Tuesday, March 08, 2016

The Dandy Suit that America Banned and Caused a Riot

The Dandy Suit that America Banned and Caused a Riot


Deb said...

I knew nothing about this until I saw a show in the 1980s called, appropriately enough, ZOOT SUIT. Although the parallels aren't exact, you can see some similarities between the way the establishment responded to zoot suits and how they respond today to say baggy/saggy pants.

Don Coffin said...

I read Thomas Sanchez's The Zoot Suit Murders when it first came out (1978); it appears that his other books are not (particularly) mysteries. This one, though, is terrific, and is still in print.

Don Coffin said...

A nice, pretty balanced article at the link, btw.

mybillcrider said...

I read that book back in the late '70s, too, Don, and I agree. Good stuff.