Monday, December 27, 2010

No Comment Department

Make it on a computer and they will come: "It's official: realism is dead in movies, at least at the big bucks end. Not one of the world's top 10 grossing films this year represents the world we live in, from Toy Story 3 - the first animated film to take more than $US1 billion - to Tim Burton's partially animated Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter 7, Shrek 4, Twilight 3 or Iron Man 2.

The closest to realism was Christopher Nolan's topsy-turvy puzzle game Inception - the point of which was to subvert the real. Each top 10 grosser was made wholly or partly on a computer."


Smol Dusaran said...

I even found "Inception" a bit bazaar, but yes, it's as close to realism compared to talking Barbie dolls and angry stuffed animals.

eczema girl said...

i guess you are right. moviegoers nowadays thinks that real life based movies are boring. so they would get into sci-fi and computer generated movies with great effects that would make the awe.