Saturday, June 20, 2009

Seven Years of College Down the Drain

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Schools to rethink 'i before e': "The spelling mantra 'i before e except after c' is no longer worth teaching, according to the government.

Advice sent to teachers says there are too few words which follow the rule and recommends using more modern methods to teach spelling to schoolchildren."


Rick Robinson said...

shr letz let spellng evolv an not hav ani ruels. Grate eyedea, esspeceli 4 twitheds an the lyk.

Now I want to hear more about those more modern techniques. Isn't there a saying that "the exceptions make the rule"?


Cap'n Bob said...

That saying is uncorrectly used, Rick. It was originally "The exception proves the rule," but the word proves meant tests, or challenges.

As for the new, improved teaching method, I'm amazed they want to teach spelling at all these days. Seems like asking a kid to spell correctly might damage his self-esteem.

Hey, what happened to JJ Scolari? You still there, JJ? I miss your comments.

Jerry House said...

Cap'n, they don't want to teach spelling -- at least at my local school system. Evidently, they don't think it's important. Why learn to spell when no one else can?

Rick Robinson said...

Thanks, Cap'n, you're correct on all counts. I used my memory instead of checking. My bad. I still think correct spelling is important.