Saturday, July 16, 2016

'The Catcher in the Rye' Turns 65 Today

'The Catcher in the Rye' Turns 65 Today 


Deb said...

And over-praise for THE CATCHER IN THE RYE turns 65 tomorrow.

Mike Stamm said...

Agreed. I really disliked that book when I read it almost 50 years ago--when I was a couple years younger than Holden Caulfield--and I've never had occasion to change my mind. It is one of the most overrated books in American literary history.

Steve Oerkfitz said...

It's not my all time favorite but I like Catcher in the Rye. It sure beats having to read Silas Marner and Ethan Frome. Two books that can drive teenagers away from reading.

Don Coffin said...

I loved that book when I was 14 (1962). I found it unreadable when I tried to re-read it about 10 years ago.