I think I know this one. . . "I decided that I'd like to open the package one more time. I think that I need a card with my name to put with the wallet..."
"Bwuh - bwuh - waaaah! They say that the customer is always right! Well, all right! As a customer - You are a real jerk!"
In words appropriate to the Season: "Jee-zus!"
My own personal favorite is the JACK BENNY episode in the Department Store.
I think I know this one. . . "I decided that I'd like to open the package one more time. I think that I need a card with my name to put with the wallet..."
"Bwuh - bwuh - waaaah! They say that the customer is always right! Well, all right! As a customer - You are a real jerk!"
Benny's radio show did multiple variations on that over the years...Mel Blanc usually his most distraught foil...
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