Sunday, June 28, 2015

Vintage Treasures

The Sioux Spaceman by Andre Norton / And Then the Town Took Off by Richard Wilson


Rick Robinson said...

Black Gate is a daily blog stop for me these days.

mybillcrider said...


lastromantic49 said...

I always like reading about the old Ace Doubles. Very fond memories of them. Of course, they were part of my early intro to SF as well. My mother was a voracious reader, something I inherited apparently. I'd visit her a couple of times a year when I was young and would always return with a sack or box of paperbacks she'd finished. The lion's share of them were SF with a few mysteries.
I don't read so much SF anymore, it's hard to recapture that (cliche alert) sense of wonder.

Cap'n Bob said...

I read The Sioux Spaceman, but in a single edition.