U.S. is 15 years behind South Korea in Internet speed - The Business Review (Albany):: "A report on Internet speed in the United States says the country isn’t likely to catch world leader South Korea for 15 years.
Or for much longer — at current growth rates, the United States will only reach South Korea’s speed today in 15 years."
Saturday, August 29, 2009
20 Food Innovations That We Could Have Done Without |
20 Food Innovations That We Could Have Done Without | Sloshspot Blog: "Food and beverage companies have long fought the battle of keeping their consumers happy and their products fresh. Evey once in a while, in random acts of desperation, the scheming minds behind our foods can think a bit too far outside the box."
Hat tip to Janet Rudolph.
Hat tip to Janet Rudolph.
Pirate Movie
DreamWorks eyes 'Pirate' for Spielberg - Entertainment News, Film News, Media - Variety: "In the first major development deal since it tied the knot with Reliance Entertainment, DreamWorks Studios has acquired the film rights to Michael Crichton's final tome 'Pirate Latitudes' for Steven Spielberg to produce and potentially direct.
[. . . .]
Set in 1665, 'Pirate Latitudes' revolves around a daring plan to infiltrate Port Royal, Jamaica, one of the world's richest and most notorious cities, and raid a Spanish galleon filled with treasure."
[. . . .]
Set in 1665, 'Pirate Latitudes' revolves around a daring plan to infiltrate Port Royal, Jamaica, one of the world's richest and most notorious cities, and raid a Spanish galleon filled with treasure."
Croc Update (You Know You Want One Edition)

It's hard to say if this is an environmentally friendly item or not, but one assumes there are crocodile farms in China to supply the clothing and luggage trades... and they must be overflowing with extra feet since each critter comes with four. Tossing them in the trash would be wasteful and really, what else are you gonna do with the things?"
Trust Me -- Peter Leonard

Trust Me (not to be confused with Jeff Abbott's brand new novel of the same name) is about Karen Delaney (a hot redhead -- George Kelly and Art Scott take note), who has a plan to rob her ex-boyfriend of $300K that is rightfully hers. As you might guess without my telling you, complications ensue. In this case, lots of complications.
Leonard keeps the plot moving along with lots of zany characters, including hit men and a pair of incompetent thieves. The dialog is snappy, and there are quite a few twists and turns before the satisfactory conclusion. I think this is Leonard's second novel. I missed the first one, but I might go back and give it a look. I have a feeling Leonard's going to have a nice long career.
Here's the Plot of Your Next Redneck Noir Novel
Wife beats up husband caught licking woman's face | woman, went, fort - News - Northwest Florida Daily News: "A woman who went into Sammy's Aug. 23 and found her husband licking another woman's face punched him and then dragged him out into the parking lot by his hair and shirt, according to her Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office arrest report."
Gatorama hatching festival gives guests up-close view: "'This is the only place where you can hatch out an alligator in your hand,' said Patty Register, already busy with phone calls and preparing for a field trip of students before the park has even opened.
By 'hatching out' Patty means holding an alligator egg (a little larger than a chicken egg and slightly oblong) and gently assisting as a baby gator about 8 inches long makes its way out. 'You can hold the egg, feel the baby moving, and also hear it. It's an eye-opening experience,' she said.
The babies come out looking much like they will as adults, and can already walk, swim, and vocalize. The only thing they can't do is bite, since they hatch without any teeth."
By 'hatching out' Patty means holding an alligator egg (a little larger than a chicken egg and slightly oblong) and gently assisting as a baby gator about 8 inches long makes its way out. 'You can hold the egg, feel the baby moving, and also hear it. It's an eye-opening experience,' she said.
The babies come out looking much like they will as adults, and can already walk, swim, and vocalize. The only thing they can't do is bite, since they hatch without any teeth."
Friday, August 28, 2009
Bouchercon Panel
This is dependent on my being there, of course. Nothing is certain in this uncertain world, but Judy and I have our hotel reservations and plane tickets.
Friday, October 16, 4:30 – 5:25 pm
Writers discuss their techniques for keeping a series humming.
Mark Zubro (M), Bill Crider, P.J. Parrish (Kris), S.J. Rozan, Marcia Talley
Friday, October 16, 4:30 – 5:25 pm
Writers discuss their techniques for keeping a series humming.
