Sunday, December 27, 2015

The secret to a happier, healthier life

The secret to a happier, healthier life: Just retire


Deb said...

Presuming you have enough money to see you out, sure. I'm currently working with an 80-year-old who did "retire-rehire" because she couldn't make it on her pension check (in all fairness, she's supporting a number of grandchildren) and a 68-year-old who retired after 25 years with a national company only to discover that his projected pension benefits were cut in half. So, unless I win the lottery, I'm assuming I'm in the workplace for the long haul.

mybillcrider said...

That's what's happening to more and more people, I think. I'm lucky that I'm a wealthy author.

Jeff Meyerson said...

Well, duh. Of course, we're fortunate in that we're taking in more money since Jackie retired than when she was working, hard as that is to believe.

Don Coffin said...

I retired in 2012...and immediately started accepting part-time teaching gigs. Not for the money (you have no idea how poorly p-t teaching pays--well, I'm sure Bill knows, as he probably hired p-t people back in his department chair days). I do it because I'm crazy.

mybillcrider said...

I hope it pays better than when I was hiring. I was almost embarrassed to offer people the jobs.