Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Keep off Their Lawns!

Study: Old Men Stay Frisky Longer | NBC Chicago: "In the battle of the sexes, men are the winners.

Women may live longer, but dudes pack more sex into their shorter lives and they remain randy until much later in life, according to a new University of Chicago study published in the British Medical Journal."


Todd Mason said...

Old men can still be fertile, which probably has some bearing...also, old women are often better looking than old men, which might have some bearing in the other direction. Admittedly, the latter is a relatively unrigorously pursued opinion, from a man falling apart in middle age.

Jerry House said...

Some good news at last!

Jerry House said...

I don't think this has anything to do with old men or sex, but the wv is "fartabl"

Todd Mason said...

Evocative of something, tho'.