Mark Zubro (M), Bill Crider, P.J. Parrish (Kris), S.J. Rozan, Marcia Talley
Repulsive Little Blood-Sucking Parasites Update
Tick saliva could hold cancer cure: Brazilian scientists on Yahoo! Health: "It may be one of nature's repulsive little blood-sucking parasites, but the humble tick could yield a future cure for cancers of the skin, liver and pancreas, Brazilian researchers have discovered.
They have identified a protein in the saliva of a common South American tick, Amblyomma cajennense, that apparently reduces and can even eradicate cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells alone."
They have identified a protein in the saliva of a common South American tick, Amblyomma cajennense, that apparently reduces and can even eradicate cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells alone."
Rob Zombie to remake 'The Blob' - Entertainment News, Film News, Media - Variety: "After reviving the 'Halloween' franchise, Rob Zombie will next reinvent 'The Blob.'
Zombie will write, direct and produce a remake of the 1958 horror classic that launched the career of Steve McQueen. Production will begin next spring."
Zombie will write, direct and produce a remake of the 1958 horror classic that launched the career of Steve McQueen. Production will begin next spring."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Container found in Atascosa County held octopus or squid, not human remains | News | KENS5.com: "The contents of a mysterious container found Monday night in Atascosa County have been determined.
Authorities in Atascosa County said the container appeared to contain hair and bones. They were concerned that the materials might be human in nature.
[. . . .]
Early Tuesday afternoon, officials said they believe the matter inside the container came from an octopus or squid."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Authorities in Atascosa County said the container appeared to contain hair and bones. They were concerned that the materials might be human in nature.
[. . . .]
Early Tuesday afternoon, officials said they believe the matter inside the container came from an octopus or squid."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Croc Update (Repatriation Edition)
Latin American Herald Tribune - Cuban Crocodile Repatriated from Spain Doing Well: "The Cuban crocodile repatriated from Spain to the communist island last July is out of quarantine and adapting satisfactorily to her new habitat in the Havana Zoological Garden, deputy director Jorge Alberto Hernandez said Wednesday.
The Crocodylus rhombifer, a 10-year-old female that had been taken illegally to Spain, has grown from 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters (59 inches to 71 inches) in length since she arrived back in Cuba on July 9 after a 36-hour trip from the Natura Parc on the Spanish island of Mallorca."
The Crocodylus rhombifer, a 10-year-old female that had been taken illegally to Spain, has grown from 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters (59 inches to 71 inches) in length since she arrived back in Cuba on July 9 after a 36-hour trip from the Natura Parc on the Spanish island of Mallorca."
Miami Purity Excerpt
Busted Flush Press: MIAMI PURITY excerpt
It's Chapter One. If you haven't read the book already, you might want to check it out.
It's Chapter One. If you haven't read the book already, you might want to check it out.
No Comment Department
District Settles With Student Who Accused Freshwater | NBC4i.com: "A Central Ohio school board has approved a $121,000 settlement with the family of a student who said his teacher burned the image of a cross on his arm.
School board members in Mount Vernon agreed Wednesday night to resolve a federal lawsuit by paying $5,500 to the boy and his family and $115,500 to their lawyers."
School board members in Mount Vernon agreed Wednesday night to resolve a federal lawsuit by paying $5,500 to the boy and his family and $115,500 to their lawyers."
Forgotten Books: Manhunt Is My Mission -- Stephen Marlowe

As is often the case with the old Gold Medals, there's more plot packed into 176 pages here than you find in many much thicker thrillers today. Lots of well-done local color, plenty of action, a little heroism, and even some political commentary.
Manhunt is my Mission was published in 1961. Here's something one character says on page 20: "If Motamar stumbles into real democracy . . . I want to be around to see what happens. I don't give feudalism ten years in the Middle East if Motamar goes democratic, and every American who's doing what he can to help here is going to be one more reason why these countries may turn to the West when they discover the twentieth century." Makes me wonder if George Bush read the book.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Will the Persecution Never End?
Mel almost killed Paris - Celebslam: They're Better Than Us: "Paris Hilton is lucky to be alive today. She was almost beheaded and then gutted by Mel Gibson earlier this month in Beverly Hills."
