Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today's Vintage Ad


Don Coffin said...

Who remembers roller skating rinks? One of my first dates ever...and, boy, was it a disaster...

mybillcrider said...

I remember them well. Judy was an excellent skater. I could barely walk, much less skate.

The Unreal McCoy said...

When I was sixteen I worked floor security for the matinees at a Lakefront resort roller rink. After the day session I was allowed to freestyle for an hour and I learned all the dances, jumps, spins, etc. At night all the teenage girls from the campgrounds and summer cottages would come in to skate. Most of the guys who followed them in couldn't even stand up on skates. I was a very sought after young man back in those days.

mybillcrider said...

Ah, if only I had been better coordinated . . . .

Unknown said...

Spent some happy hours there in my youth...