Monday, January 25, 2010

If You're in a Giving Mood, . . .

. . .read this:

The Outfit: A Collective of Chicago Crime Writers: Eleanor


Jerry House said...

This news hit Kitty and me hard.

We meet Eleanor several times (too) many years ago. She is a beautiful, gracious, wonderful lady and a helluva writer. We loved how she would put a real-life person who contributed to the local Waukegan orchestra into her books (I don't remember whether it was via auction or from donor names drawn from a lottery). Because of the person she is (unlike many who would just stick a name in their book), Eleanor took the time to meet the people and get to know them so they could become "real" characters.

She is the epitome of class and a delight to talk to.

My check will be on the way as soon as I get an address from Libby.

mybillcrider said...

I agree, Jerry. I was on a panel with her years ago, and she was a delight.