I Just Took this Quiz
I got all the answers. No wonder. It's incredibly simple. The surprising thing, however, is that I did better than 90% of the public. That doesn't make me feel smart. It just kind of makes me wonder about the rest of the people who took the test.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Cyber-gangs are raiding U.S. companies' bank accounts -- latimes.com: "Scammers from Eastern Europe typically install malware and pull money out in increments, a financial industry group says. One Texas firm lost $1.2 million, and a school district had $700,000 stolen."
Petrified Wood on the Moon!
Because we all know the U. S. Ambassador wouldn't pass off a fake.
The Associated Press: 'Moon rock' in Dutch museum is just petrified wood: "The Dutch national museum says one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.
The museum acquired the rock after the death of a former prime minister, who received it in 1969 from the then-U.S. ambassador during a visit by the Apollo 11 astronauts."
Hat tip to Scott Cupp.
The Associated Press: 'Moon rock' in Dutch museum is just petrified wood: "The Dutch national museum says one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.
The museum acquired the rock after the death of a former prime minister, who received it in 1969 from the then-U.S. ambassador during a visit by the Apollo 11 astronauts."
Hat tip to Scott Cupp.
Podcast – Jason Starr
012 Reading and Writing Podcast – Jason Starr interview: "Welcome to the twelfth episode of the Reading and Writing podcast featuring an interview with Jason Starr, author of many dark crime and noir novels. Starr’s latest novels include Panic Attack and The Follower."
Here's the Plot of Your Next Redneck Noir Novel
Florida Pastor Faked Kidnapping To Cheat On Wife | We Interrupt: "A Hillsborough County pastor is in legal hot water after faking his own kidnapping so that he could spend more time with his girlfriend."
I Used to See Stuff Like This Every Week
Times Higher Education - Best Wank and Gaza: this year’s top exam howlers: "The egregious errors that prompted academics' happiest - and most worrying - moments during weeks of marking have been flooding in for Times Higher Education's 'exam howlers' competition."
Peru Update
Peru police seize cocaine sewn inside live turkeys - Yahoo! News: "Peruvian police expecting to find a shipment of cocaine hidden in a crate holding two live turkeys were surprised to discover the drug surgically implanted inside the birds."
Gator Update (Kissy-Face Edition)
Raw Footage: Reporter Kisses Seven Foot Alligator|ABC News 4: "WCIV's Josh Cascio got up close and personal with a live alligator in North Charleston Tuesday evening.
Josh had the opportunity to get face to face with the alligator that was there to train emergency officials."
Video at the link.
Josh had the opportunity to get face to face with the alligator that was there to train emergency officials."
Video at the link.
Gator Update (Lizard Edition)
Alligator-size lizards invade Bangkok park | NECN: "Lumpini Park, a 200-acre escape from the city's frantic pace, enjoyed by Thais and foreign tourists alike, has an unlikely visitor -- alligator-sized lizards.
Joggers, walkers and those just simply enjoying the grounds do not seem to mind sharing with these huge reptiles who freely roam the park premises."
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Video at the link.
Joggers, walkers and those just simply enjoying the grounds do not seem to mind sharing with these huge reptiles who freely roam the park premises."
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Video at the link.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dominick Dunne, R. I. P.
Dominick Dunne: 1925-2009: Vanity Fair | Vanity Fair: "Dominick Dunne, a best-selling author and special correspondent for Vanity Fair, died today at his home in Manhattan. He was 83.
The cause of death was bladder cancer, said his son Griffin Dunne."
What a career this guy had. I never realized he started out on Howdy Doody and worked on Adventures in Paradise.
The cause of death was bladder cancer, said his son Griffin Dunne."
What a career this guy had. I never realized he started out on Howdy Doody and worked on Adventures in Paradise.
Ellie Greenwich, R. I. P.
Legendary '60s Songwriter Ellie Greenwich Dies : NPR: "One of the great songwriters of the modern era, Ellie Greenwich, died Wednesday in New York City. Greenwich, 68, was a rarity: a woman in the music business who found tremendous success writing and producing hit after popular hit.
Along with Phil Spector and her then-husband Jeff Barry, Greenwich created songs like 'Chapel of Love,' 'Da Do Ron Ron' and 'River Deep - Mountain High.'"
Truly one of the greats.
Hat tip to Todd Mason.
