Monday, July 11, 2016

Was Philip K. Dick a Madman or a Mystic?

Was Philip K. Dick a Madman or a Mystic?


Tom Johnson said...

I think he was merely spaced out most of the time.

Deb said...

Why not both?

/I think he had untreated (most of the time) mental illness which he self-medicated with drugs and alcohol. I seem to remember in one bio I read, he said something like the only difference between him and a local homeless woman was that he had money.

George said...

I agree with Deb. Philip K. Dick, like many people with mental health issues, self-medicated with drugs and alcohol. Between his mental state and the side-effects of drugs, you can see how PKD's work got wackier and wackier.

Don Coffin said...

I think Jeff is right. These are not mutually exclusive categories (a term I learned in my logic course, and have found frequent use for ever since. E.g., "Donald Trump. Fraud or idiot?")