Saturday, June 02, 2007
Once Again Texas Leads the Way
Top News - Texas Leads Nation in Carbon Emissions - AOL News: "WASHINGTON (June 2) - America may spew more greenhouse gases than any other country, but some states are astonishingly more prolific polluters than others - and it's not always the ones you might expect."
The Carpetbaggers -- Harold Robbins

When I read it in 1962, the book was considered very hot stuff. I believe one reviewer said that it should have been written on a restroom wall rather than published between covers. And it is indeed full of sex: straight sex, gay sex, rough sex, near-incestuous sex, solitary sex, group sex, kinky sex, and probably other kinds of sex that I'm forgetting at the moment. None of it, however, is graphically described. I'm sure that Nightstand Books and others of the time were going farther in that regard than Robbins did.
The book is divided into sections named for the characters. Jonas Cord is the major figure, and he narrates his sections in the first person. Cord was based on Howard Hughes, a fact that was obvious to me even 45 years ago. I'd see The Outlaw and knew the story about Jane Russell and the bra, which is fictionalized in the book.
The section I remembered best was devoted to Nevada Smith. I guess others liked it best, too, because it was made into a movie with Steve McQueen, and even into a TV movie with Cliff Potts. The section is under 100 pages long, but there's enough violence in it to fill a much longer book. No wonder I remembered it. It's the most vivid in the novel. Smith seems to be about 90% fictional, but there are traces of Tom Mix and William Boyd in the character, for sure.
I enjoyed reading the book again. Since it was a historical novel, it's not nearly as dated as you might think. It's still pretty darned good popular entertainment if you like trashy books, which I do. Check it out.
Aside: The first book I read by Robbins was A Stone for Danny Fisher, which I checked out of the library after seeing King Creole and noticing that it was based on Robbins' novel, which it hardly resembles. After The Carpetbaggers, I never read another book by Robbins, and I didn't realize that he kept on cranking them out for so many years. In fact, the books have continued to appear right up to the present, even though Robbins died in 1997. Someone called Junius Podrugg is now sharing credit with Robbins on the covers. The same roman a clef formula seems to be working all these years later.
Buy Mine! Buy Mine!
That's what hundreds of aspiring authors were doing this week at a New York trade fair, and the odds were against them.
Literary agent Peter Miller said there were as many as 15 million wannabe writers in the United States with books to sell."
Friday, June 01, 2007
Paging Jules Verne
Are they searching for Arctic oil reserves? Documenting evidence of climate change?
Not quite. They're looking for a fog-shrouded hole in the Arctic Ocean that leads -- they say -- to the centre of the Earth, where an unknown civilization is lurking inside the hollow core of the planet."
The Results are In
The longest undersea tunnel in the world, which opened in 1994, came seventh in an online poll conducted by Teletext Holidays, while the Sydney Opera House was hailed as the top new wonder of the world.
Second place was given to the Eiffel Tower, which has been visited by more than 200 million visitors since its opening in 1889."
Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality
Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality: "Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing
was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all."
Cue Michael Jackson Singing "Ben"
But historians studying 14th-century court records from Dorset believe they may have uncovered evidence that exonerates them. The parchment records, contained in a recently-discovered archive, reveal that an estimated 50 per cent of the 2,000 people living in Gillingham died within four months of the Black Death reaching the town in October 1348."
"Experts now believe that the Black Death is more likely to have been a viral infection, similar to haemorrhagic fever or ebola, that spread from person to person."
More on Astonishing Adventures
Anyway, keep coming back and enjoy the magazine!
John Donald Carlucci
Thursday, May 31, 2007
It Was 40 Years Ago Today, er, Tomorrow The Beatles' album 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' is 40 years old tomorrow (June 1) - and to celebrate the occasion, we want your thoughts on arguably the most famous album of all time.
The LP was revered on its' 1967 release, both a critical and popular sensation. It was seen as innovative in every possible sense, from the recording techniques to the astonishing cover. Designed by Peter Blake, it featured the band themselves surrounded by cardboard cut-outs of famous people chosen by the band.
Nessie's Back!
New Loch Ness Monster video - "EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) -- Like tartan, bagpipes, and shortbread Scotland's Loch Ness Monster is as much an emblem as a tourist draw.
And now Nessie's back.
An amateur scientist has captured what Loch Ness Monster watchers say is among the finest footage ever taken of the elusive mythical creature reputed to swim beneath the waters of Scotland's most mysterious lake.
'I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this jet black thing, about 45-feet (15 meters) long, moving fairly fast in the water,' said Gordon Holmes, the 55-year-old a lab technician from Shipley, Yorkshire, who took the video this past Saturday.
He said it moved at about 6 mph (10 kph) and kept a fairly straight course.
'My initial thought is it could be a very big eel, they have serpent-like features and they may explain all the sightings in Loch Ness over the years.'
Loch Ness is surrounded by myth and mystery, as it is the largest and deepest inland expanse of water in Britain. About 750 feet (230 meters) to the bottom, it's even deeper than the North Sea."
A Small Gallery of Photos . . .
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
So Close