Along with Phil Spector and her then-husband Jeff Barry, Greenwich created songs like 'Chapel of Love,' 'Da Do Ron Ron' and 'River Deep - Mountain High.'"
Truly one of the greats.
Hat tip to Todd Mason.
Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Click on the Link in this Story
Adam Jay Geisinger's Doc Bottoms Aspray Is So Shocking, MSNBC Pulled the Ad - washingtonpost.com: "Once upon a time in this great land, there was a roofing contractor. His name was Adam. He lived on Long Island.
It came to pass that Adam had an idea for a personal grooming product (on the way to the gym, natch), and because this is America, where anybody can do anything, Adam begot something so completely and wonderfully absurd that he took to the airwaves to advertise it himself.
And so there came to be Doc Bottoms Aspray, billing itself as the first 'All Over' deodorant."
It came to pass that Adam had an idea for a personal grooming product (on the way to the gym, natch), and because this is America, where anybody can do anything, Adam begot something so completely and wonderfully absurd that he took to the airwaves to advertise it himself.
And so there came to be Doc Bottoms Aspray, billing itself as the first 'All Over' deodorant."
Rain Gods -- James Lee Burke

And then Burke disappeared, at least as far as I was concerned, for a long time. I thought about him now and then and wondered what had happened to him, and one day a fellow English teacher at Alvin Community College came by and handed me a paperback of The Neon Rain. He knew I liked James Crumley, and he thought I'd like that one. "Hey," I said. "James Lee Burke. I wondered whatever happened to him." Naturally I liked The Neon Rain, and, sure enough, Burke did become a big success. It just didn't happen as soon as I thought it would.
Which brings us to Rain Gods, which happens to feature Hackberry Holland, the protagonist of Lay Down My Sword and Shield. Wow. Deja vu. Holland's a lot older now, the sheriff of a little south Texas county where some rally bad things happen and where some Katrina refugees are stirring up a whole bunch of trouble.
This is Burke's longest book yet, I think. There are a lot of characters, and everybody seems to be after everybody else for one reason or another, to capture or kill. Burke still writes beautifully about the landscape and the atmosphere, and yet, . . . I don't know. Deja vu all over again. I felt as if it was all too familiar, as if I'd read it all before, somehow. Maybe it's just me, as I hear the other reviewers are raving about how good this one is.
Steven Seagal: Lawman!
Seagal is a cop?: "Apparently Steven Seagal, over the last twenty years in between shooting movies, has been workingas a Sheriff’s deputy in the Jefferson Parish police department in Louisiana. It all started when he was shooting a film there, [. . . .] and in his spare time volunteered to show some of the officers his moves, which they found awesome and subsequently adopted him. Now, 20 years later, Seagal’s police adventures are being turned into a show on A&E called 'Lawman.'"
Trailer at the link.
Trailer at the link.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Jailed Wiccan man alleges discrimination : News : KGBT 4: "A Wiccan man jailed in Edinburg has sued the Texas prison system based on claims that they refuse to accommodate the practice of his religious beliefs.
Charles Arthur Roberts filed a federal lawsuit against the Chaplaincy Department of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Roberts alleges in a pro se lawsuit that he made repeated requests practice Wicca to the chaplain and administrators at TDCJ’s Lopez Unit off El Cibolo Road in Edinburg."
Charles Arthur Roberts filed a federal lawsuit against the Chaplaincy Department of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Roberts alleges in a pro se lawsuit that he made repeated requests practice Wicca to the chaplain and administrators at TDCJ’s Lopez Unit off El Cibolo Road in Edinburg."
Loch Ness Monster on Google Earth | The Sun |News: "THIS amazing image on Google Earth could be the elusive proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists."
Photo at the link.
Photo at the link.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Houston schools ban 'sexting' - Yahoo! News: "In Houston, Texas, thousands of students are returning to school to discover a new rule: no 'sexting' -- the distribution of nude or semi-nude photographs or videos by text message."
Haven't We all Done this a Time or Two?
Cop Investigated for Feeding Gorillas Pop-Tarts?: "A St. Paul police officer is under investigation after entering Como Zoo, after hours, to feed gorillas a snack.
[. . . .]
The Como Zoo isn't sure if the gorillas actually ate the Pop-Tarts or not. Regardless, the gorillas appear to be doing just fine."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
[. . . .]
