Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Robert Silverberg on Libraries

Read it here:  Reflections


George said...

Robert Silverberg's library experiences parallel my own. My parents took me and my siblings to the public library on a weekly basis. There were always books and magazines in our house. I read the TOM SWIFT, RICK BRANT, and HARDY BOYS series. DC comic books became my first big collecting obsession. I'm still involved in the public library today as a user and a financial benefactor.

Bud said...

RS can always be counted on for a good "reflection". My parents were not readers and neither encouraged nor discouraged my reading. Got my intro to SF&F, Westerns & mathematics from a small stone built Library in Pecos, Texas. Remember reading "A Princess of Mars", Zane Grey's "30,000 on the Hoof" and, of all things, Olaf Stapledon's "The Starmaker"! That Library building is long gone, but what a treasure it was for me!

mybillcrider said...

That's an eclectic reading list!

Bud said...

Well, I just wandered around the Library picking up what looked interesting to me. The stereotypical little old lady librarian thought "The Starmaker" was a textbook on astronomy, but she was nice and gave me the run of the place. I was only 9 or 10, but those books make a big emotional impact on me.