Monday, August 20, 2012

Reviewing Books

Today while reading this post on John Scalzi's blog, I thought about my own policy about book reviewing.  I think I've said before that I read a lot of books that I don't review, or at least I start reading them.  I don't finish all of them.  Anyway, the ones I comment on here are mostly the ones I like.  I'm not here to warn you about some a book I don't care for.  You might read it and love it, just as you might not like something that I like.  A move comes to mind (Joe and the Volcano).   

My PimPage is a little different.  It's devoted to books that look interesting to me or that I've read and enjoyed but don't feel up to writing much about.  My contributions to Friday's Forgotten Books are different, too.  If I read something for that project, I feel obligated to comment, but I try to pick things I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy.  

So I'll keep right on with the reviews, but only of stuff I care about and want to promote a little.  I'm overwhelmed with books to read, and review copies come in all the time.  I do what I can.


Charles Gramlich said...

I get overwhelmed myself so I can imagine it must be worse for you.

Charlieopera said...

Ditto, Mr. Crider. When I'm not reading for school, I try and read one to one (crime to literary) and if I like a book, I'll review it. If it isn't to my taste, I'll pass ... but my reviews should be thought no more or less important than any other reviewers. They are the opinion of ONE reader and just like a donut, they are either of my taste or not. Except for the obvious influence of a NY Times review for an author, I don't believe any single review is any more or less important or "worthy" than any other, whether it's the NY Times or the Canarsie Courier. The experience, articulation, etc. of any given review makes the review no more or less objective than any other. Just because reviewer A says it's good or great or garbage means nothing more than review A's opinion. In the end, it'll be the reader (individually) who decide what he/she likes ...

Randy Johnson said...

I'm with you on this one. I feel no need to comment on books I don't like because the next fellow might think it's the greatest thing ever written. I'm not so full of myself that I think my word is law.

Jerry House said...

I tend to review books with my fanboy hat on, knowing all too well that those that appeal to me may not appeal to others. I do try to make this clear in my posts and I like to share the good stuff.

Ronald Tierney said...

I do a review of sorts every once in awhile on my blog. I use the criteria you use here. It's especially important in my case because I don't have the depth of reading experience that many reviewers, like you and your fellow reviewers at Deadly Pleasures have. So, i my case it is not only just my opinion, but it is a less informed one. For that reason I try to keep judgments to myself, but an opinion does sneak in from time to time.

Anonymous said...

So Bill, does that mean you're retracting your remarks on Stephenie Meyer?



mybillcrider said...

I said "mostly" the ones I like.