Wednesday, March 02, 2011

No Comment Department

This 26-Year-Old Is Making Millions Cutting Out Traditional Publishers With Amazon Kindle: "Welcome to disruption. 26-year old Amanda Hocking is the best-selling 'indie' writer on the Kindle store, meaning she doesn't have a publishing deal, Novelr says.

And she shouldn't. She gets to keep 70% of her book sales -- and she sells around 100,000 copies per month. By comparison, it's usually thought that it takes a few tens of thousands of copies sold in the first week to be a New York Times bestselling writer."


Anonymous said...

Wow. So then, Jack MacLane must be making a mint, right?


mybillcrider said...

That's how I'm paying the lawn service. And my private plane, and . . . .

Gerard said...

...your goddesses?