Monday, May 16, 2016

I Missed an Anniversary

I can't believe I forgot about this, but January marked 35 years since the publication of The Coyote Connection, the Nick Carter novel I wrote in collaboration with the late Jack Davis.  It's notable mainly for the serious screwup with a name in the first several pages, but that's a story for another time.

Here's a link to the post I wrote on the 30th anniversary of the book's publication.

Here's the picture of me and Jack and Judy at our publication party.

And finally, here's a link to a little walk down Memory Lane.


Jeff Meyerson said...

I was thinking about THE COYOTE CONNECTION during the recent "first books" FFB thing, and I remembered that name screw-up. (And then there was the time the book jacket person called "Blacklin County" by the wrong name on one of the Sheriff Rhodes books, but let's not go there.)

35 years. Wow. Just checked, and I read it 10/2/81. Of course, I knew Bill through DAPA-EM from the late 1970s, but met in person for the first time at the Washington Bouchercon in 1980.

God, we're old.

mybillcrider said...

Old, but . . . okay, just old.

Tom Johnson said...

Darn, I missed that one. I'll have to find a copy. It's never to late.

Rick Robinson said...

What a great post. I came in on the end of all the fanzine stuff, a late arrival to cons, with the second Anaheim LCC, and to 'zines with MDM and then DAPA. Never read a Nick Carter, either, though I used to see them in the used book stores when there were such about.

Jerry House said...

35 years. Wow. I'm gonna bake a cake.

Cap'n Bob said...

Wow! Have you done anything since?

mybillcrider said...

I've been blocked.

Dan said...

An auspicious beginning to a delightful career.

Don Coffin said...

And readily available used! [Sadly, not still IP (in print; in pixels, take your pick).] And it's on its was to me...

mybillcrider said...

You'll regret it.