Saturday, November 17, 2007

Croc Update (Gourmet Edition)

Thanks to Jeff Meyerson for the tasty link.

I’m a Celebrity: Janice Dickinson refuses to eat a crocodile penis | Showbiz Gossip, Showbiz News, Entertainment News - Showbiz Spy: "Tastebuds were put to the test as campers took on the challenge of eating jungle delicacies including crocodile penis and eyes in ITV reality show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Janice Dickinson, the world’s first supermodel, lost the test to chef John Burton Race who won his team their first meal since bungee jumping their way into the Australian jungle on Monday.

The culinary genius forced down crocodile penis, a witchetty grub, which he likened to eating an oyster and two crocodile eyes.

He said: “They are so tough. They really grind your tongue. “When you crush down on them there’s this massive explosion in your mouth. They’re quite salty.”

Dickinson passed on eating crocodile penis and crickets but managed to force down mullet guts."


Anonymous said...

Bill; your obsession with Paris Hilton seems to be finding expression through other stories. I think you know what I am talking about as it is expecially evident in this particular item. Just thought I'd mention it. Is this a road you want to travel down? The penis-eating road? At the end of this tunnel is the Dooda Parade. A fixation with showtunes. Sweaters. Rare and exotic spices in the pantry. Gourmet treats in extremely small jars. Color coordinating your wardrobe on a daily basis. Shall I go on?

mybillcrider said...

Best you don't go on. I'm going to reform. I promise.

Cap'n Bob said...

Tell hre it tastes like a producer. She'll gobble it right up.