Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tabloid roundup

Tabloid roundup: Obama's real birth certificate, a spy in the White House, murder charges for an aging star, and more!


Jeff Meyerson said...

They want to believe!

I'm sure the majority of their readers are the ones quoted today as saying that the health care debacle was everyone but Trump's fault.

Jeff Meyerson said...

But they missed out on Angelina's deathbed and Jennifer Aniston's "pregnancy" this month.

Jerry House said...

Wait. The stories in these tabloids are not true? Whoa. That means that woman did not give birth to a frog!

Deb said...

I used to like perusing the tabloids (no judgment please): best/worst beach bodies, who's gay, aging stars' sad last days, dead stars' secrets that they took to their graves, etc. Now they're wall-to-wall pro-Trump and I can't even stand to look at them while I'm standing in the checkout line.