Sunday, March 09, 2014


Edgar Rice Burroughs, Llana of Gathol, Ballantine, 1963


Tom Johnson said...

Ah, the first Mars book I read by ERB. While in France in 1963 I checked out the hardback from the Post library. What a wonderful treat. I recognized John Carter right away, after all, I had read his comic book in the early 1950s (G).

mybillcrider said...

Those comic books were my first glimpse of John Carter. There's a hardback collection of them that I bought a couple of years ago. Great nostalgia.

Tom Johnson said...

Is the hardback available on Amazon? Any idea how I can find it? (G)

mybillcrider said...

It's available on abebooks. John Carter of Mars, the Jesse Marsh Years is the title.

Tom Johnson said...


James Reasoner said...

I didn't encounter the comic book version of John Carter until after I'd read all the books, but I recall enjoying it. This is the edition of LLANA OF GATHOL I brought brand-new and read all those years ago.

George said...

Boy, does this book bring back a lot of memories! Love the cover on this Mars novel, too!