Don't worry too much about the plot. This is Hong Kong hokum at its best: fast moving, fun to watch, and great to look at. Shu Qi (The Transporter) plays the older sister of the assassin duo and does the killing. Zhao Wei, the younger sister, is the computer geek. You'll want a wrist watch like these two wear after you see the movie. Karen Mok is the relentless cop. Her fight with Shu Qi in a parking garage is just one of many highlights in the movie.
Comparisons with Charlie's Angels are probably inevitable, but while the plot doesn't make any more sense than the ones in the Angels movies, this is a lot more fun. Trust me.
One more thing: the movie did not make me any fonder of the syrupy "Close to You," but you might feel differently. Check it out.
We're from the Government, and We're Here to Help You
State and local governments resumed a push to lobby Congress for far-reaching changes on two different fronts: gaining the ability to impose sales taxes on Net shopping, and being able to levy new monthly taxes on DSL and other connections. One senator is even predicting taxes on e-mail.
At the moment, states and municipalities are frequently barred by federal law from collecting both access and sales taxes. But they're hoping that their new lobbying effort, coordinated by groups including the National Governors Association, will pay off by permitting them to collect billions of dollars in new revenue by next year.
Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in your Hair
San Francisco, Calif, May 29, 2007-- The Summer Of Love 40th Anniversary Concert
announced today the partial listing of the bands and entertainment that have
committed to perform at the free outdoor concert in San Francisco, September 2,
2007. The free event will take place between 10 am and 6 pm at the historic
Golden Gate Park and will celebrate both the music as well as the cultural and
political awakening inspired by the 1967 Summer Of Love.
The artists that have committed to performing at the Summer of Love 40th
Anniversary Concert include: Michael McClure, Ray Manzarek, Canned Heat, Country
Joe McDonald, Sons of Champlin, Nick Gravenite, The Charlatans, Barry Melton, Taj
Mahal, New Riders, Brian Auger, Eric Burdon Dan Hicks, Great Society and David
LaFlamme. Other musicians will be announced.
retroCrush's 100 Scariest Movie Scenes Ever
If this if your first time to this page, welcome! For fun, see how many movies you can identify by just looking at the pictures! Also, before you scold me with, 'How come you didn't include THIS MOVIE?' make sure I really didn't include it.
We're also slowly putting up YouTube clips of each scene to make this an even more kickass feature!"
Will the Persecution Never End?
And thanks to Jeff "Don't Be a Stranger" Meyerson for the link.
Poetry Corner
Who adhered to the doctrines of Calvin
But predestination
Was a source of frustration
And he wondered if his soul was worth salvin'.
Yeah, yeah, I know, but YOU try to find another rhyme for Alvin.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
New Issue of Crime and Suspense Now On-Line
The authors this month are Donna Nowak, with the second installment of her three-part serial, Kim Mallin, Gary R. Hoffman, J.T. Deckard, William G. Schweizer, Robert Wangard and even a story by the editor, Tony Burton. You can read more about all these authors in the Rogues' Gallery on the Crime and Suspense website. And, as authors have indicated that they would like to hear from the readers about the readers' opinions on their stories, we have created email links on the names of each of the authors listed below. Feel free to let the authors know what you think of their work!
Editor Tony Burton gives us his opinion of Elementary, My Dear Watkins by Mindy Starns Clark. Yvonne Battle-Felton tells us all about the novel Fatal Laws by Jim Hansen. Dorinda Ohnstad gives us the lowdown on Tasha Alexander.
Harry Potter Update
Laura Mallory, who argued the popular fiction series is an attempt to indoctrinate children in witchcraft, said she still wants the best-selling books removed and may take her case to federal court.
'I maybe need a whole new case from the ground up,' said Mallory, who was not represented by an attorney at the hearing."
If You're Going to the Exhibition. . .
New York museum recreates Summer of Love (minus the drugs) - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK (AFP) - Forty years after a generation of young Americans turned on, tuned in, and dropped out during the Summer of Love, a New York museum is hoping to recreate the psychedelic intensity of the period.
The exhibition at the Whitney Museum features posters, artwork, light shows, trippy album covers and experimental film from a counter-cultural movement that brought together peace activists, musicians, hippies and artists.
Curator Christoph Grunenberg said he hoped the exhibition would either provide a trip down memory lane or help recreate the 1960s for those who, for various reasons, couldn't remember them."
Hose Monkey -- Tony Spinosa