The Como Zoo isn't sure if the gorillas actually ate the Pop-Tarts or not. Regardless, the gorillas appear to be doing just fine."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Have these People Never Been to a Movie?
Canadian scientist aims to turn chickens into dinosaurs: "Though still in its infancy, the research could eventually lead to hatching live prehistoric animals, but Larsson said there are no plans for that now, for ethical and practical reasons -- a dinosaur hatchery is 'too large an enterprise.'"
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Little Steven Celebrates Film Noir
Little Steven's Underground Garage
You can listen to the program at the link.
Hat tip to Gerard Saylor.
You can listen to the program at the link.
Hat tip to Gerard Saylor.
No Comment Department
POOTRAP - Pet products and supplies of cleaning up dog poop
Video and commentary at the link. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Video and commentary at the link. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
TVNewsCloset.com | The Clothes Broadcasters Wear: "In our virtual closet you'll find clothes previously worn on the air by some of the top broadcasters in the business. Building your wardrobe as you build your career? Have trouble finding broadcast-appropriate clothes in the stores in your market? Save time and money by shopping with us!"
Link via Mike McGruff.
Best Squirrel Pics Ever
Crouching tufty, hidden dragon: The amazing Kung Fu squirrels
| Mail Online: "In scenes more like a violent Quentin Tarantino movie than a wildlife shoot, one Cape ground squirrel delivers a ferocious attack on an interloper."
| Mail Online: "In scenes more like a violent Quentin Tarantino movie than a wildlife shoot, one Cape ground squirrel delivers a ferocious attack on an interloper."
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
Local thrift store has quite a find: Salvador Dal�works | Life | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle: "In the Salvation Army resale store at 2208 Washington — a shop where used clothing is sold half-price on Wednesdays — a glass case near the checkout counter contains a surreal sight: artworks, complete with authentication certificates, attributed to Salvador Dali.
[. . . .]
The Salvation Army attaches no estimated value to the artworks in its glass case. But if real, they could be worth a lot of money. There's what appears to be a one-of-a-kind pen-and-ink drawing, titled Don Quichotte, signed by Dal�; it could be worth as much as $30,000. There are six signed lithographs from the series Le Jungle Humaine (though only one is displayed in the case); individual prints from that series are offered for as much as $5,000 apiece on eBay. Plus there's a bronze crucifix, Christ of St. John of the Cross."
[. . . .]
The Salvation Army attaches no estimated value to the artworks in its glass case. But if real, they could be worth a lot of money. There's what appears to be a one-of-a-kind pen-and-ink drawing, titled Don Quichotte, signed by Dal�; it could be worth as much as $30,000. There are six signed lithographs from the series Le Jungle Humaine (though only one is displayed in the case); individual prints from that series are offered for as much as $5,000 apiece on eBay. Plus there's a bronze crucifix, Christ of St. John of the Cross."
Comic Book Heroes Aid Drug Dealers
TBO.com - News From AP: "Two brothers accused of running a drug ring that imported and distributed millions of dollars worth of methamphetamine in Denver bought hundreds of collector comic books to launder the money, authorities said Monday.
Police seized comic books worth at least $500,000 while arresting Aaron Castro, 29, of Commerce City and Alfonzo Castro, 30, of Denver, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said."
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Police seized comic books worth at least $500,000 while arresting Aaron Castro, 29, of Commerce City and Alfonzo Castro, 30, of Denver, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said."
Hat tip to Jeff Segal.
Joan Collins Loves the '80s
'80s Fashion, Joan Collins, Coco Chanel, Big Hair - Bazaar.com: "I am fed up and cross with the constant criticism in the media of how ghastly '80s fashions were. Thank God for the '80s, I say.
I only wish they would return, with their endless optimism, dedicated work ethic, and innocence of all things computerish, Internetish, and e-mailish. How much simpler life was in the glamorous '80s, and how much more stylish and sophisticated most women looked then."
I only wish they would return, with their endless optimism, dedicated work ethic, and innocence of all things computerish, Internetish, and e-mailish. How much simpler life was in the glamorous '80s, and how much more stylish and sophisticated most women looked then."
