Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is Nothing Sacred?

British victory at Agincourt may be punctured by academia - The Denver Post: ". . . Agincourt's status as perhaps the greatest victory against overwhelming odds in military history has been called into doubt by a group of historians in Britain and France who have painstakingly combed an array of military and tax records from that time and now take a skeptical view of the numbers handed down by medieval chroniclers.

The historians have concluded that the English could not have been outnumbered by more than about two to one. And depending on how the math is carried out, Henry might have faced something closer to an even fight, said Anne Curry, a professor at the University of Southampton who is leading the study."


Kevin R. Tipple said...

First, they messed with the planets. Now this. Some folks need to leave well enough alone.

mybillcrider said...

You got that right. I believe in the Liberty Valence approach. Print the legend.

Deb said...

So, instead of "we happy few" it should be "we happy fairly-evenly matched multitude"? Oh, that will never fly.

Gerard said...

Bernard Cornwell must be in a snit.