Monday, March 08, 2010

Anthony Neil Smith Has a Plea

Crimedog One: PLEA FROM A TOWN WITH NO BOOKSTORE: "Finally, though, our wish for a new bookstore is about to come true. SMSU's S.I.F.E. (Students in Free Enterprise) are coming to the rescue. They, along with the SMSU Accounting Club, are opening a new non-profit used bookstore in our city. All of the profit will go to scholarships at Southwest. A good cause for a good school.

Now, I'm betting I can get some interesting book donations from you folks if you're willing to pack 'em into a box and mail them on. Nice to have some variety, see. And I'm eager for this place to succeed wildly. So how about it? For a good cause? Let's help give these folks some books.

If you ship them to Accounting Club/New Bookstore, SMSU, 1501 State St., Marshall, MN, 56258, that should do it. I'm really stoked and just want the joint packed with a great variety of titles."

1 comment:

Gerard Saylor said...

I read you can get copies of Hogdoggin' for cheap.