Saturday, April 16, 2011
Keep off His Lawn!
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

Another Giveaway
Weekend Giveaway
Getting Down to Earth
Along with Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti
She Was So Right, Pookies
No one was hurt."
Croc Update (The First Time Ever Edition)
Apparently two Indian Gharial Crocodiles have been mating, as evidenced by the 41 eggs discovered in the water Thursday morning.
It's unusual because, according to the Alligator Farm, these are the first such eggs ever laid in the United States."
Yes, Ace Doubles Are Included
Friday, April 15, 2011
No Comment Department
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

Deep Sea Reading
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
The ' Thunderbox Road ' art exhibit is going on at the Menger Hotel. There are 12 full-sized 'Thunderboxes' or outhouses painted and decorated in true Texas style."
Criminal Genius of the Day
The Shirley Jackson Awards Nominees Announced
The Shirley Jackson Awards are voted upon by a jury of professional writers, editors, critics, and academics, with input from a Board of Advisors. The awards are given for the best work published in the preceding calendar year in the following categories: Novel, Novella, Novelette, Short Story, Single-Author Collection, and Edited Anthology."
Wonderful Essay on Two Nearly Forgotten Writers
Forgotten Books: Spectra: A Galaxy of Bestsellers

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Orrin Tucker, R. I. P.
Arthur Marx, R. I. P.
Marx wrote 12 books. Some were fiction. Others were biographies of Hollywood figures. Among his works are Goldwyn: A Biography of the Man Behind the Myth (1976), Red Skelton (1979), The Nine Lives of Mickey Rooney (1988) and the murder mystery Set to Kill (both 1993).
He also addressed his relationship with his famous father in a series of memoirs including Son of Groucho (1972) and My Life With Groucho (1992)."
Dino Update
Plant-eating dinosaurs could also see a fair bit at night, because they likely had to eat round the clock to keep their bellies satisfied, while flying dinosaurs, like birds, were active only during the day, said the study."
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

I Don't Watch the Soaps, but This Still Makes Me Sad
No Comment Department
Wait time? About two and a half minutes. Bragging potential? Endless: Readers can post the personalized photo to their Facebook and Twitter accounts."
20 Worst Foods in America
Life Imitates "Art"

Ummmmmmmm! Nacho Cheese Doritos!
Soon to be a Nicolas Cage Movie
Gator Update (Arkansas Edition)
The male American alligator was found missing on Tuesday afternoon at the Gov. Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center in Pine Bluff, about 45 miles south of Little Rock.
'We think he crawled up on a chain link fence, got his weight on it and pushed it down enough to get over it,' Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens said in an interview. 'He got to the next fence and was able to get under a gate.'"
The First Review is In
Randy Wood, R. I. P.
Wood's practice of having white singers such as Boone cover rhythm and blues hits by black artists is credited by some with helping black musicians — and early rock music — break into the commercial mainstream. Pop stations that had limited airplay mainly to white artists found room for the remakes, which helped introduce the black R&B sound to a white audience.
Wood died Saturday at his La Jolla home of complications from injuries suffered in a fall down stairs in his house, said his son John Wood. He was 94."
The Fight Card
Keep off Their Lawns!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
ITW Award Nominees
2011 Thriller Awards Nominees
ITW is proud to announce the finalists for the 2011 Thriller Awards!
Best Hard Cover Novel:
Michael Connelly – THE REVERSAL (Little Brown)
Jeffery Deaver – EDGE: A NOVEL (Simon & Schuster)
Brian Freeman – THE BURYING PLACE (Minatour)
Mo Hayder – SKIN (Grove)
John Sanford – BAD BLOOD (Putnam)
Best Paperback Original:
Robert Gregory Browne – DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN (St. Martin’s)
Max Allan Collins and Matthew Clemens – YOU CAN’T STOP ME (Pinnacle)
J.T. Ellison – THE COLD ROOM (Mira)
Shane Gericke – TORN APART (Pinnacle)
John Trace – THE VENICE CONSPIRACY (Hachette Digital)
Best First Novel:
Carla Buckley – THE THINGS THAT KEEP US HERE (Random House)
Paul Doiron – THE POACHER’S SON (Minatour)
Reece Hirsch – THE INSIDER (Berkley)
Thomas Kaufman – DRINK THE TEA (Minatour)
Chevy Stevens – STILL MISSING (St. Martin’s)
Best Short Story:
Mike Carey – “Second Wind” (THE NEW DEAD, St. Martin’s)
Michael Connelly – “Blue on Black” (Strand Magazine)
Richard Helms – “The God for Vengeance Cry” (Dell Magazine)
Harley Jane Kozak – “Madeeda” (Crimes By Midnight)
Nicolas Kaufman – “Chasing the Dragon” (ChiZine Magazine)
Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins – Long Time Dead (Strand Magazine)
Congratulations to all the finalists!
Peter Howard, R. I. P.
A Giants season ticket-holder for more than 40 years, Howard died with the opening game of the season blaring on television – while the Giants were still beating the Dodgers."
Happy Birthday, Bill Pronzini