Hose Monkey is the story of a cop, Joe Serpe, who did the right thing and thus lost everything that mattered to him: his job, his friends, his wife and son. Except his brother. And then his brother, a firefighter, died on 9/11.
So Joe's in a funk. He makes his living as the driver of an oil delivery truck, keeps to himself, and doesn't care much about anything. Then a "hose monkey" at the oil company is murdered, and Joe's drawn into the investigation. He teams up with another retired cop and starts to remember what it was like to have a life.
Hose Monkey is a good book for the summer because the winter scenes will help cool you off. The mystery's complicated, the characters are well-drawn, and the violence (especially toward the end) is unrestrained. You'll care about Joe Serpe, and you'll be rooting for him to find some kind of redemption. Check it out. (Not recommended for cat-lovers.)
Attack of the Beta Males
Monday, May 28, 2007
Book Burning
Mo. man burns books as act of protest - Yahoo! News: "KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Tom Wayne has amassed thousands of books in a warehouse during the 10 years he has run his used book store, Prospero's Books.
His collection ranges from best sellers, such as Tom Clancy's 'The Hunt for Red October' and Tom Wolfe's 'Bonfire of the Vanities,' to obscure titles, like a bound report from the Fourth Pan-American Conference held in Buenos Aires in 1910. But when he wanted to thin out the collection, he found he couldn't even give away books to libraries or thrift shops; they said they were full.
So on Sunday, Wayne began burning his books in protest of what he sees as society's diminishing support for the printed word."
Bruno Fischer
From Ed Gorman
Johnathon Schaech as Aaron Tyler
Lori Heuring as Jan Tyler
Loren Dean as Curtis Wilcox
Judy Reyes as Detective Patterson
Based on the novel by: Ed Gorman
Screenplay by: Johnathon Schaech and Richard Chizmar
Director: Tim McCann NY Times called him one of the best new indie directors
Producer: Bruce Devan
Executive Producer: Jordan Gertner
Plot Summary:
Four friends discover and accidentally kill a burglar -- who may not be alone -- in the kitchen during their weekly poker night.
Status: Filming commences 30th May 2007
Availability: TBA
Because of Winn-Dixie -- Kate DiCamillo

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Memorial Day
The Most Reprinted Authors and Stories in Mystery Anthologies
San Francisco, Happy Birthday to Your Golden Gate!
But the Golden Gate Bridge, which opened to pedestrians 70 years ago today -- at 6 a.m. on May 27, 1937 -- is more than an international icon in burnished red. To the 200 people who work on the bridge, taking tolls, painting cables, replacing steel and providing security, it is a paycheck first. An honor second."
It's in the Bag

The plot is just a device to give Allen an excuse to get into a lot of situations ranging from the absurd to the more absurd. The logic of movies is pretty much tossed out the window, and the fourth wall not so much shattered as ignored. (Characters address the audience and even ask for directions.) One thing I particularly liked was the villainous lawyer John Carradine's hair, which appears to be especially coiffed to accommodate his top hat. Yes, he wears a top hat. And a cape. Plays the organ, too.
It would be futile to try to explain why this movie's funny. If you've ever heard Allen's radio show, you might have some idea, but not a very good one. You have to see this to believe it. Check it out.
A Couple of Birthdays to Celebrate
Gator Update
United Press International - NewsTrack - Quirks - Alligator on the lam in Philadelphia pond: "PHILADELPHIA, May 26 (UPI) -- An alligator spotted in a Philadelphia park pond remained at large after eluding a reptile hunter who found no trace of the creature.
The popular Haddonfield's Hopkins Pond and surrounding park were reopened Friday even though a Boston gator tracker and two Pennsylvania Department of Fish and Wildlife officials found no trace of the 3-foot-plus reptile a county ranger swears he saw in the water May 11."
DVD Update: 20 Million Miles to Earth

20 Million Miles to Earth gets 50th Anniversary Edition in July - DVD: "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment marks the half-century milestone of one of the earliest films by stop-motion animation genius Ray Harryhausen with the July 31 debut of 20 Million Miles to Earth: 50th Anniversary Edition. The two-disc DVD will be available for a suggested retail price of $24.95.
The film, which depicts the destruction of Rome by a reptile from the planet Venus, was directed by Nathan Juran (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, First Men ‘in’ the Moon) and stars William Hopper (The Bad Seed) and Joan Taylor (Earth Vs. the Flying Saucers). In addition to the pristine, digitally-restored black & white original, the classic film will now be available in a newly colorized version supervised by Harryhausen himself.
In a recent interview, Harryhausen said “I am thrilled that this film is finally being seen in color. I had wanted to do the film in color in the 1950s, but our budget was not large enough to accommodate that luxury. Now, thanks to the marvelous advances made in the colorization process by San Diego’s Legend Films and others, audiences will be able to see 20 Million Miles to Earth as I originally intended.”"