Friday, January 11, 2008

When Bikers Meet Humans: A Review

When Bikers Meet Humans: "Though newly published, J. J. Solari's collection of eighteen stories, When Bikers Meet Humans, has already been marked for public immolation by a variety of civic-minded groups. JJ writes in the Rabelaisian tradition by way of Charles Bukowski, and if you don't find something to offend you in the first few pages, you're probably reading with your eyes closed."

The review is not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect to find on a site devoted to The Mickey Mouse Club, but it's complete and accurate. I've just finished reading the second story in the book, "Dogging It," and if I thought the first story was a test, it was merely part one. "Dogging It" is the tale of a masked (and caped) biker who's killing dogs. The descriptions are graphic. The terrible thing is that I laughed, especially at the end of a comment by a cop about the difference between killing humans and killing dogs and why, while nobody cares about the humans, everybody cares about the dogs. You might be surprised at how the entire comment changes your ideas about the story. I was.


Anonymous said...

Satire is supposed to be mean. Joe

mybillcrider said...

Works for me.