Finland Leads the Way
Lacy Gibson, R. I. P.
Born in North Carolina in 1936, Gibson's mother taught him, as Alligator Records puts it, a unique 'hillbilly' style of guitar and gospel singing. He moved to Chicago at age 13 and eventually cut his teeth with such guitarists as Lefty Bates, Matt 'Guitar' Murphy and T-Bone Walker. Unlike many of the city's famous bluesmen, Gibson also incorporated jazz and pop influences into his guitar playing, a unique style that kept him in demand throughout his career."
Carly Simon Update
Simon told The Associated Press on Tuesday that her family was friendly with Jackie Robinson's family when she was a girl and that the Brooklyn Dodgers star used to bring her to games and call her his 'lucky charm.'"
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

A Worthy Cause
How does he plan to do it? By building a massive, earth-crushing Imperial Walker from 'Star Wars.'
The self-professed geek is aiming to raise funds to create a fully functional, life-sized version of an AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport)."
Buy My Book!

Walt Whitman Update
1001 Before You Die
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Submissions Opening
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

First It Was the Penis Museum, . . .
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Edward Larry Berndt and Edwin Christian Berndt, both 48, were arrested Monday afternoon at the home they shared with their mother in the 8400 block of Glenscot."
No Comment Department
Nicolas Cage Update
The 47-year-old actor, who accepted an insurance payout after the 2000 theft, said last week's find, in Los Angeles, was 'divine providence'."
It's National Grilled Cheese Month!
The Soviet Union took the first leap, surprising the world on April 12, 1961, launching air force pilot Yuri Gagarin into orbit -- a single 108-minute loop around Earth -- making him the first human to fly in space. And 20 years later, America launched the era of the workhorse, reusable space shuttle as Columbia flew its first mission with just two astronauts, John Young and Robert Crippen."
First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .
Forgotten Films: You Never Can Tell

Monday, April 11, 2011
Sinbad Update
Paging Art Scott
The variety, bright red and about the size of a dollar coin, is called the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T.
Its grower, Marcel de Wit, of the Chilli Factory in Morisett, sent samples for chemical analysis to ascertain just how it measured up.
The answer was stratospheric, reported EML Chem in Melbourne, where normal duties can include working with explosives.
Chilli potency is measured on the Scoville scale. A jalapeno, as used in Tabasco sauce, contains about 5000 Scoville heat units; a bird's eye chilli packs between 50,000 and 100,000.
PimPage: An Occasional Feature in Which I Call Interesting Books to Your Attention

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE, by S. T. Joshi. When the lovely Lizbeth Crawford walks into Scintilla's office, she tells him that her father, wealthy industrialist James Crawford, did not kill his brother Frank, even though he confessed and is now serving a prison sentence. Is Crawford shielding someone? Why are both his mother and wife happy to have him imprisoned? And why did Frank's fiancée commit suicide shortly after his death?
TRAGEDY AT SARSFIELD MANOR, by S. T. Joshi. Members of the Sarsfield clan have gathered at the palatial family estate under terms of the will of John Sarsfield, who created a riddle they must solve to inherit the family fortune. Scintilla is summoned by his friend (and heir), Charles Jameson, who was found holding a dagger that had been plunged into the back of his aunt, another potential legatee. But the crime is only the final act of a tragedy reaching back centuries. Can Scintilla discover the truth before his friend is convicted?

But He Didn't Use the Shotgun
Mystery Scene Update from Kate Stine
Springtime Greetings
Donna Leon on The White War, New Authors Breakfast at Malice Domestic, Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Killing on AMC, and Contest Winners.We hope that you are seeing signs of spring wherever this newsletter finds you. We're just back from Santa Fe where Left Coast Crime was held this year. What a beautiful part of the world! And what a great way to spend a weekend, surrounded by mystery readers, writers, and books.
The Mystery Scene New Authors Breakfast, Saturday, April 30th, Malice Domestic, Bethesda, MD |
Our next convention will be Malice Domestic in Bethesda, Maryland, where on April 30th Mystery Scene is once again hosting The New Authors Breakfast. Come grab a bagel and meet the future of mystery fiction!
Later this year, we'll be traveling to theBouchercon World Mystery Convention, held this year in St. Louis. Brian and I are particularly looking forward to it since we'll be the 2011 Fan Guests of Honor.
In the office we're working away on the Spring Issue which will take a look at Jasper Fford's literary detective Thursday Next. We'll talk toKelli Stanley who is juggling two historical series, one set in Roman Britain and the other in WWII-era San Francisco, to much acclaim. We'll also raise the curtain on Mystery in the Theater and examine Louis Bayard's rich blend of historical fact, literary gamesmanship, and highly imaginative fancy in books such as The Pale Blue Eye and the just-released The School of Night.
Kate Stine
Tough without a Gun -- Stefan Kanfer

Shut Up and Pass Me the Broyhill
Adele Edwards, of Bradenton, Florida, has been eating the foam inside couch cushions for 21 years."