Monday, December 13, 2010

The Twelve Days of Bookmas -- Day 9 #12daysbooks

Don't forget about the big contest at BookEnds. If you know the answer, click on the link and leave your answer in the comments to win free books. Or just click on the link to show the agents that I'm a power in the blogosphere. Another incentive is that one of my clues led to the winner the other day. Here's today's puzzle, followed by my clue.

I feel really lucky that I’m working a job I don’t just love, but have a real passion for. When I think back to the girl who smuggled novels behind textbooks in class or spent Saturday mornings with a book instead of cartoons, I think that girl should work in publishing. Lucky for her she does. In fact, I’m that person who says that if I win the lottery I would still work, because what else could I possibly do that I love more?

When I really think about it, though, if I had to give up publishing, there is one job I would like to consider doing, although I don’t know that I’d truly have the patience for it. What is that job?

My clue: Nom nom nom.

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