Sunday, January 06, 2008

Texas Crime Update

Angletown is about 20 miles from Alvin. It's the county seat of Brazoria County.

Angleton man dies in police custody after eating bag of crack | - Houston Chronicle: "ANGLETON, Texas — An Angleton man who was being booked into the Brazoria County Jail on drug possession charges died after eating what authorities say was a bag of crack.

William Yendis Franklin, 28, was taken to the county jail on Thursday after a Texas state trooper arrested him on a charge of possession of a controlled substance. As Franklin undressed for a body search during the booking process, he reached into his underwear and pulled out a small bag, officials said.

Franklin, whose handcuffs had been removed so he could undress, had been cooperative, said Brazoria County Sheriff's Lt. Russ Baker. Two officers were in the room at the time.

Franklin chewed on the bag, then pulled the empty bag from his mouth, Baker said. Franklin was taken by ambulance to Angleton-Danbury Hospital, where he died in the emergency room."

1 comment:

Cap'n Bob said...

Please forward to the Darwin Awards committee.