Classy Classics

And Elizabeth Bennett, Hester Prynne and Catherine Earnshaw never looked so fetching — despite their high-maintenance boyfriends.
Using ink and watercolor, Toledo created fold-out covers for special Penguin editions of Pride and Prejudice, The Scarlet Letter and Wuthering Heights. It's tough to sell an old story to a young audience, but an arresting cover (much like a quirky label on a bottle of wine) can't hurt. These paperback Deluxe editions — aka “couture classics” — hit bookstores Tuesday.
[. . . .]
Of course, the visuals will cost you. The price for each of these new Deluxe paperbacks is $16."
Monday, August 24, 2009
Once Again, Texas Leads the Way
$1.15 billion stadium gives the Cowboys braggin’ rights | Houston Texans Football | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle: "Cowboys Stadium is taller than the Statue of Liberty and longer than the Empire State Building is tall, except for the antenna mast. The two arches that support its curved walls, retractable roof and massive end-zone glass doors are each twice as long as the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
With its unique standing-room porches, it will hold more fans — perhaps as many as 125,000 for a future Super Bowl — than the state’s previous standard, Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium in Austin. Yes, it’s bigger than Reliant Stadium, Texas’ “other” retractable-roof football palace, although Reliant came first and inspired certain elements of its design.
And its HDTV screens — 73 feet high, 160 feet long, suspended 90 feet above the playing field — are bigger than your big screens."
There's more at the link. Lots more.
With its unique standing-room porches, it will hold more fans — perhaps as many as 125,000 for a future Super Bowl — than the state’s previous standard, Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium in Austin. Yes, it’s bigger than Reliant Stadium, Texas’ “other” retractable-roof football palace, although Reliant came first and inspired certain elements of its design.
And its HDTV screens — 73 feet high, 160 feet long, suspended 90 feet above the playing field — are bigger than your big screens."
There's more at the link. Lots more.
Life Imitates "Art"

Great Ideas: The Butt Cam
Jeans West rolls out butt cams | Business | News.com.au: "IT'S the age old question that every woman has put to her partner at one time or another - but now gals can make up their own minds.
With those famous words 'Does my bum look big in this?' in mind, retailer Jeans West has rolled out the first of its butt cams, The Daily Telegraph reports.
The camera snaps an image of your backside on your own personal screen in the change room so you no longer have to venture into the main store and run the gauntlet of unflattering light and mirrors."
Video at the link.
With those famous words 'Does my bum look big in this?' in mind, retailer Jeans West has rolled out the first of its butt cams, The Daily Telegraph reports.
The camera snaps an image of your backside on your own personal screen in the change room so you no longer have to venture into the main store and run the gauntlet of unflattering light and mirrors."
Video at the link.
Stephen King's Top 20 Movie Rentals
White Heat, James Cagney | Stephen King: 20 Movie Rentals That Never Let Me Down | Photos | EW.com
Oddly enough some of these are also on that "Manly Movies" list. I think some of the choices are a little weak, but any list that has White Heat on it is okay by me.
Oddly enough some of these are also on that "Manly Movies" list. I think some of the choices are a little weak, but any list that has White Heat on it is okay by me.
And You'd Better Keep off His Lawn!
Brick Wielding Grandpa Attacks Red-light Runners: "The daring vigilante act of a retired teacher captured the world’s imagination last month when he smashed the cars of traffic violators with a brick. The three hour spectacle took place in the city of Lanzhou and a total of fourteen cars suffered under the wrath of Yan Zhenping."
25 Manliest Movies Ever Made
Inglourious Basterds, Brad Pitt, ... | 25 Manliest Movies Ever Made | Summer Entertainment Guide | Photos | EW.com: "Quentin Tarantino's ''Inglourious Basterds'' storms into theaters this weekend, the latest in a line of movies with testosterone in their veins like ''The Magnificent Seven,'' ''Fight Club,'' and ''300''"
Good News from Hollywood!
The World Guarantees GI Joe Sequel - gi joe - io9: "Variety reports the somewhat surprising news that [G. I.] Joe had grossed $91.6 million internationally by this time last week, almost matching the movie's US take of $98.6 million, something which, according to studio Paramount, is definitely a strong enough base from which to launch a franchise."
Write It Anyway
Rachel Brady lives near Alvin and works at NASA, so I'm plugging her contest.
