Monday, November 26, 2007

Who Among Us Hasn't Felt Like Doing This?

Commissioner arrested after pulling out gun - 11/26/2007 - "Miramar City Commissioner Fitzroy Salesman, who was arrested for pointing a semiautomatic gun in a Winn-Dixie, causing shoppers to scurry in fear, seemed to be in a sour mood that night because the self-checkout line wasn't open, according to a cashier.

The cashier said Salesman was apparently so peeved at having to stand in line with other Thanksgiving eve shoppers, he showed his business card to another cashier and said, ``Do you know who I am? I will shut this b**** down.''"


Anonymous said...

It's one thing to be so angry about being in a checkout line that you want to pull out a gun and ram it into a cashier's forhead and make her open a new checkstand. That's normal. It's quite another thing to be so pompously self righteous and so filled with the majesty and honor of being a bureaucrat that you cannot lower yourself to being in line with the people who pay your salary and who are working hard to keep you in a fat, lazy, slothful state. I hope they execute the elitist bastard.

Anonymous said...

He's a comic-book villain...The Salesman, no less. Bitten by a radioactive storemouse (sic), endowed with titanic temper and ego...

mybillcrider said...

I agree, jj, and I like that comic-book villain idea, too, Todd.

Anonymous said...

Hey, cut the guy some slack: he's a parasite tax-supported lesion living on the backs of working stiffs, he's entitled to a little stress-relieving episode of rage once in a while. Besides, he hadn't been in trouble with the cops for a while and probably felt antsy to keep his hand in. So he waves a pistol around, kinda ta let peopl know he's still in the game and not a potentate-in-a-teapot to be trifled with. It's just a good thing Joe Horn wasn't in the store, otherwise the Dustmite Dynasty Deity would be in a tax-supported refrigerated stainless steel drawer