Unsatisfying Sex Life Leads to Silverdale Woman's Meltdown : Code 911 : Kitsap Sun: "Highly intoxicated and dissatisfied with her sex life, a 28-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday for stealing her husband's wallet and later assaulting the deputy who booked her into jail.
The meltdown, which deputies witnessed along with the couple's 3- and 4-year-old children, started when the husband, 24, had told his wife they had three hours to quit smoking, drinking, swearing and engaging in some sex acts because 'they were going to be good Christians now,' the woman said."
Ah, yes, Romans has that passage about how a Good Xian is a miserable Xian...
I'm still laughing. Don't know why, but the quitting all that to "be good Christians" was a major kick to my funny bone.
I love the way Fundy Xians tell me that if I don't believe the "Truth" they've discovered, I'm going to burn in hell and am blinded by Satan in not seeing it (as are all the scholars and scholarship that criticizes their childish beliefs). Yet they get offended when I tell them that it takes a lot of willful ignorance and a immature mind to believe the Bible is God's literal truth.
I sent this to my mother-in-law who says she doesn't belong to a cult as she only answered two, based on what she and her husband have said over the years I got 17 and my wife 16. I was fair and answered no to any I wasn't sure they agreed to.
Interesting questionnaire, Doc. I'm a preacher so you'd think I would score higher than three. Also interesting is the fact that I know people of my own faith background who would be much closer to 100% -- which is probably where this guy is. Sad misconception of what a "Good Christian" is.
Silverdale is only about 40 minutes away. This sounds like a job for Superbob!
Yes, she needs you, Cap'n.
Wasn't it nice of him to decide that for her. He's lucky she just stole his wallet...
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