Pleshette, whose career included roles in such films as Hitchcock's 'The Birds' and in Broadway plays including 'The Miracle Worker,' died of respiratory failure Saturday evening at her Los Angeles home, said her attorney Robert Finkelstein, also a family friend."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
How sad. Always thought she brought some spunk to the traditional wife role on TV sitcoms. And just after Tom Poston.
Sorry to hear this. I thought she was great as Emily Hartley and liked her in everything else she was in, too.
In the better episodes of TBNS, she was the first recurring wife character in US tv I can recall to be a true partner, as opposed to a Lucy Ricardo-style subordinate to some degree or another.
In the supermarket checkout line yesterday, I could see the big ugly tabloids were going on about her "last hours." Too bad they were right.
Suzanne Pleshette was great on TBNS and of course, the finale of Newhart was fantastic. Seeing her lift up off that pillow was the best way to end that series-I'm so glad she was willing to do it.
She and Tom Poston both are a great loss to the tv world.
A world class beauty and another victim of smoking. Take heed, America.
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