Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Game's Afoot!

Sherlock Holmes and a new twist in game narrative | Technology | "To lead up to the release of Guy Ritchie's idiosyncratic Sherlock Holmes interpretation, Warner Bros has commissioned a fascinating co-operative experience entitled 221B. Accessed via Facebook Connect, it's a sort of Myst-style graphical adventure, in which players must solve a series of crimes by reading witness reports, analysing evidence, interrogating suspects and occasionally chasing shadowy ne'er-do-wells through alleyways in Flash minigames.

The really clever bit is that when you sign-up, you select whether you want to play as Holmes or Watson, then nominate a friend to take on the other role – both players need to work together as they'll receive different clue elements; Watson isn't privy to the crime scene data while Holmes doesn't have the stomach for interrogations."

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