Monday, November 30, 2015

The Ultimate Crowdsourced Map of Punny Businesses in America

The Ultimate Crowdsourced Map of Punny Businesses in America


Don Coffin said...

Five from Indianapolis:

Rolling In The Dough (a breakfast place/bakery)
Hot Box Pizza (explained thusly: "Hot Box is something stoners do when smoking in an enclosed space, and subsequently get the munchies... It can also be sexual, no explanation necessary...Lastly it's a hot box containing hot pizza." Also very bad pizza.)
Aesop's Tables (really good sandwiches)
Bokay Florist (which might just be someone who can't spell)
Bark Tudor School for Dogs (here, the pun is that there's an exclusive private school in Indy called Park Tudor)

mybillcrider said...

I particularly like Aesop's Tables.

Cap'n Bob said...

There's a place on South Tacoma Way called BO KAY'S and every time I'd see the sign I thought it was BOOK's with an O missing.