Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Alvin Leads the Way!

High school play canceled due to sensitive subject matter: Alvin Independent School District said the subject matter involved in the play called "The Wondrous Strange" was too mature for high school students and younger kids.


Patrick Murtha said...

"References to death" are not "in alignment with the values of our district and community." Oh, I see. Good luck with Shakespeare, then. In fact, they had better scour their entire literature curriculum, and what will be left when they are done is a poem or two about flowers. They had also better leave off teaching history altogether.

Seriously, reports like this are depressing.

Deb said...

Good Lord! These are high school students--some of them are probably already legal adults. By all means, let it be known that the subject matter may not be appropriate for younger children, but for high schoolers, subjects like death and suicide need to be openly discussed.

I also second Patrick's comment. And has no one read the Bible?


Jeff Meyerson said...

Only certain portions of it, Deb, like Trump only reading the Second Amendment (minus the first clause).

God forbid we let high schoolers hear about suicide.

Rick Robinson said...

It changed "parent" to "print"

Deb said...

I thought it was a euphemism!

Don Coffin said...

I'm trying to figure out what the play actually is. There's a play by that name which had its premiere at the Actor's Theater of Louisville (review here:

It's also the first in a series of books about a teenage actress in New York (http://www.lesleylivingston.com/books/wondrous-strange-series/), which has not, to the best of my ability to google, been turned into a play.

Or is it something else?

The reviews of the play certainly don't suggest that there'd be any reason to think a cast of high schoolers, or an audience, would be scandalized or traumatized...and even if they would be, so the f*&k what?

mybillcrider said...

We're talking small town Texas here. This could happen anywhere in the state, though.