Write It Anyway: "Free books. Free skydives. Final Approach is finally here!
Final Approach was released early (!) and I’m celebrating with a social networking blitz to get the word out. Participate on Twitter, Facebook, at your blog, or by e-mail. Link to this post to be entered to win your choice of:
* A signed copy of Final Approach
* Any other mystery novel (up to $25)
* A free jump (USPA licensed skydivers only. $22 cap.)
* A 1-year subscription to Blue Skies Magazine (US jumpers only.)"
Write It Anyway: "Free books. Free skydives. Final Approach is finally here!
Final Approach was released early (!) and I’m celebrating with a social networking blitz to get the word out. Participate on Twitter, Facebook, at your blog, or by e-mail. Link to this post to be entered to win your choice of:
* A signed copy of Final Approach
* Any other mystery novel (up to $25)
* A free jump (USPA licensed skydivers only. $22 cap.)
* A 1-year subscription to Blue Skies Magazine (US jumpers only.)"
Larry Knechtel, R. I. P.
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Keyboardist Larry Knechtel dies: "Grammy award-winning keyboardist Larry Knechtel, who performed with the likes of Elvis Presley and the Dixie Chicks, has died at the age of 69.[. . . .]
'Larry's resume is a history lesson in great American music all unto itself,' country music band Dixie Chicks wrote on their website.
Knechtel was born in Bell, California, and went on to perform live and record with artists including Ray Charles, The Beach Boys, The Doors, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, Randy Newman, Hank Williams Jr and Elvis Costello."
Hat tip to Scott Cupp.
'Larry's resume is a history lesson in great American music all unto itself,' country music band Dixie Chicks wrote on their website.
Knechtel was born in Bell, California, and went on to perform live and record with artists including Ray Charles, The Beach Boys, The Doors, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, Randy Newman, Hank Williams Jr and Elvis Costello."
Hat tip to Scott Cupp.
Holmes and Bondage
Daylight Noir: Raymond Chandler's Imagined City -- Catherine Corman

I've always thought that Raymond Chandler had one of the best eyes for description in the business. These photos, accompanied by snippets of Chandler's prose (not necessarily descriptive) just reinforce that notion. Looking through this book, I could almost hear Philip Marlowe's shoe heels striking a marble floor. Wonderful browsing, the kind of thing Chandler fans will love to look at. Check it out and you'll see what I mean. (You can see for yourself right here.)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Leonardo Dicaprio - Dicaprio's Shutter Island Postponed Until 2010 - Contactmusic News: "LEONARDO DiCAPRIO's new movie SHUTTER ISLAND has fallen victim to the ongoing financial crisis - its release has been pushed back until next year (10)."
Big River Man
I SWAM THE AMAZON - mirror.co.uk: "He's middle-aged, his ample belly bulges over his Speedos... and he thinks drinking two bottles of wine a day keeps him in shape.
Swimmer Martin Strel would be the first to admit he makes the unlikeliest of athletes.
But the 55-year-old harddrinking Slovenian just happens to be the greatest endurance swimmer in the world... ever."
Great story. I want to see the movie.
Swimmer Martin Strel would be the first to admit he makes the unlikeliest of athletes.
But the 55-year-old harddrinking Slovenian just happens to be the greatest endurance swimmer in the world... ever."
Great story. I want to see the movie.
Yes, Alcohol Was Involved
Conn. police arrest Speedo-wearing robbery suspect - Yahoo! News: "A robbery suspect wearing only a Speedo-style swimsuit was arrested in East Hartford after a police dog tracked him down and bit him on the leg."
They'll Probably Sentence Him Just for Bringing the Bagpiper
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wear | Cart entry for bard theft accused: "A man accused of stealing a Shakespeare folio valued at �3m arrived for a court appearance in a horse drawn carriage.
Raymond Scott, 52, of Wingate, County Durham, was dressed in Highland tartan and was accompanied by a bagpipe player at Durham Crown Court on Friday.
He faces charges relating to the theft of a first folio that went missing from Durham University Library in 1998."
Raymond Scott, 52, of Wingate, County Durham, was dressed in Highland tartan and was accompanied by a bagpipe player at Durham Crown Court on Friday.
He faces charges relating to the theft of a first folio that went missing from Durham University Library in 1998."
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