and Bentley."
If I Had Uncle Scrooge's Money, I'd Be Bidding
DALLAS, TX -- Paintings by Carl Barks, longtime Disney artist and creator of Uncle Scrooge, have long been among the most sought-after comic art items, with few offered for public sale and those that were most always saddled with a six-figure reserve price. On Friday, Aug. 6, however, Heritage Auctions will be auctioning 10 original Barks paintings, without reserves, in a special session devoted to the collection of Maryland radio executive Kerby Confer.
“It’s been common knowledge in the hobby for years that Kerby Confer owned most of the best Barks paintings, which is why they’ve been off the market so long,” said Barry Sandoval, Director of Operations of the Comics category at Heritage.
Though his name never appeared in a Disney comic, Barks wrote and drew Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge in some of the bestselling comics of the 1950s and 1960s. His rollicking adventure tales have been cited as an inspiration by the likes of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and mystery writer Janet Evanovich.
Life Imitates "Art"

But while official figures are hard to come by, experts believe as many as a million Americans could be breaking the law by making moonshine - also known as white lightning and white dog."
The 13 Most Lovable TV Alcoholics
Hey, a Guy Needs a Snack Now and Then
Officials say Terry Brian Teeter had as many as 32 snakes but he gave some away and ate two others."
A. O. Scott Reviews a Favorite of Mine
Sunday, July 18, 2010
It is unclear which person, or group of traders, was behind the deal, but it was the largest single cocoa trade for 14 years."
Here's the Plot for Your Next Action-Packed Screenplay
Mr. Monk Is Cleaned Out -- Lee Goldberg

Gator Update -- Further Proof that Alcohol and Gators Don't Mix
The gator was crossing a road when Dirk Alan Willms, 44, grabbed the gator by the tail, according to police and the FWC.
The 45-inch reptile spun and bit Willms on the leg and ran into some bushes on the side of the road. Willms followed the gator, reached into the bushes to grab it again — and was bitten again. Willms eventually caught the gator and took it home, the FWC said."
This Is a Joke, Right?
The Sharktopus is the 'Navy's next super-weapon'--until it gets out of control. And when it inevitably does, it turns into a killing machine with a perverse predilection for beautiful blonde women in bikinis. The ruthless Sharktopus drags them off beaches, bungee cords, and boats, and is NOT DETERRED BY MACHINE GUN FIRE!"