Monday, January 18, 2016

I Want to Believe!

Daily Mail Online: So, is Sean Penn really a CIA agent?


Deb said...

This whole El Chappo/Sean Penn thing is so strange, at this point I'd believe almost anything.

mybillcrider said...

It's like a bad '70s action movie but with no chicks in halter tops.

Jeff Meyerson said...

Wasn't there already a movie like that with De Niro (can't remember in which role) or possibly John Malkovich? If not, there should have been.

Actually, Sean made a movie (supposedly based on a true story) called THE FALCON & THE SNOWMAN where he and Timothy Hutton sold secrets to the Russians, maybe in Mexico City. (Or was that Lee Harvey Oswald?) Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.

Bill, it sounds like El Chapo had sexual dysfunction surgery while on the run and he definitely had the hots for Mexican telenovela actress Kate del Castillo, definitely a halter top-type of gal.

mybillcrider said...

She'd be great in the movie.

I read THE FALCON & THE SNOWMAN about 30 years ago. Never saw the movie, though.

Jeff Meyerson said...

The book was better, but it had it's moments.

Deb said...

And David Bowie did one of the FALCON & SNOWMAN songs, THIS IS NOT AMERICA. Pretty good song, although not one of his better-known ones.